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Do What You Love! Frank Gibeau Sets A Great Example As The President Of EA Labels!

In the video game world, there is never truly time to relax.  Despite innovations in gaming that might create the year’s biggest entertainment phenomenon, executives at video game companies are always pushing for the next big thing.  So, even though Electronic Arts had one of the biggest video game releases of 2011 with Battlefield 3, it is already deep at work trying to dominate the market in 2012.  Leading EA Labels is Frank Gibeau.

Frank Gibeau is the President of EA Labels, the division of Electronic Arts that oversees all of the video game divisions.  Gibeau rose to the lead position of EA Labels after years of hard work with a very painful beginning.  After getting his B.S. in Business and International Relations, a stairway collapsed on Gibeau, seriously injuring him.  Gibeau broke his leg in the accident, forcing him to be immobile while his leg healed.  He recuperated at his parents’ house, playing video games.  At the time, Electronic Arts was in its infancy and they were looking to hire professional game players to test their games. Gibeau limped over and got himself a job for $10,000/year playing video games!  Gibeau’s real big break, though, came in 1999 when he was assigned to market The Sims.  With The Sims, Gibeau had a huge success for EA that brought him to the attention of the executives at EA who fostered his career.

Taking over as President in 2011, Gibeau made the successful transition from game player and marketer to corporate executive.  In addition to the exceptionally popular Battlefield 3, as President, Gibeau brought to market the very successful Dead Space 2, Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 2, and The Sims: Medieval video games.  Gibeau saw the potential of growing social networking platforms and launched SimSocial on Facebook as well.  2011 was a very good year for EA because of Gibeau’s guidance of the company.

Gibeau ended 2011 with his biggest gamble yet, the release of the massively multi-player online role playing game Star Wars: The Old Republic.  This new video game required a massive investment of time and money on the part of EA and while the project was begun well before Gibeau took over as President, it fell to him to successfully shepherd it to market.  Competing against the exceptionally popular World Of Warcraft and the recently-successful DC Universe Online Legends, Gibeau had the dual challenges of attracting Star Wars fans who have not traditionally been video game fans to the endeavor and luring the fiercely loyal fans of the other massively multi-player online role playing to the new game.  With huge sales since December 20 when EA originally released the game, Star Wars: The Old Republic Gibeau gets to take credit for this a massive success!

Frank Gibeau has a keen marketing sense, as is evidenced by the exclusive Battlefield 3 V.I.P. kits, and the gaming credentials to lead EA Labels effectively!


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


For Marvel Comics Fans Only: Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited Is Everything You Could Want!

As the publishing industry changes with technology, it is no surprise that digital comics are becoming an important part of the lives of comic book readers everywhere.  Comic book fans have often been maligned as either being oddly illiterate (requiring pictures to actually read books) or obsessive compulsive collectors who do not even read their mint-condition books.  Digital comics confound those prejudices by giving the collectors a virtual product that allows them to enjoy the stories they love and illustrating that most comic readers are not only literate but tech savvy.  While digital comic book programs like the one from Comixology have their benefits, for readers of Marvel Comics comic books, there is no substitute for Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited.

Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited is a comprehensive premium subscription digital comic reader that has been around longer than any other mainstream digital comics program.  The Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited service is both a first-run digital publication service and the most incredible archive a Marvel Comics fan could hope for.  For $9.99/month or $59.88/year, you have access to the incredible Marvel Comics vault as well as all new comics in a digital form.

When you subscribe to the Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited, you get unrestricted access to the Marvel Comics vault.  Every day, Marvel adds many vintage comics to the Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited collection and the stated goal from Marvel is to have every single issue of every single book Marvel Comics ever published available in a digital form in the vault.  Already, there are tens of thousands of Marvel Comics available from the service.  Each comic book in the collection is rendered as a Flash program.  As a subscriber, you may open any available comic book on your computer, smartphone or tablet computer to access read the book.  The Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited format guides you from panel to panel of each book, so you read at your own pace, but in the order the author intended you to read the book.  This format is especially helpful when reading comic books where the illustrators awkwardly arranged the panels of the book on the page; the Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited format eliminates that issue!

Marvel releases new comics in the same format, so there is consistency between old and new comic books.  Marvel publishes each new comic to the Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited program a few months after their initial print publication.  This, they argue, keeps the print medium relevant while still encouraging subscribers to the Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited program.

With the rising costs of graphic novels and comic books, a subscription to Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited may be the most cost-effective way to keep reading comic books old and new!


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


The MyQuit Coach App For The Apple iPhone Can Help You Quit Smoking!

