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Dr. Mark Boguski Founded PhotoCalorie to Help People Track What They Eat

One of the most difficult aspects of trying to lose weight is keeping track of calorie intake.  In order to keep weight off once someone loses it, that person needs to know what foods may help and hurt them as they continue.  A general idea about what food is healthy doesn’t always cut it when trying to maintain a physique.  Cool person in technology Dr. Mark Boguski wants to help people maintain their weight with his company PhotoCalorie.  Boguski’s company gives users a mobile app and web platform to keep a digital journal that allows them to keep track of nutrition information for all the food they intake.  With PhotoCalorie, people can easily search for the nutrition information of the food they eat.  PhotoCalorie’s database contains specific nutrition facts about thousands of different foods.  Users maintain a journal of everything they eat and tag the nutrition information to each entry.  This process lets people find out what helps them lose weight and what hurts their efforts. Any users who experience unexpected problems signing up for PhotoCalorie can get help from a remote tech support provider.

Boguski makes convenience a key component of his product.  Users download the PhotoCalorie app on their iPhones, which gives them the ability to add new foods to their journals on the fly wherever they are at a given time. Users just search for what they are currently eating, snap a picture of it, and add the photo tagged with the nutrition facts to their journal. Anyone who has technical issues taking pictures of their food may need an iPhone repair before using Boguski’s app. When a user searches for a particular food on the app, the nutrition information for that food pops up on the screen immediately.  The information that Boguski’s app keep tracks of includes calories, fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, sodium, carbohydrates, fiber, protein, and sugars.  Due to this wealth of information, users can even utilize PhotoCalorie app for other health issues beyond weight control, including digestive problems and cholesterol issues.

Besides being a tech entrepreneur, Boguski is a full-time medical doctor.  He currently works as a member of the faculty at Harvard Medical School.  In the past, he has worked for Johns Hopkins University, the U.S. National Institutes of Health, and the U.S. National Library of Medicine. This medical professional’s shift into the technology world shows that he understands that mobile apps are one of the best ways to reach people and help them get healthy in modern times.


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