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Balanced Social Networking?

What’s with all the ranting and raving in the social networking scene?  Facebook, Delicious, Pinboard, Diigo, Digg?   Why can my friends not contact me directly?  Who is deciding what is “appropriate” content?  Well, of course you have to be a digital social networker to care, and you have to be pretty involved in the social networking scene to really care.  Still, the cries are in the air from users all over the social networking world.  FOUL!  You are messing with OUR sites.  But what seems to be at stake here is not the social networking sites themselves, rather the Internet security issues surrounding them.

It does seem as if the administrators of the social networking sites have become more and more controlling, and this annoys their users who essentially have no say in the changes other than to complain after the fact.  Turns out though, that many of the changes say, Facebook, has made over time and most recently, have to do with Internet security and protecting their users from exploitation and inundation by spammers.  Social networking is a wonderful thing, and we want to feel free to express ourselves and communicate openly, but unless some basic Internet security is in place, social networking will become a huge mess of exploiters and spammers.

Internet security is always an important issue, and it is, frankly, a real problem when it comes to social networking.  Meantime, here we have these FREE, wonderful sources of keeping in touch with friends and families.  It seems as if the hassle of a few well-intentioned changes is tolerable given the alternative: little or no social networking and less Internet security.

As for the competition AMONG the social networking sites?  That seems like healthy competition.  And as for the Internet security concerns coming to light through the social networking sites, again, that’s healthy stuff.  We need to know what to protect ourselves from.

Rock on, social networking!


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