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Laptop Computers: Overheating can Lead to Computer Repair

Recently, Sony recalled over 500,000 Vaio laptops.  The reason behind the recall was a common laptop computer issue: overheating.  In this case though, it went beyond a standard computer repair problem.  The Vaios overheated to the point of melting parts of the computer and becoming a burn risk for users.  With this computer repair issue in the news, RESCUECOM feels now is an excellent time to remind laptop users of the dangers of overheating.

First, it’s valuable to know that a laptop computer that simply feels hot does not necessarily need computer repair.  Modern laptop computers are designed to run with almost as much power and speed as desktop PCs.  However, with considerably less space for cooling systems, sometimes laptop computers can get a bit hot.

A sign that your laptop is not just running normally and is in need of computer repair would be changes in its performance.  If a laptop computer starts spontaneously shutting down, or is running very sluggishly, you could be seeing warning signs of an overheating problem.

A laptop’s cooling fan is another sign of trouble.  If the fan is always running, and running noisily, it could be a sign of overheating that will lead to a breakdown and the need for computer repair.

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Laptop computer users shouldn’t panic though.  In most cases, overheating is nothing near the computer repair crisis it was for the Sony computers.  In fact, there are a few simple computer repairs individual users can do on their own that might just fix the problem.

The main cause of overheating is the cooling system being blocked.  This can be caused by either the way a user is holding the laptop or, more often, by dirt and dust.  To avoid blocking the cooling system, always hold the laptop on a flat, hard surface, not on a couch cushion or carpet.

If the cooling system of a laptop computer is dirty, it’s a simple computer repair to get it clean.  Using a good aerosol air duster and a vacuum with a crevice tool, a user can blow the dust and dirt out of the laptop computer’s air vents and suck it up.  This should leave the cooling system cleaner and more functional.

Of course, not all laptop computer overheating problems are so easily solved.  Sometimes, overheating is a sign of a more far reaching problem that requires more extensive computer repair.  If these simple solutions don’t solve your laptop computer’s overheating problem, RESCUECOM urges you to seek out professional assistance before your system suffers any permanent damage.


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