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Unbound Wants to be Kickstarter for Authors

Crowdfunding has deeply affected the way many people look at their entertainment and the artists who create it.  Where popular art, fiction, music, and even games once only came from monolithic institutions that had a disproportionate amount of say over what the public got to consume, now Kickstarter, Indiegogo and its brethren have made it so the public can access and fund any work they want to see or hear, independently of larger industry trends.  Still, most people consider crowdfunding solely as a way to fund the actual creation of a project, not to directly compensate creators for their work.  This is why most art that people fund on sites like Kickstarter are projects that take large amounts of cash to complete such as albums, movies, comics, and video games.  However, cool product Unbound wants to use the crowdfunding model as an alternative to the book industry and, even more significantly, want to use it to compensate authors directly.

On Unbound, fans don’t just fund the actual printing of a book they want to read.  They essentially vote with their money on what books enter the market at all.  Unbound pitches the money a writer gets from their campaigns as compensation for their effort writing, not just as a means to release the book itself.  Of course, most Unbound authors use digital means to release their books once their campaigns are successful.  If you have trouble downloading or using eBooks, computer tech support is a good option for you.

Unbound and its crowdfunding model are trying to redefine the book publishing market in order to put more power into the hands of fans directly rather than publishing institutions.  Authors post pitches for their book on Unbound, much in the same way they would write a pitch to a literary agent.  Then, individual readers can choose to help fund the books they want to see created.  Unbound’s vision seems to be a market that readers completely define outside the influence of large corporations.  Readers can vote with their dollars before a book even comes to market, and readers can determine what they want to read before publishers ever get to filter what they see.

Currently, Unbound is only available on the web and has no native applications for smartphones.  Anyone who has trouble using the site can get remote computer support for help.


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