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House Hunting is Easier with Househappy

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While those searching for a new home certainly have an advantage in searching Internet listings as opposed to print listings and can view many more options much more efficiently, most websites link directly to a particular company or agent and options are still limited, while the information provided is dependent on what a company or agent chooses to give potential customers.  Househappy is an app created to improve the process of searching for a new home online beyond even the improvements we have seen thus far.  According to its creators, the app’s main advantages are many and make finding the house that is right for you faster and easier than ever before. Read more »

Closing Time Helps People When Buying Their First Home

Buying a home is a complicated and difficult process if you have no experience with it.  Many first-time homebuyers make mistakes or run into complication and trouble either during the process itself or after they’ve purchased their houses.  It doesn’t make it any easier when the process is different depending on where someone buys their new home, meaning there is no one easy checklist or solution to help first-time buyers.  However, there is help out there thanks to advances in web technology.

Cool product Closing Time is a web-based tool meant to help those inexperienced with the home buying process.  The product provides a checklist to buyers to ensure that they’ve completed every necessary step and are truly ready to close on the purchase of a home.  Just as tech support services provide help and advice to those who are inexperienced with computers, Closing Time provides help and advice to those inexperienced with buying houses or apartments.  Read more »

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