RESCUECOM CEO Advises on Fix for Computers with Daylight Savings Time Issue
By Trevor Stokes
Daylight-saving time springs forward early
Time will spring ahead one hour Sunday to comply with the new daylight-saving time schedule effective this year.
The springtime change occurs three weeks earlier than usual and folks will have to wait until Nov. 4, two weeks later than usual, before that hour falls back.
Concerns haven't reached a Y2K crescendo, though the early time change "will likely" exceed $1 billion due to necessary changes to computers, their applications and appliances, said Gartner, who works for a technology analysis firm in Stamford, Conn. That cost doesn't include possible business disruptions such as missed meetings and late transactions.
"Even though we know that Sunday the time changes at 2 a.m., most computer systems don't, and that's where things run into trouble," said David A. Milman, CEO of RESCUE-COM, an "emergency response computer service."
However, help is on the way. "It's a very simple fix," said Milman. Microsoft's Vista and Apple's 'X' operating systems have fixed the problem. Windows XP users can download a free 'patch software' to correct the time.
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