As the new year blossoms and you consider your New Year’s resolution, you may find that you have, metaphorically, bit off more than you can chew.  Two of the most popular New Year’s resolutions are to lose weight and to quit smoking.  While technology can be used to help you lose weight, what you might not know is that there are now ways to use technology to help you quit smoking.  Livestrong, the marketing and merchandising arm of the Lance Armstrong Foundation, helped to develop the MyQuit Coach application for the Apple iPhone and it may help you to quit smoking!

MyQuit Coach is available through iTunes for all variations of the Apple iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch running iOS 4.0 or above.  The application runs as a blend of a motivational program and journal function designed to help you rid your body of nicotine!  The MyQuit Coach app will help you quit smoking if you do not want to use medicines or other smoking cessation methods and no data yet exists on how effective the program is.  However, for those who believe in the power of mind over matter – but just need a partner in the process – the MyQuit Coach application may be just the ticket you need to quit smoking this year.

The motivational aspect of the MyQuit Coach application comes in the form of screenshots and slogans.  Each time you access the MyQuit Coach application, you are greeted with a statement, like “Smoking affects me and my loved ones,” to help keep you aware of the consequences of your actions.  The application also includes videos that help detail the consequences of smoking.  The MyQuit Coach acts as a “good-cop, bad-cop” routine on your iPhone encouraging you and warning you of the consequences of slipping from your plan.

Perhaps the more useful function of the MyQuit Coach is the journal function.  Using the MyQuit Coach, you may program your iPhone to detail specific benchmarks in your goal to quit smoking.  If you have tried and failed in the past as quitting smoking cold turkey, you may use MyQuit Coach to wean you from cigarettes incrementally.  Under such a plan, you use MyQuit Coach to keep track of how many cigarettes you have had in a day and the application warns you when you are about to pass the goal number you have set for yourself.

The MyQuit Coach application is actually a very smart use of smartphone technology.  Because one of the common complaints smokers have when the relapse and smoke again is that they did not know what to do with their hands when they were not smoking, the MyQuit Coach comes up with an elegant solution.  By keeping the smoker’s fingers busy on an iPhone, the application helps break the physiological connection to smoking that seasoned smokers might have.  That is a clever idea and makes the MyQuit Coach application a very cool app!


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


The Changing Industry Of Video Games

If you are a video game enthusiast, 2012 promises some incredible developments.  If you have not been someone who traditionally plays video games, the prevalence of handheld computer devices like smartphones, e-readers and tablet computers may be getting you curious about what video games have to offer.  The way portable computing devices have permeated every strata of U.S. society has eliminated many barriers between subcultures, so video game geeks are hardly a fringe group any longer.  In fact, game manufacturers court adults far more often for serious video games now and if you have not considered video games recently, here are some of the fundamental changes in the market in the last few years:

1. Graphics are vastly superior. If your perception of a video game is based on early 1980s Atari graphics or even mid-1990s Nintendo graphics, the video game world will absolutely dazzle you now.  Some of the least sophisticated programs on the market, like the free program Angry Birds have animation that is in league with cartoons as opposed to those classic video games!  Many games now have such sophisticated graphics that on non-HD televisions, they look like real environments and people!

2. Gameplay is more sophisticated.  The video game industry is now a multibillion dollar industry.  To keep competitive, video games now employ extensive casts of actors, have long segments of backstory and dialog and many even begin with a short movie.  The new Star Wars: The Old Republic game used one thousand actors and came online with three hundred gaming hours of play programmed in.  Considering that the Star Wars film saga totals approximately thirteen hours, you can see how much more complicated the one game is than the entire film story!

3. Cartridges? What are cartridges?! If you recall cartridges, you haven’t played video games in a long time!  Games now come on DVD-Roms and other discs reminiscent in form to CDs.  Controllers are very different, too.  Some of the most popular video games on the market even use controllers specially designed for only their game.  Some of the new systems even use scanning technology to scan your body and movements, making you the controller!

4. Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games.  With the prevalence of so many computing devices, massive games have sprouted up that allow players to play in complex virtual worlds over Internet connections.  You create a character and enter a virtual world where you are either a fantasy character, interact with super heroes or fight in great space wars.  Regardless of the platform, MMORPGs are subscription service video games where the longer you play, the more experience you build and the more powerful your character becomes.  Unlike the days of Super Mario Bros., there is no finite end to MMORPGs.  Video games, like life, never seem to end!


