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StowThat Creates a Sharing Economy for Storage Space

Storage can be a serious pain.  Whether it’s because someone is a college student and constantly moving back and forth between school and home, or because someone has recently moved to a smaller home in a new city on temporary basis, finding adequate storage options that are affordable and convenient is often difficult.  Storage centers often end up in remote areas due to the required space, and it is not always simple to retrieve stored material from them.  This reality is why so many people choose to have friends or relatives hold items for them if they live close by to the area.  It’s easy to pick something up stored in a garage.  Now, there is a cool product named StowThat that depends on a business model where anyone with convenient, extra storage space can rent that space to those who want to avoid traditional storage units. Read more »

Victor Miron Founded UseTogether to Bring the Sharing Economy Everywhere

Many tech blogs have coined the term “sharing economy” to describe the phenomenon that has started occurring with sites AirBnB and Uber.  These sites circumvent traditional commercial models for new models that encourage consumer-to-consumer transactions.  AirBnB allows people to rent out extra rooms or apartments to people so users don’t have to pay expensive hotel rates.  Uber lets people share rides with drivers to avoid paying for expensive taxis.  This sharing model has disrupted industries and created much controversy, as well as several legal battles with established industries.  Despite these setbacks, the movement continues to push forward and even expands with the help of cool people in technology like Victor Miron, the founder of UseTogether. Read more »

Qraft Lets You Rent or Lend Boats, RVs, Planes, and Outdoor Gear

People sharing and renting each other’s property is a growing trend in the consumer web space.  Companies like Airbnb have people share their apartments and extra rooms so others don’t have to use hotel services.  Cool product Qraft wants to take this trend and apply it to recreational vehicles and items that its website refers to as “adventure” related.  This includes alternative transportation like boats, planes, RVs, and motorbikes.  Qraft also has a section for users to rent out hiking, climbing, and camping gear for those who prefer to have their adventures on foot.   What makes a Qraft potentially very profitable for its users is that these items and vehicles often go unused for months at a time.  That means that people can rent their items out often and make a profit on their recreational toys.  These items are often very costly and see very limited use, but with Qraft, a user could theoretically get much more out of their investment in an item like a boat or RV.  Recreational vehicle owners who want to rent their items out but struggle with the web will want online PC support to help them. Read more »

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