Learn How Windows XP's End Affects You
October 21, 2010
What the End of Windows XP Means for You
SYRACUSE, N.Y., October 21, 2010 ― On October 22, 2010, Microsoft will end pre installed sales of Windows XP. Rescuecom’s computer repair experts reveal what the end of Windows XP means for you.
After the 22nd, users will not be able to purchase a new computer running XP, and retailers are not allowed to sell the boxed version of the OS any longer. “This is effectively the end of windows XP as a product,” says Rescuecom CEO David Milman.
However, computers that come with Windows 7 Professional or Ultimate preinstalled will maintain the ability to downgrade to Windows XP professional throughout the Windows 7 lifecycle. “Microsoft,” says Milman “is targeting its enterprise customers, as many of them requested additional time before making the move to Windows 7.”
Microsoft has extended the cut off dates for Windows XP sales and computer support on multiple occasions. As the final deadline comes to pass, these are the facts users need to know.
- Downgrading without a license: Those users who remain steadfast devotees of Windows XP may find downgrading difficult. “It won’t be impossible but it will be hard,” says Milman. Downgrading a computer without a license will require an investment of time and money. “Many users will need to seek out professional computer support if they choose to downgrade,” says Milman.
- Cost and availability: Users choosing to downgrade will likely need their own copy of Windows XP. As per Microsoft’s policies, retailers should only be selling Windows 7 and Windows Vista. Some specialty retailers and online outlets may still have XP in stock, but those copies will be hard to find, and likely more expensive.
- Loss of computer support: Microsoft has already ended tech support for Windows XP SP2. Support, including security patches, for XP SP3 will end in 2014. Even those users with legitimate downgrade options will no longer receive computer support after 2014. Effectively, that gives XP a little less than four years to remain viable.
- IE 9 won’t work: Internet Explorer 9 will not work with XP. “It’s another small nudge towards Windows 7,” says Milman. “It may be an incentive for some to not downgrade.”
- Windows 7 is good: Windows 7 has had time to work out the bugs. “Windows 7 has been out long enough for most of the computer support or computer repair issues to be worked out,” says Milman. Those who have hung on out of fear of “upgrading” to an inferior product can rest easy.
Windows XP has had an extraordinary life by OS standards. As it finally winds down, Rescuecom urges users to carefully consider all factors as they make decisions regarding their future operating system choices.
RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware or software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit http://www.rescuecom.com or call (614) 600-1862.
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Josh Kaplan, President of RESCUECOM
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