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July 27th, 2012 by
Style and fashion can be a tough sell using the Internet. The Internet is great for presenting images of cutting-edge styles and connecting users to sales points, but many style shoppers have discovered that products hardly seem as glamorous as the digitally touched-up images they saw online make them look. Fashion shoppers frequently find that colors are not as precisely rendered on their computer monitors, resulting in negative shopping experiences that can leave them out of the current trend. But one woman has found a very effective way to synergize online shopping, social networks and the in-person shopping experience. That business visionary is Jessica Herrin! Read more »
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July 27th, 2012 by
Last year when the Apple Computers released the iPhone 4S, users were understandably thrilled by the device. The iPhone 4S remains one of the most powerful smartphones on the market and one of the most coveted. Despite numerous rumors that the iPhone 5 will be released later this year, many iPhone users who love their iPhone 4 or 4S may want to keep their familiar smartphone and avoid the hassle of having to program a new iPhone. For those people (and those who want to believe that the iPhone 5 will have the same physical specifications as the 4S) it may be time to start accessorizing your iPhone 4S. One of the coolest accessories for the iPhone 4S is also one of the most simple: the Macally Foldable Charging Stand. Read more »
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July 26th, 2012 by
This year will see some exciting new sites and developments on the Internet and in the world of mobile computing. As Microsoft prepares to return to the tablet computer market, Apple leaks rumors of its iPhone 5 and the giants of technology sue one another repeatedly over alleged patent violations, many exciting new start-ups are readying for public launch. One of the applications that is generating a great deal of buzz already is Vizify, a service that will cull your social networking information to allow you to create an uber-profile that puts the best of you at the forefront of the Internet. Vizify is nearing completion and taking it the last steps to launch is what Eli Tucker is entirely focused on these days! Read more »
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July 22nd, 2012 by
Security is a concern in the tech sector that only continues to grow. The growth of security services pertaining to computers, smartphones and mobile computing devices is not a reflection on the industry’s unwillingness to adapt; technology continues to change at such a fast rate and hackers continue to adapt as well, necessitating an almost-constant development of new security-related products and services. While many computers have been protected by the most robust anti-viral software ever created, as hackers take on smartphones and mobile computing devices, many of the major software developers have been slow to react. Instead, consumers are discovering the benefits of mobile computing protection software, like Reliaty55. Read more »
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July 19th, 2012 by
As more and more people get cooler and more expensive home electronics devices, it is hard not to feel insecure leaving home. While the obvious solution would be to get a security system, the media portrays home security systems as drastically ineffective. In fact, most people would be hard pressed not to be able to recall a time when they watched a movie or television program and a security system was compromised by cutting the wires from the cameras to the monitors. One of the obvious, real-world, solutions to that problem is to assemble a security system that does not have wires that can be cut. For that, you might want the Uniden Guardian Wireless Video Surveillance System. Read more »
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July 13th, 2012 by
Power is rapidly becoming the hardest aspect of mobile computing devices to improve upon. Manufacturers continually find new gadgets to add to smartphones and tablet computers, but with all of the new components that rapidly drain batteries, there has been no radical leap forward with manufacturing batteries. As a result, users have not gotten significantly greater battery life from their mobile devices with the newer smartphones and tablet computers. This is especially irksome for mobile device users who use their devices primarily for business purposes. They do not need improved video cameras or more realistic speakers to play digital music; they require reliability and endurance. While the manufacturers of electronic devices may not be radically improving batteries, peripherals manufacturers are focused on delivering stronger power supplies to consumers. One of the leading products for augmenting the innate power supply of thousands of devices is the Fueltank DUO. Read more »
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July 11th, 2012 by
Since the founding of the United States, one of the fundamental freedoms of the nation has been Freedom of the Press. Made possible by Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press was intended to keep the citizenry educated and informed, the theory being that such measures could prevent tyranny. It is a great theory. However, over the years, political machinations (yellow journalism), business interests (media consolidation) and sloth have weakened the Fourth Estate of the United States. The final blow to Freedom of the Press may well come from the tech sector as the tech sector is currently eroding some of the last definitive standards of the mainstream press. Read more »
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July 2nd, 2012 by
The challenge many advertisers and brands continue to have is connecting with customers, especially new customers, utilizing the Internet. Many Internet-savvy potential customers already use ad blocking software or, because of the prevalence of ads around the Internet, mentally block out all but the most inspired Internet ads. With social networking, the challenge of connecting advertisers and potential clients is still one that experts in the industry are figuring out. Trying to crack the formula to utilize the power of social networking for business purposes is what Josh Emert is involved with now and with GoChime, he may be on the right track! Read more »
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June 8th, 2012 by
In the wake of the National Traffic Safety Board’s proposal that each state pass a law to outright ban the use of electronic devices while driving and the revelation that Carrier IQ has been acquiring deeply personal data through its smartphone programming, it is hard not to feel jaded about technology right now. The National Traffic Safety Board had absolutely the right idea in its proposal. Unfortunately, if left up to the states or the federal government, it might take some time for government to act. As penance for the Carrier IQ scandal, the smartphone industry should be compelled to make technology do what law enforcement has not. Read more »
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June 6th, 2012 by
Businesses that endure in the marketplace, by and large, weather trends that are cyclical. No company has an unfettered ascent; there are adjustments, products that fail to launch the way the company anticipated they would, and economic events unrelated to the particular business that nevertheless impacts the business. In the tech sector, companies that were once leaders suddenly find the niche they dominated crowded by competitors who devour their market share. That is where smartphone manufacturer Research In Motion, inventor of the Blackberry, now finds itself. Read more »