Sites Stealing Money With Bin Laden Picture Scam
Looking for bin Laden death pictures? Beware!
CNYcentral.COMMay 3, 2011

SYRACUSE -- It's one of the most searched items on the web right now, but if you click on Osama bin Laden death pictures you'll get several sites offered - with gruesome images that are Photoshopped. But, beware! Click for a better image and you'll be taken to a site that will infect your computer - with the offer to clean out the virus for $59.95. What to do?
Josh Kaplan, President of Rescuecom, says don't click on a site you don't know. If you run your cursor over an image before clicking, the 'source' web address will come up. If you don't recognize it, don't go there. If you think your computer's anti-virus protection will save you, Rescuecom reminds you that if you disable it to allow pop-ups or other messages, you're disabling your protection.
As for the $59.59 fix, Kaplan says most of those sites will take your money... with no fix in return.
Kaplan says the virus is being put into online images, but it's also showing up in links on email and Facebook, where hackers are posing as acquaintances or 'friends'. The same advice applies: don't open messages or attachments from sources you don't know well or trust.
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