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


The NPD Group Needs A New Methodology

Virtually anyone can manipulate statistics in so many different ways that it is sometimes funny what passes for news using statistics.  As the annual Consumer Electronics Show launched in Las Vegas this year, the NPD Group (formerly National Purchase Diary Group) came out with what appeared to be ominous financial statistics for the technology sector.  This was treated as potentially devastating news among many members of the technology press, most of whom were off covering the Consumer Electronics Show.

Is it possible the technology reporters and bloggers did not actually read the NPD report?  Is it possible that the mainstream media that picked up the story did not understand it?  Either way, the tech sector ought not to be reeling from the NPD Group’s assertion that holiday consumer electronics spending dropped six percent during the holiday shopping season in 2011.

This would actually be news . . . if it were true.

The NPD Group’s methodology in determining that consumer electronics sales dropped is a flawed one.  In fact, they use methodology so flawed as to make the results meaningless.  The NPD report states that total consumer technology sales “excluding cell phones, tablets, e-readers, and video games” dropped.  What?!  Why is anyone taking the report seriously when it excludes some of the biggest consumer spending items of the holiday season?!  Every major poll in every single respectable publication put the Amazon Kindle Fire at the top of both “most wanted” and “most purchased” gift lists.  The Apple iPad was also a highly sought-after and delivered gift.

Saying that consumer electronic spending is down without including tablets, e-readers and video games, is like saying that cars are being pulled over less by police . . . when red and black cars are excluded.  Given that red and black cars comprise the greatest number of cars on the road in the United States, any statistic correlating cars and car color is worthless without including them.  So, too, is a statistic about holiday spending on consumer electronics that omits the most popular consumer electronics of the holiday season!

Why did the NPD release such a worthless statistic?  To be fair, the data is virtually impossible to come by.  Amazon is notoriously tight-lipped about how many of its e-readers have sold, and, with the Kindle Fire, they have been characteristically opaque.  Apple is also less eager to release its sales figures on tablet computers, though it is widely predicted that when you consider tablets a personal computers, Apple is now the largest PC manufacturer on Earth.

Regardless of what the NPD wants consumers to think, ten days in the 2011 holiday shopping season saw billion dollar sales, which is more than any other holiday season ever before.  To think that consumer electronics like tablets, e-readers and video games did not contribute tremendously to that is naïve.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Facebook Applications That Use Your Friends’ Photos!

Despite its faults with repeatedly recommending the same hundred people to be your friend, Facebook remains a very cool social network.  Facebook is a social network where you can communicate with friends far and near and even people you just wish were your friends, all at once.  The social network that Mark Zuckerberg founded on the concept of exclusivity is now a universally-recognized facet of United States popular culture.  One of the nice elements of Facebook is that it serves as a platform for applications that do not take Facebook all that seriously.  Two of the coolest such applications are Face-Invaders and the Photo Booth Friends video slot machine.

Face-Invaders is a very simple application for Facebook.  The Face-Invaders game is a recreation of the classic 1980s video game Space Invaders.  The difference, though, is that instead of generic aliens, the creatures descending from the sky are made up of Facebook photos of your Facebook friends!  You use your own Facebook photo in Face-Invaders as the defensive weapon to save the world.

The game is very simple to play, just as Space Invaders was.  As your friends float down from the sky, you shoot them until the rows of friends are all gone.  Moving your avatar is easy, as you simply tilt your tablet computer or smartphone in the direction you want to go. To fire your weapon, you simply tap your portable device’s screen.  Face-Invaders can be a nice cathartic tool when people you are friends with on Facebook have annoyed you in real life!

For a more positive spin on using your Facebook friends’ photos, the DoubleDown Casino application on Facebook has Photo Booth FriendsPhoto Booth Friends is a standard video slot machine on Facebook, except that all of the symbols are profile photos from your Facebook friends.  Photo Booth Friends is a cool application in that you may let the program choose which friends it represents in the game or you may associate specific friends with different winning values.  Suddenly, your loved one may help you win big at the virtual casino!

Photo Booth Friends is otherwise a very typical video slot machine on the DoubleDown Casino platform.  Photo Booth Friends is a twenty-line video slot machine with eleven different symbols, including Bonus Game and Scatter symbols.  The bonus game for Photo Booth Friends is the aptly-named “snapshot bonus” that makes further use out of your friends’ Facebook photos.

Facebook profile photos can be fun or troubling, but with applications like Face-Invaders and Photo Booth Friends, you can see a lot more of your friends while gaming on Facebook!


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Can Dwolla Become The New PayPal?

