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December 23rd, 2015 by
Weather prediction and forecasting is something to which people have had access for centuries and news sources have been providing people with for decades. Weather and forecasting apps are nothing new, and many apps exist to keep people informed of particular situations to particular groups of people. It is in this vein that an app called OpenSnow exists as a means of informing skiers, snowboarders, and others of the perfect conditions for snow sports and similar activities. Its creators developed it as the most effective way to plan the ideal ski vacation or winter vacation. It goes beyond mere weather reports to provide a great deal of in-depth information that can help you to understand every aspect involved in planning such a trip. Read more »
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March 23rd, 2014 by
One issue that hiking enthusiasts face when they travel across the country to conquer many different hiking trails is that quite a few major trails lead to places where no cell phone signal exists. No phone signal means the GPS function of many smartphones becomes useless. Cool product Gaia GPS allows users to download GPS data for specific hiking trails so they can use the maps and data points even when they have no Internet connection out in the wilderness. Gaia GPS is available on the web, on iPhone and on Android devices. People can load the data for their particular hiking trail or trip on the app beforehand and then access the maps they need while hiking. Any people who have trouble operating the app on their smartphones or tablets should get mobile IT support to help. Read more »