Windows Issues Remain Unresolved
2019 RESCUECOM Computer Repair Report for Microsoft Windows
Posted on 03/04/19 08:32 AM EST
SYRACUSE, N.Y., March 4, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Most of us use Windows in our PCs or laptops, generally Windows 10.
No matter how many updates Microsoft issues to fix problems, the new version causes more problems, including loss of data, boot screen, the dreaded Blue Screen of Death, and printer connectivity trouble, and it is sometimes the latest automatic update Windows has downloaded to your computer causing your newest issue.
Windows 10 has been out for over three years now, so you would think there has been plenty of time to figure out any problems it has caused. The problem with this thinking is most prevailing or new trouble occurs because Windows 10 updates are and always have been flawed. It is nearly impossible to avoid the necessity of calling on Microsoft Certified computer repair service for Windows-related issues.
As one of millions using the most common operating system, what do you do? Firstly, you can avoid unexpected restarts for updates by choosing to install them manually in settings or having them download when you will not be using your computer for a long period in case of a stall or failed download attempt. If you have issues with an update, it is easy to inform Microsoft via the Feedback Hub. Contacting support or searching Microsoft's support forums can help, but getting computer repair near you will help if you cannot find a solution.
Sometimes you need to update old software to work with Windows 10, which is a simple problem with a simple solution.
If you are installing a new version of Windows, it is vital to ensure your computer has the space and power to run it. It is possible if you are using an older computer it will not have the processing power necessary to operate Windows 10. In those cases, you will need to use an older version of Windows or choose another operating system. There are actually a number to choose from including Linux, Chrome OS, and nearly a dozen others readily available and free for users. In most cases, however, using an older version of Windows is by far the easiest route to take.
Upgrading from an older version of Windows can cause issues with a touchpad-enabled laptop. You can find mouse and touchpad settings in the "devices" section of settings, and selecting "additional mouse options" will bring up a window allowing you to re-enable the touchpad. If not, you will need to update the driver.
Unfortunately for those with a traditional laptop or PC, Microsoft optimized Windows 10 for touchscreens, so those with tablets and 2-in-1s are getting the best experience. If you are having issues with a touchscreen, however, it may help to turn tablet mode on, which you can do easily from your computer's system settings.
Windows causes most problems for which people in 2019 need computer repair. Is it easy to see why Windows requires the majority of RESCUECOM's efforts; issues with all versions of Windows and Windows apps account for approximately 69% of the many issues for which customers sought help most recently. The other issues included on the list are those for which Windows is a major cause:
Rank | Problem | Percentage% |
1 | Failure with Windows apps | 47.22% |
2 | General Windows trouble | 21.76% |
3 | Slow computer | 5.24% |
4 | Printer issues | 4.15% |
5 | Email problems | 4.13% |
6 | Computer won't boot / blank or blue screen | 4.02% |
7 | Data was lost / cannot be moved | 2.80% |
8 | Internet connection / network or WiFi issues | 2.42% |
9 | Hardware difficulty | 0.22% |
Media Contact Information
David A. Milman, C.E.O.
Phone: +1.315.882.1100
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