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David Yoo Is Putting Boku On The Financial Map!

There are a number of emerging online and mobile phone payment companies. No longer is the whole of the Internet beholden to PayPal for fast, secure, on-line payments. In addition to emerging mobile phone payment companies Square and Dwolla, there is Boku. If you haven’t heard of Boku, yet, that is not a surprise; it is still fairly new. But David Yoo is determined to make Boku a household name!

David Yoo is the Senior Vice President of Strategy, Product and Marketing for Boku. In that role, David Yoo is raising brand recognition and spending a great deal of time informing potential customers about the services that Boku offers. As Boku breaks into the rapidly expanding online and mobile payment market, it is David Yoo’s job to help Boku rise above the pack. So far, Yoo’s efforts have helped to net more investment from Silicon Valley investors and the launch of a multimedia advertising campaign.

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Recruiting In The Tech Sector, Aubrey Obata Kendall Represents The Future For Pinterest!

It is absolutely astonishing to see how fast a social network can rise on the Internet.  It seems like Internet social networks fall much, much slower than they rise – one need only look at the slow fading of MySpace to recall how they might linger – but when a new social network is a hit, it can come out of nowhere.  That is the story of Pinterest.  Pinterest may not be a household name yet, but the little social network had about one third the traffic of Twitter in January 2012, making it a sudden force in the social network market.  With such a sudden demand for its service, Pinterest has a great reliance on Aubrey Obata Kendall.

Aubrey Obata Kendall is the chief recruiter for Pinterest.  Since November of 2011, Kendall has been staffing up Pinterest in order to help the small company grow to meet the current and forthcoming demand for their services.  Because Pinterest is currently so small, the recruiting position is especially important to the company.  Aubrey Obata Kendall’s judgment on staff may well affect the course of the entire company, so the reliance Pinterest has on her is actually quite high.

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Connecting Your High Definition Devices, The Amzer Micro HDMI Cable Delivers!

No matter how convenient mobile computers and streaming technology are, there is nothing that enhances a movie viewing experience like seeing it on a big screen. In fact, watching pretty much anything is improved by seeing it on a color-rich, high definition, high-resolution, giant screen. Directors and producers produce their works to make them look good when they are big, so why do so many people obsess on crowding around tiny mobile devices to watch things? With the Amzer Micro HDMI To HDMI Cable, you no longer have to!

The Amzer Micro HDMI To HDMI Cable is a beautiful and durable basic connector. What can make a connector beautiful? For true high-definition transfers, your connectors need to be gold and the Amzer Micro HDMI To HDMI Cable has stylish and functional gold plating for the connectors and the leads. The gold offsets the standard black cable very nicely, so the word “beautiful” certainly applies to this cable.

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Making The Idea Of Spotify Into A Mobile Reality: Oskar Stal!

In the quest to make digital music a viable business endeavor instead of just a cool idea, there have been many businesses and websites that have already come and gone.  While digital music pirating has been a huge issue for most of the services that have failed, rapidly changing hardware has been a serious issue as well.  One quarter, the dominant digital music device is an MP3 player, the next it is a smartphone!  Failure to adapt the digital music service to the new technologies has sunk some of the digital music services distributing digital music files over the Internet.  Spotify is deeply invested in making sure that does not happen.  For that, they have Oskar Stal!

Oskar Stal is the Chief Technology Officer of digital music distributor Spotify.  As Spotify developed as a website, but prepared to take its service international, the company sought a CTO who had extensive experience with mobile operating systems.  Without a CTO who knew the ins and outs of various mobile platforms, Spotify could not take their business to the next level.  Having been employed at mBlox, a company deeply invested in mobile transactions and the technical interactions between mobile platforms, Oskar Stal rose to the top of Spotify’s list of desirable candidates for the position.

Oskar Stal’s resume is more extensive than simply working for mBlox, though spending eight years as the Director of Development in the technical department at that company was the weightiest factor in Spotify hiring him.  Fortunately for Spotify, Stal was exceptionally interested in the position; he was already impressed by how much Spotify had accomplished without someone as experienced at the top of their development branch!

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The History of Tablets 3 – Already Here and Coming Soon

In the first blog in this series, we discussed how tablets came to be what they are now. In the second, we talked about the release of the iPad. Now, we should focus on the last two years and the forward leaps tablets have made in that time. Since Apple released the iPad, the market has seen dozens of other models come around and, in some cases, go away again.

The same year Apple released the iPad, the Samsung released the Galaxy Tab and Dell released the Streak. Less than a year later, Apple upgraded to the iPad2. During that time, various companies released over 80 other tablets. However, many of those tablets have not sold as well as the manufacturers might like. Apple’s iPad2 is still the tablet of choice for many consumers.

Most recently, released its own tablet. The Kindle Fire sells for only $199, a third of the price of most other tablets, including the iPad2. The Kindle Fire has a large shopping base in its maker, Amazon, and looks to be a good option for those on a budget. Many people were impressed by the Kindle Fire’s lack of mobile computer support issues at its release. A large number of other tablets required updates as soon as they were purchased because the companies hurried to release a product that was not entirely ready, in the wake of the iPad release.

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A Simple Great! The Delton USB Data Cable For Micro USB Ports Is Cool!

With so many specialized electronic devices on the market, it can be very hard to keep all of the cables and adapters straight.  More than ever before, many electronic devices utilize cables that act as adapters!  With so many devices, cables and adapters, it can be difficult to figure out which are worth buying as well, especially given how fast technology continues to change.  Given the rapid pace of modern technology, the Delton USB Data For All Micro USB Ports is a great investment.

