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Even Google Gets Hacked Sometimes

Hackers continue grabbing headlines with high profile attacks against the Internet security of governments and major corporations.  Hacktivists (hacker activists) attempting to make statements attacked various targets this year, again showing the importance of good virus removal and protection in a digital world.  Targets have ranged from PayPal and Visa to FBI associate Infragard, not always with obvious reasons.  Recent hacker arrests in the United States and Europe are attempts to combat the problem.   Google announced on Wednesday, July 20, they were the latest victim as hackers compromised their Internet security.

Google discovered the breach in Internet security while performing maintenance on a data center.  Installed malware caused infected systems to reroute search results through proxy servers with the same malicious code.  The infected software also compromised the Internet security of several companies hired to help analyze Google’s web traffic.  Virus removal is necessary to combat the malware.  The Internet goliath placed warnings telling users to monitor their own Internet security within Google’s search results.  If your computer is infected, a large yellow banner will be at the top of the page with a link to information about virus removal.

Recognition of the malware is needed to begin virus removal.  Malicious software, or malware, can be difficult to locate and neutralize depending on the program.  Google’s guide to cleaning your system lists installing or updating virus removal software as the beginning of this process.  Next, proceed with a system scan to search out the problem and take action to restore Internet security.  Once everything is updated, and scanned properly the malware should be located, and virus removal can move forward.  Be sure to keep virus definitions up to date to protect your hard drive and maintain good Internet security against future attacks.

The nature of the infection makes virus removal a possible problem.  The purpose of this specific malware is to reroute web traffic.  Rerouting attempts to download an Internet security solution to other infected sites can become an issue.  Routing searches for fixes toward compromised web addresses without the user’s knowledge may also cause trouble when trying to remove the infection.  If virus removal is problematic, be sure to seek the help of knowledgeable computer support.

Google’s attempts to correct a problem holes their Internet security created are praiseworthy.  Quickly alerting the public, Google pointed infected users toward a solution.  The importance of properly updated virus removal software was demonstrated once again across the Internet.  Protect yourself against the people seeking to take advantage or allow a reliable computer support company to do it for you.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

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