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What is Google Glass and What Does it Mean to You?

Google Glass is one of the most hyped new pieces of consumer technology to debut over the last several years.  Many people have spoken about it being revolutionary, while others have already written it off as a fad.  However, there are still millions of people who don’t quite understand the exact nature of Google’s new tech device.  Google Glass is a mobile computer that people use while wearing it on their face like a pair of glasses. The device projects images onto the backside of the glasses so whatever apps, videos, or websites a person is viewing appear directly in front of their eyes.  People use a combination of their voice, eyes and a small touchpad on the side of the glasses in order to control the device.  Any users who have trouble handling these controls can get help from a Google Glass support provider.

Google Glass’s unique nature gives it several advantages over other mobile devices.  Convenience is a major draw for consumers when it comes to Google Glass, as users can simply look forward and speak to go on the Internet or watch videos.  However, there are other advantages to Google Glass as well.  Since Google Glass’s display is always directly in a user’s line of vision, the device offers many interesting possibilities when it comes to augmented reality.  The device can overlay images over someone’s sight, which can be potentially very helpful in certain professional situations.  For example, surgeons can use Google Glass while operating to create Heads-up Displays that show important vital signs and other details. Engineers and computer repair technicians could also utilize similar HUDs to identify parts and measurements while working. While a lot of the hype surrounding Google Glass is about its use as a consumer device, its potential in professional situations may be even more important.

However, Google Glass has also seen its share of controversy.  As many mobile devices do, Google Glass has a camera attached.  The issue is that users can’t immediately tell when a Google Glass wearer is using the camera to record in public.  This situation makes many people understandably uncomfortable, as they don’t want people recording them without permission.  Google has added a special light that turns on when the camera is recording, but that has not been enough to quiet concerns.

So, what does Google Glass mean to you? It is both an interesting new consumer technology that can add new conveniences and experiences to your life, and a cause to be worried about privacy issues due to its recording capabilities.  Therefore, there is reason for both concern and excitement when it comes to this new device.


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