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ELSA Provides English Translations for Emergencies and More

With the wide diversity of people in the United States, not everyone is fluent in English. When non-English speakers suffer emergencies or want to transact normal business, they may require interpretation assistance to explain the situation. Today’s cool product is the ELSA (Enabling Language Service Anywhere) device from RTT Mobile Interpretation in Minnesota, which provides on-demand interpretation services.

Charles Howerton invented ELSA and founded RTT Mobile Interpretation. ELSA has been interpreting since December 2012.

When you push a button on the ELSA device, you connect immediately to the interpretation center. This center links to interpreters who can understand about 180 different languages (including many dialects) and provide an English version for many situations. This service is available every day of the year around the clock. Even if you are not sure what language the person is speaking, someone at the interpretation center will identify it.

The small, wearable device is simple, with speakers and an internal microphone. It uses wireless networks to connect with language experts. Some of the language experts have special knowledge in fields such as business, law, medicine or government, to help out when those situations arise.

In an emergency situation, this device helps paramedics communicate with people who speak other languages. So far, its major users have been first responders and law enforcement personnel. According to the RTT Mobile Interpretation website, other areas in which instant interpretation is beneficial include health care and pharmacy, government, insurance claims adjustment and financial services. Health care professionals could better understand patient explanations of symptoms and provide care more effectively and efficiently. In any application, ELSA could enable people who speak little or no English to get the help they need faster.

When a call comes in through ELSA, the RTT network operating center records it for customer access at any time. There is also an 800-number option to call for live interpretation if you don’t have an ELSA device. Organizations using ELSA can access the recorded information whenever they wish with an Internet-connected computer. For PC tech support at any time, contact a professional.

The RTT Mobile Interpretation website says that interpreters comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and protect users’ confidentiality. Have your electronic devices verified for Internet security to protect all your personal information.

To use the service, RTT charges a monthly fee, plus there is a one-time cost for each ELSA device.

To expand production for more widespread and general use of this product, there are plans for a Kickstarter campaign to raise funds.



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