The odds are good that if you have done any sort of financial transaction on the Internet, you have a PayPal account.  The spin-off of eBay has helped make eBay even more money than the auction site was making on its own.  By charging anyone who received money through PayPal, the financial company has generated enough revenue for itself to make PayPal a multi-billion dollar company.  PayPal has become the online financial powerhouse it has by taking money out of small businesses – like independent vendors who sell on eBay – and from the multi-billion dollar banking and credit card industries.  Now, Dwolla is entering the market to take a bite out of the credit card companies and PayPal.

It is about time.

Dwolla is using new technologies to provide its users with direct access to their bank accounts while protecting their private information.  The stated goal of Dwolla is to provide the flexibility of cash for the virtual world of the Internet.  Your Dwolla account is intended to give you a common source of payment online and in the real world without ever having to touch cash again.

What makes Dwolla different is its security and transparency.  Dwolla has unprecedented security controls that prevent identity theft by keeping your account numbers from ever getting to identity thieves.  In this way, Dwolla is very much like PayPal.  Unlike PayPal, Dwolla’s privacy controls allow users to restrict how much information is available to those they pay through the service.  With PayPal, you have access to quite a bit of information – at the very least e-mail address, name and address – of the person with whom you are doing business.  While that makes sense for virtual transactions that involve physical items shipped between two people, it makes less sense for charity donations and person-to-person transactions.

The real difference with Dwolla is in its fee structure.  Users pay $3.00 a month for their Dwolla account, which gives them access to a $500 line of credit and instant access to their own bank account.  If you use credit money and you do not pay it off by the end of the month, there are fees.  However, Dwolla encourages the small sales.  By eliminating transaction fees on all purchases less than $10, Dwolla fosters support for the small transactions that have been becoming more costly with each passing year.  The CEO of Dwolla argues that transactions like paying for a cup of coffee with your credit card are forcing vendors to charge more for their products and services.

Dwolla wants to turn that tide and help users get the most out of the money that should, by rights, be theirs.  The $.25 transaction fee on all charges above $10 is minimal when compared to PayPal’s oppressive fee scheme.  That is probably why eBay will resist incorporating Dwolla for as long as it legally can.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Merit Software’s Reading Skill Builder

One of the greatest aspects of the United States is that the United States allows its citizens unrestricted social mobility.  There is no caste system in the United States and potential exists for every person in the United States to develop their talents and lives as they see fit.  However, because of the vast disparities in economic conditions, some citizens are born into circumstances where they cannot easily reach their potential.  In the poorest parts of the United States, Americans remain impoverished due to their poor education, especially when they have an inability to read.  Fortunately, computers may now help combat illiteracy, which is one of the leading challenges in adult education.  Merit Software is a leader in computerized literacy programs and their Reading Skill Builder is a program designed to aid adults who want to learn how to read.

The Reading Skill Builder is a web-based program for Windows, Mac, and Linux computers, making it ideal for any educational institution or home.  Merit Software created an easy-to-monitor curriculum for adult education and continues to refine it with the Reading Skill Builder.

It might seem odd to teach people to read using a computer; after all, if the student can type or read on a computer monitor, they should be able to read a book, right?  Part of the theory behind the Reading Skill Builder is that most adults, by simple virtue of having lived in the world for a few decades, will have a basic knowledge of English characters.  Because most adults will recognize most letters and numbers, the graphic interface on the Reading Skill Builder focuses on combining the letters into words.  In addition to teaching basic reading skills, the Reading Skill Builder strengthens vocabulary through easy word exercises.

The Reading Skill Builder prioritizes reading comprehension.  Because the focus of this literacy program is teaching adults to read, it comes with a very stark interface.  Unlike literacy programs that promote reading for children, the Reading Skill Builder is not cluttered with a lot of imagery.  The stories the Reading Skill Builder presents are not computer-based picture books.  As a result, students must focus on the words and what they mean, as opposed to simply recognizing or inferring based on pictures associated with the story.

For teachers working with adult students, the Reading Skill Builder provides a number of tools for monitoring your students’ progress.  The Reading Skill Builder easily informs you of what your students’ problem areas are, which allows you to adapt your lessons to better educate them.  All of the tests and tools are part of the basic Reading Skill Builder.

Educators who want to use computers to help their students overcome basic literacy deficiencies will find the Reading Skill Builder invaluable.  The Reading Skill Builder from Merit Software educates adults with a mature interface that respects their dignity and desire to learn.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Keep Your Mind Sharp With Isanaki Sudoku

With mental health disorders on the rise, it is no surprise that more and more people are looking to computers for solutions.  In the case of Alzheimer’s Disease and several other dementia-based illnesses, doctors frequently advocate keeping your mind active especially in advance of an affliction.  In other words, those who keep an agile mind have the best chance of preventing and coping with many forms of dementia.  To that end, many doctors recommend Sudoku and if you use your computer excessively, Isanaki Sudoku might be the best tool you can download today!

