Learn How to Disable Java and Avoid Hacks
Java can now be hacked -- Homeland Security urges to disable
January 21, 2013

SYRACUSE -- Today the Department of Homeland Security issued a statement urging computer users to disable Java. This was a response to a flaw in the coding for the computer language. This means that it is now highly possible for someone to hack into your system. That can mean anything and everything from credit cards, checking accounts and personal information that you do not want to get out. Java is important to your computer, but just how important? To find out just how big of an issue this is, I took the question to David Milman.
Milman is the CEO for Rescuecom. His company deals with computer repair and support. Milman told CNYCentral's Alex Resila, "If Google is a building, Java is going to be the internal wiring, the floors, the sheetrock, the structure."
When looking for ways to disable it form your computer, Milman said, "You go into your control panel and there's a little java applet and you can actually disable it -- the easiest thing to do is to go into your programs and features on windows or an apple and un-install it completely." That is if you would like to take it off of your computer altogether. However, it can become a little bit trickier if you would like to disable it from an internet browser.
Milman walked me through the steps that are necessary for raking the language off Internet Explorer. He said, "Go to tools, then come down to internet options. Then we come over to programs and we say manage add-ons. It says enable, so we would disable it. We'll say disable and now it's disabled."
With attacks coming mainly from overseas, Milman thinks that the department of Homeland Security will have this problem solved in about a week. This would make it a little safer for everyone and their computer.
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