The Delton USB Data For All Micro USB Ports is a remarkably simple cable adapter.  You may use the Delton USB Data For All Micro USB Ports for cell phones, smartphones and feature phones that have a Micro USB Port.  The Micro USB Port is a small female port on your electronic devices that has a wider top than bottom and, like a standard USB port, features a small chip-style lead projected from the center of the port.  The female Micro USB Port is identical in size, shape and configuration on all Micro USB equipped devices.  The Delton USB Data For All Micro USB Ports features a standard USB jack on one end and a Micro USB jack – which fits into the Micro USB Port on your device – on the other end.  The two jacks on the Delton USB Data For All Micro USB Ports are separated by over seven inches of durable, insulated cable.

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The History of Tablets 2 – iWant an iPad

In the previous blog in this series, we discussed that although the concept of tablets had existed for decades, self-contained portable computers were never possible until advances in technology caught up to the idea. Manufacturers tried their best to give consumers what they wanted, but the technology and the market were simply not ready yet. In the early 2000s, however, the market began to see an upsurge in tablets.

This upsurge was driven by Microsoft’s rededication to the tablet concept. The computer giant released a set of guidelines for manufacturers to build tablets using a tablet-specific version of Windows called Windows XP Tablet PC Edition. These newer tablets more closely resembled the tablets currently on the market than the previous generation of tablets.

These devices featured touch screens, video playing capabilities, Internet connectivity, and lighter designs. With the new technology came more complete mobile computer support as well. They were not quite up to the abilities tablets would have in only a few years, but it was a great start.

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The Highlight Of The New HTC Line: The HTC One X Smartphone May Revitalize HTC!

It is rare, in these days when so many companies are cash-strapped, for a technology company to have such an ambitious product line that it becomes a detraction against the company.  In fact, with so many companies downsizing and scaling back their product lines, the tech sector is actually plagued with products that make it very hard to feel like an individual.  With so many products that look, feel and perform the same, it is tough to use technology as a means of self-expression, at least regarding the hardware.  HTC, however, had so many products come out for their mobile computing/smartphone line in 2011, that their product offerings quickly overwhelmed consumers.  For 2012, HTC has pledged to scale back their catalog and their first significant product of 2012 also has the potential to be one of the year’s best smartphones.  HTC’s One X smartphone is that product!

The HTC One X is an attempt by HTC to refocus and provide solid smartphone hardware that appeals to a broad range of people, as opposed to trying to meet every niche consumer.  The HTC One X manages to do that with some of the most impressive hardware on a smartphone yet.  First, the HTC One X has an incredible processor.  Processing with a Quad-core 1.5 GHz Tegra 3 processor, the HTC One X is at the cutting edge of smartphone and mobile computing brainpower.  With this Tegra 3 processor, applications run ridiculously fast and because this is cutting edge computing technology, the HTC One X will remain relevant in the marketplace for quite some time.

In addition to having a processor that is powerful enough for virtually any computing, streaming or gaming need, the HTC One X smartphone features a 720 pixel 4.7” Super LCD2 screen.  The color contrast for this screen is rich and captures layers of dark colors exceptionally well, making it ideal for streaming many of the current dark, moody feature films.  The screen’s finish allows for ideal viewing even in bright light.

Audiophiles are destined to fall in love with the HTC One X as well.  Just as the HTC One X delivers superior video quality, the sound quality for the HTC One X exceeds all expectations for sound on a smartphone.  Digital music plays with exceptional depth due to the addition of Beats by Dre audio.  Integrated at all levels for superior sound quality, music, videos and phone audio are the richest, most intense that a smartphone can deliver!

The HTC One X also comes with a standard 8 Mp digital camera.  That allows users to take and process photographs and share them fast through the smartphone’s wireless Internet connection.  With such versatility, the HTC One X offers HTC a real chance to reboot its presence in the market!


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No One On The Internet Gets Television Viewers Quite Like Ashwin Navin!

Given that the television has been available to consumers for almost a century now, it might seem odd to make the statement that there are very few people who “get” television.  As far as the tech sector and Internet businesses who are trying to exploit the classic medium, there are very few people who “get” television.  One need only look at how both Apple and Google have unsuccessfully attempted to market Smart TV products to know that the giants of the Internet simply do not understand how consumers use their televisions.  Ashwin Navin, on the other hand, completely gets the television audience and through his company, Flingo, he is enhancing the television-viewing experience.

Ashwin Navin is the co-founder and CEO of Flingo.  Flingo is virtually reinventing television . . . without trying to change the sloth-like way that most people view television.  While it might seem like a contradiction, Navin’s approach to Smart TV programming has been very different from the approach of his competitors.  Instead of trying to change television entirely, Navin and Flingo are working to enhance television.  Navin created Flingo to easily provide additional content related to television on smartphones, tablet computers and other mobile devices.  As well, Ashwin Navin realized that many people might enjoy seeing their YouTube and other videos on their big, expensive, sophisticated high-definition televisions.  A big initial application of Flingo was linking Internet videos to your television!

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The History of Tablets 1 – Before the iPad

The idea for tablet computers began much earlier than most people realize. The iPad was by no means the first tablet computer; there have been tablets widely available for sale since 1989. They have ranged widely in functionality and design, but tablets are not a new thing.

As the first in a series of three blogs centering on the history of tablet computers, this blog will focus mainly on the first tablet-like devices that relied on computers for their functionality. The second and third blogs will focus on the self-contained tablets of the last few decades and the rise in popularity they are currently experiencing.

The first tablet-like computer device was created in 1964 and it was called the RAND tablet. The RAND tablet was basically a square sensor in the middle of a wooden board. It came with an attached stylus and cost $18,000. The stylus and sensor system replaced the keyboard for the computer it was attached to and software was developed to make the RAND tablet recognize handwriting.

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