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From Leading Acer To Guiding Lenovo, Gianfranco Lanci Is Changing The PC Market!

In business, especially within the tech sector, conflicting philosophies or management styles do not necessarily spell the end of one’s career.  Because companies have different goals, priorities, and resources, what seems audacious or against the majority at one company may be exactly what another business is looking for.  For Gianfranco Lanci, the philosophies that make him popular at Lenovo are the same ideals for which he was rejected by Acer! Read more »

The New MacBook Pro Will Be Improved By Ivy Bridge Technology!

While it seems like Apple Computers’ big release of 2012 is likely to be iPhone 5, the new iPad and the iPhone 4S continue to sell remarkably well.  But handheld devices and tablet computers are not the only Apple product lines.  The MacBook Pro is getting exciting new upgrades that are energizing Apple consumers. Read more »

Put Your Old Movies And Music On Your iPad With The Cirago IPA8000!

Despite the ongoing digital revolution, not all musical releases or even VHS videos have been transferred to the digital medium.  Not only is it disappointing to have to rebuy media one already has just to make it compatible with the latest technology, often consumers are forced to make a decision between upgrading and losing their beloved programs or recordings or keeping around old, outdated technology.  For those who have Apple mobile products with a screen, that is no longer a choice they have to make, thanks to the Cirago IPA8000 Composite AV Cable with USB. Read more »

Is Apple’s iOS 6 The Death Of The Standalone GPS?

Every good idea has its time and what is groundbreaking at one point in time soon becomes the standard.  Just as having a tape deck in an automobile was once considered audacious, yet is now tragically out-of-date, with the announcement and demonstration of the new Apple iOS 6 operating system, it is possible GPS systems are about to go the way of the audio cassette. Read more »

For When Your Webcam Must Absolutely Produce Clear Results, The Logitech C920!

For most computer users, the webcam is something of a luxury.  Webcams are an often-convenient device that is hardly considered essential for most computer users.  Even so, many laptop computers now feature webcams for telecommunications purposes.  Businesses even use webcams for video conferences in order to save money; instead of transporting a Board of Directors from around the world to a central location, you can now patch in a video feed.  For high-quality results, the Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920 is a great webcam. Read more »

What Will Apple’s New Mapping System Do?

For months, there have been rumors in the tech sector of a new competitor to Google Maps.  That competitor is none other than Apple and at its annual Worldwide Developers Conference, the new Apple mapping service made its debut.  Here are some important aspects of it:

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See How They Fight: Conflicts Between Google And Apple.

In the tech sector, there does not appear to be any belief in the adage, “Can’t we all just get along.”  Competition is fierce and the biggest players in the tech sector are fighting one another over every niche.  Two of the biggest companies, Apple Computers and Google, have had a recent series of spats that illustrates just how high the stakes are and how hard both companies are working to dominate the tech sector.  Google remains the world’s most-used search engine and smartphones powered by Google’s Android operating system still have the largest market share in the United States.  Apple is anything but complacent now that it is the world’s most profitable company.  In order to keep its place at the top, Apple is working to weaken Google. Read more »

The Averatec All-In-One PC Is A Great Computer For Students!

With all of the major computer brands that consistently make headlines in the United States, it is sometimes easy to forget that there are smaller computer companies with worthwhile products in their own right.  Moreover, there are computer companies whose market penetration other places in the world is greater than in the United States.  Averatec, the computer brand imprint of TriGem, is one of the most popular computer lines in South Korea.  The Averatec All-In-One has what is needed to be successful in the United States as well. Read more »

A Very Public Face For Silverstone Technology, Tony Ou Shines!

In most companies, within the tech sector and without, there is usually a pretty distinctive difference between the marketing and public relations divisions.  Marketing, historically, is all about selling your potential customers on your product.  Public relations is the division that promotes a positive view of your company by dealing with customer service issues, as well as corporate outreach.  So, it is fascinating to find a manager at a major company who is in Marketing, yet functions as a public relations specialist.  Tony Ou, of Silverstone Technology, is one such fascinating individual. Read more »

StumbleUpon Channels: More Mediocre Content. . . Without The Surprise.

StumbleUpon recently made some changes.  Guided by focus groups, StumbleUpon’s CEO authorized alterations to StumbleUpon with the stated purpose of making the site easier to use.  While not entirely eliminating the fun, random nature of StumbleUpon’s interface – which took you to websites that conformed to your stated interests – CEO Garrett Camp made a number of changes to the popular site.  In addition to putting graphic representations of interests on the front page and adding a search engine to the site, StumbleUpon now features Channels. Read more »

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