Sudoku is a number puzzle with very simple rules.  You play Sudoku in a grid of nine squares by nine squares.  In each three block by three block segment of the larger grid, you must place the digits 1 through 9.  However, you may only use each digit once per line and column.  Each board includes a random selection of digits already in the grid and you must use deductive reasoning to place all of the remaining numbers in the grid.  Sudoku promotes manipulative thinking that challenges the intellect and pleasure centers of the brain.  Moreover, because each puzzle is different, you continue to stimulate your brain each time you play.

Isanaki Sudoku is a computer-based version of Sudoku.  As freeware, the program is instantly available as long as you have an internet connection.  Isanaki Sudoku is a challenging program that provides players with the ability to select a difficulty level and it generates the boards accordingly.  Less difficult levels of Sudoku begin with more of the grid filled; more advanced players must start with fewer digits already present in the grid.  In addition to being able to generate hundreds of different Sudoku boards, the game’s publisher TGMDev provides a solution function.  This allows you to have an “answer key” for each game in case you get stuck or are playing with a child and wish to help them out.

What sets Isanaki Sudoku apart from every other Sudoku program is that it features greater game flexibility.  Isanaki Sudoku generates standard numerical Sudoku boards as well as Wordoku boards.  Wordoku boards use letters instead of numbers. If your goal is to keep your mind agile, using Isanaki Sudoku’s Wordoku function may shake up the game for you as you play more.  In addition to switching the difficulty level, playing Wordoku when the numerical version of Sudoku becomes more familiar may keep your mind agile.

The flexibility of Isanaki Sudoku is not just limited to the difficulty and style.  Unlike some Sudoku programs, Isanaki features a print function as part of its interface, making it easy to print out Sudoku grids.  The ability to print out the Sudoku grids allows you to keep stimulating your mind as you may then disconnect from your computer or play after your laptop’s battery is exhausted!

As you age, keeping your mind sharp is exceptionally important.  Isanaki Sudoku can be an integral part of keeping your mind agile and healthy.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


The Internet And The Rise Of The Humorous Image!

The photograph has a power over us that we seldom reflect on.  Iconic photographs have taken on such profound meaning in the collective conscience from the U.S. sailor kissing a nurse at the end of World War II to the photograph of Martin Luther King Jr.’s peers pointing in the direction his shooter fled.  With the proliferation of digital cameras, online stock imagery and vast repositories of digital images online, modern photography has stopped meaning quite as much.  As a result, the Internet has pioneered the phenomenon of photo manipulation for humor.

The current generation of computer users does not seem content with the photograph and the implicit thousand words it is supposedly worth.  As a result, users have created entire communities centered on humorous manipulations of photographs where users add words to an image as a punch line of sorts.

The evolution of the humorous photo manipulation started with lolcats.  Lolcats – derived from the texting abbreviation for “Laughing Out Loud” and the common name for felines – became an underground subculture creation in 2005.  At that time, stock images of cats were shared between friends with humorous or supportive text added to them.  In 2006 when and Something Awful began promoting images of lolcats.  Since then, the lolcat has crossed into the mainstream.  Thousands of individuals shared pictures with grammatically incorrect but funny phrases that either refer to the cat’s actions in the photograph or represent dialogue the cat might speak.  I Can Has Cheezburger? is a site that remains active today with daily, fresh lolcats.  As a phenomenon, lolcats remains one of the most enduring.

But lolcats has evolved as the market for cat-based humor moves toward exhaustion.  The lolcats have given rise to the Internet meme phenomenon.  Internet memes are like lolcats in that they feature photographs with humorous text.  Internet memes differ in that their subjects are more than just cats.  Instead, pop culture imagery both present (like Rebecca Black) and past (Richard Nixon) is combined with text to make jokes.  These photo manipulation “strips” range from one-panel jokes to several panel strips with a punch line.  Because geek culture dominates the Internet meme phenomenon, many use more obscure references than the mainstream lolcats.  So, for example, Admiral Ackbar and his catchphrase “It’s a trap!” is the subject of many Internet memes.  Those who have not seen Return Of The Jedi many, many times are unlikely to get the full weight of the reference when it arrives as the punch line to many an Internet meme.

Internet meme’s and other photo manipulation forms of humor are seeing growth on the Internet.  The communities preoccupied with Internet memes are interested in creating and sharing humor, so they remain free sites.  If you have had a joke, but lack the artistic talent to draw well, Internet memes offer a possible avenue for you to creatively express yourself!


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


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