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Programming Resources To Make Twitter Profitable, Tim Hastings Is Very Cool!

The rise of the Internet social network has happened with such a speed that it is often difficult to say what the real enduring impact of the Internet social network has been and will be.  To understand what Twitter is trying to convey, as far as what the service might mean to communications and history, a very specific analytic tool had to be built.  That tool was TagWalk and the inventor of TagWalk is Tim Hastings! Read more »

Silent Circle Is Launching To Protect All Your Communications!

With identity theft remaining one of the enduring problems with modern communications, it is unsurprising how many products and services there are that offer to protect your data.  When it comes to data storage, there are several products that encrypt your files to protect them, like the industry-leading Ironkey Flash Drive that makes transporting your data incredibly risk-free.  It is hard to find an analogous product when it comes to communications technology, though.  That is about to change, thanks to Silent Circle. Read more »

Find Out What All Those Tweets Mean At TagWalk!

Of all the social networks on the Internet, Twitter seems to be the one that is both the most trendy and least useful.  Limited to 140 characters, Twitter is basically an extended message board for your life where you keep anyone who might be interested up to date on where you are, what you are doing and/or what thoughts are going through your mind.  While Twitter might not be a bastion of deep thoughts or profound ideas, Twitter actually embodies perfectly the “social” part of social networking.  More than any other social network, Twitter acts as a barometer of just what is hip, trendy, and popular in the world at any given moment.  Twitter is the snapshot of both popular culture and current events.  But, seeing the big picture Twitter is trying to reveal can be hard.  For that, you need TagWalk. Read more »

Always Building, Mitchell Harper Is Making BigCommerce Bigger!

The business of doing online business is more vital and robust than ever. Those businesses that are not yet taking advantage of the Internet as an income channel are rapidly finding themselves at a competitive disadvantage.  But setting up an online business can be difficult, especially for those who are not technically inclined.  Few people understand that as well as Mitchell Harper does. Read more »

Developing A Popular Game From An Unsuccessful Attempt, Efim Voinov Illustrates Resiliency And Cleverness!

Sometimes, the best ideas come from the ashes of a previous idea that simply did not work out.  When ZeptoLabs began making computer games, the chief programmer worked very hard on a physics software engine.  That engine was programmed to realistically mimic how objects fell based upon a player cutting the ropes that suspended the object.  ZeptoLabs went with a different game mechanic for their first release, Parachute Ninja.  However, the programmer who worked on the initial version of the game thought there might be a way to use that game engine.  That tenacious programmer was Efim Voinov! Read more »

Mozilla Wants To Change The Way You Get Apps!

Have you ever heard of an amazing new app that you really wanted to use, only to find out that it is not available on your device? The current limitations of app stores can be frustrating for both consumers and developers. Mozilla, the company who brought you the Firefox web browser, wants to change the restrictive nature of app stores by putting them all online. Read more »

Cable Providers Seek Partnerships With Netflix

Traditional television service, like any other service, has both positive and negative attributes.   Lately, though, it can be difficult to find the benefits of traditional broadcast television service when the detractions to it are so easy to spot (like weather-related outages).  Even cable television no longer seems as impressive a service, especially when compared to emerging Internet-based television options. Users of Internet television services have discovered that they can pay a fraction of the price to subscribe to Hulu Plus or HBO Go and get a more customized service. Read more »

Use Your Smartphone To Be A Reporter With The Stringfly App!

Have you ever seen something legitimately newsworthy and wished there was a reporter around to get the facts correct? Do you wish there was a way you could give feedback to companies easily?  Do you love sharing great deals you find with your friends as soon as you encounter them?  Now, there is a smartphone app that meets all of those needs!  That app is Stringfly.

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One Of The Young Stars Of The Internet: Martin Kleppmann!

With the death of Steve Jobs and movies that focus on how Mark Zuckerberg and his friends created Facebook, many in the media are focused on looking out for the next tech sector wunderkind.  With so many of the current crop of rising stars in the tech sector focused solely on their Internet startups or technological breakthroughs, it is easy to forget that historically, the real geniuses of the tech sector have been well-rounded individuals with a lot of interests.  The fact that these creative geniuses who are interested in many things focus on the technology industry to leave their mark does not negate the fact that the inventors, CEOs and envelope-pushers of the tech sector all had more going for them than simply their career.  That is why Martin Kleppmann is the Internet entrepreneur to watch! Read more »

Learning Russian Through Software Is As Easy As It Can Be With Russian Complete Edition!

Good language software may be very hard to find.  Even so, if you are visiting China there are many options for software that teaches you Chinese.  To learn Japanese, there is Jibbigo.  If you are planning a trip to the Orient, why not continue your trip through Asia and visit Russia?  Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia has opened up to tourists from the United States and the country has much to offer travelers there.  However, unlike traveling to Europe, visitors to Russia need to have at least a rudimentary knowledge of the Russian language.  For that, there is Russian Complete Edition software! Read more »

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