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April 2nd, 2012 by
There are many settings in education and business where the benefit of a computer may not be easily utilized. For example, teachers who create PowerPoint or other computer-based multimedia presentations often find it difficult to execute those presentations on a single, simple computer screen. Similarly, in business, presentations are made more clearly and dramatically when those to whom you are presenting do not have to hunch over a computer monitor. For large-scale presentations, one needs a digital projector. The Ricoh PJ WX3231N Digital Business Projector is an excellent choice for those with both a computer network and the need to present projects frequently.
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April 1st, 2012 by
For digital artists, the term “tablet computer” has an entirely different meaning than the term has for most of the rest of the population. Long before Apple released the iPad or Amazon flooded the market with e-readers that have come to be lumped in with tablet computers, there was a peripheral for computers called a tablet. Wacom still makes tablets, which remain an invaluable tool for digital artists. One of the best tablets on the market is the Wacom Intuos5 touch Large Pen Tablet.
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March 31st, 2012 by
There are so many options when it comes to USB flash drives that it is hard to decide what factor one ought to prioritize when choosing a flash drive. There are so many options for those who want their USB flash drive to reflect their personality. For sheer volume of information, Victorinox now offers a 1TB flash drive and many other flash drives appeal to consumers based upon their fast data transfer speeds. But what about security? When it comes to security, no one beats Ironkey for USB flash drives!
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March 30th, 2012 by
With so many consumer electronics devices on the market, it is hard to find enough space to store all your gadgets, much less charge them all! While technological growth has expanded incredibly fast over the past decade, housing requirements have not; the standards for the spacing and number of electrical devices in new buildings have not adjusted for the sheer volume of devices one might plug in these days. Fortunately, for the tech savvy consumer who has a lot they need to recharge, there is the Chargepod.
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March 29th, 2012 by
There are hundreds of choices when shopping for a new car. You have to decide on type (car, truck, SUV, etc), maker (Ford, Nissan, Honda, etc), price range, size, model, and so many other options. On the other hand, if you are looking into electric cars or hybrid models, there are very few models to choose from among the large car manufacturers. However, smaller car companies are introducing new models of electric cars, for instance: Tesla Motors’ new Model X.
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March 29th, 2012 by
So far in computer technology, there remains one enduring truth about laptop computers. It seems no matter how advanced laptop computers become, they all warm up and get so hot that one either needs to cool the laptop off quickly or risk damage to the chips and drives within. Unfortunately, that means that almost immediately after investing in a new laptop computer, you are likely to need to buy a cooling peripheral. Given that this is a pretty necessary expense, you might as well go with one of the best cooling products for laptop computers. The Arctic Cooling Pad is a great way to keep your laptop computer cool!
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March 27th, 2012 by
Sometimes, the very best thing for a technology company is an outsider who understands the products and goals of the company, without necessarily understanding all of the intricacies of the business. It takes a fairly daring company to grant a seat on the Board of Directors to an individual who has vision, but not business experience. In the case of Sigma-Aldrich, one of the world’s leading scientific equipment manufacturers, the company took a calculated risk when it hired Rebecca M. Bergman directly to the Board.
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March 27th, 2012 by
It is hard to think of a less cool part of the tower computer than the power supply. For sure, every computer needs a power supply, but the tower computer power supply has traditionally been dark, functional and blockish. Peripheral manufacturer XION is changing that, though, with their High Performance Party Edition line of personal computer power supplies!
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March 26th, 2012 by
Because of how fast the technology sector adapts and changes, sometimes it is hard to remember how significant some of the overnight successes for companies truly were. After all, one year the hot product is an iPad, the next year it is an Amazon Kindle Fire, the next year, the market explodes for an entirely different product. Because the attention span of consumers is so short, you might have forgotten one of the most significant product releases in the last decade. There have been sixty million of them sold since 2004. Give up? It’s the TomTom GPS navigation system. The founder and CEO of TomTom is Harold Goddijn and he is one of the coolest businessmen around.
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March 26th, 2012 by
Video cameras have become such a commonplace accessory built into laptop computers that many young people forget that they can still be freestanding units! Far from the clunky video surveillance tools of the film era, new IP cameras use wireless networks to transmit streaming videos from the camera unit to a secure, central router. This allows you to use video cameras with much more discretion than ever before. That does not mean that you should not have a stylish video camera, though. For the perfect blend of style and functionality, the Zonet IP Camera is the IP camera to buy.
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