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Like A Bounty Hunter For The Tech Sector, Paul Seed Runs!

With technology in a constant state of development, it is very easy to find yourself in possession of equipment that is no longer state-of-the-art.  In fact, prior to the development of USB standards, there was a remarkably short amount of time between when all sorts of technologies and interfaces went from being state-of-the-art to obsolete.  Within the consumer electronics market, there is a significant population of people who cannot afford every upgrade or simply does not want to change their hardware simply because manufacturers have created something new.  Catering to that market is and Paul Seed. Read more »

For Apple, Success May Be Contradictory To Sustained Success

Apple Computers is now the largest, most cash-rich company on Earth.  While hitting that apex is usually a cause for celebration – and Apple executives and stockholders have been celebrating, most notably by announcing a stock dividend – those who take a longer view of the company’s trajectory see the milestone as a potentially troublesome one for the company.  For sure, when you reach the top the only way to go is down, but the real problem Apple faces is not with pessimists; it is with the company’s own image.  Unfortunately for Apple Computers, Apple’s exceptionally successful publicity machine that helped the company rise to the top of the corporate food chain is now working against the computer and technology company. Read more »

Ensuring Businesses Can Use Motorola Mobility, Christy Wyatt Is An Engaged Leader!

Smartphones can do amazing things.  From mapping your current travel plans to ordering your dinner, there are innumerable things a smartphone can do.  But what many private consumers fail to consider about smartphones is that their operating systems are not always compatible with the enterprise software of individual businesses.  As a result, most smartphone manufacturers devote an entire division to meeting the unique needs of business clients.  For Motorola Mobility, that responsibility falls to Christy Wyatt! Read more »

The State Of Your Cloud (New Options Are Here! Old Systems Are Revised!)

Technology, as you know, changes exceptionally fast.  It seems like just last year that Cloud-based services were just appearing on the Internet!  Now, Google is releasing its personal Cloud service and, in advance of that, the competitors who got the jump on Google are revising their services to remain relevant.  Some of the well-established personal Cloud services may be changing the services you have come to rely upon!  Some of the most significant changes are coming to the following: Read more »

All The Search Power You’ll Ever Need For Your Android-based Devices!

Every modern operating system includes a search engine so that you can search the contents of your own computer.  With the emergence of mobile computing devices like smartphones and tablet computers, the major operating systems include rudimentary search functions.  For those devices, there are often applications that can provide search functions that are more robust.  Those search applications search your personal information on your mobile device and throughout your social network connections that are stored in the Cloud.  For Android-based computing devices, the application that gives you the best search of your personal information is CloudMagic for Android. Read more »

The Artist Who Is Changing The World Through Design: Yves Behar!

Artists and designers, as a general rule, want to make an impact on the world around them.  Artists try to open the eyes and minds of their audience to a new way to see the world.  Designers try to reshape the world by pushing the limits of convention or creating styles that intrigue consumers in a way that resonates with all who experience their designs.  There are, arguably, no more effective artist/designers in the world today than Yves Behar.  Behar is not simply trying to change the world in an abstract way; he is using technology. Read more »

Rescuecom’s iPhone 5 Rumors

Good journalism requires sources.  Reporting a story requires facts, verification from authorities and precise language.  In the tech sector, however, virtually every otherwise ethical and authoritative journalist throws out the book when it comes to reporting on Apple products.  Apparently, speculation on Apple’s next major release allows journalists to become absolutely sloppy and report loads of information which they later retract.  Read more »

Girls Get In On Flash Drive Fun With Hello Kitty MIMOBOT Flash Drives!

Girls are an often neglected demographic when it comes to the technology sector.  Most major manufacturers have not figured out how to market computers and computer accessories to girls.  Even so, computers are especially important to girls, both for education and emerging career opportunities.  Some companies are trying to make an effort to match computer products with neglected demographics of girls.  Mimeco seems to have successfully marketed toward girls with their Hello Kitty Loves Animals BLOTz Blind Box MIMOBOT. Read more »

One Powerful Operations Officer, Debora Shoquist Is Very Cool!

Running a business is, joke intended, a full-time job.  The bigger the business, the more complicated it is to maintain and grow the business.  Big companies are not the place for micromanagers; all of the great executives have a staff that they depend upon to deal with specialized divisions of their company.  Arguably one of the most important roles a CEO can fill is that of an Operations Officer.  Executives in charge of Operations are the professionals who ensure that the supply chain is uninterrupted, the facilities are fully functional and products in production are shipping according to schedule.  For the computer memory manufacturer Nvidia, the Executive Vice President of Operations is Debora Shoquist. Read more »

Coming This Year To A Mobile Phone Carrier Near You. . .

The Mobile World Congress, held in Barcelona, is the annual conference for smartphone and tablet manufacturers. This is where manufacturers preview their new phones for the year. It comes as no surprise then that all of the major mobile companies were there this year with their newest creations. Read more »

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