Daylight Savings Time Could Cause Computer Schedules to Work Improperly
By Cait McVey
Prepare your computer for Daylight Saving Time
These days, people use their computers for everything: scheduling, planning, and messaging. It's all just a click away.
"People want their information available at home, they want it in their office, they want it on the go in their handheld," said RESCUECOM Marketing Director Eric Fontaine.
But all of this convenience can become a problem if you're not prepared for Daylight Saving Time. That's because the Energy Act of 2005 has us pushing our clocks ahead three weeks early, and your computer might not know it.
"You schedule will be off, your calendar will be off, your recurring events will be off," said Fontaine.
In order to avoid these problems, you have to update your computer. Don't worry, it's pretty simple. You can either go to your start menu and click windows update, or you can go to The website will take you through a series of steps to download a patch that will adjust the problem for you.
"You can apply the patch anytime. This week, next month, whenever you need to. But until you do so, your time will be out of sync, and your outlook will be out of sync also," said Fontaine.
Fontaine warns against putting it off for too long because if you don't fix it now, your computer will face the same problems again in the fall.
Fontaine also said your cell phone time will be off, but your provider should be able to fix it.
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