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Building on the Internet of Things – Taylor Alexander

The term “Internet of Things” continues to evolve in meaning, just as innovators continue to create this connection of all objects, both physical and virtual, to a global network infrastructure.  Using increasingly more complex means of data capture and communication capabilities, engineers build new pathways in this global network.  One such engineering innovator is Taylor Alexander, founder of Flutter Wireless, an alternative to traditional Wi-Fi.  It’s what Taylor calls a “second network”.  The alternative to Wi-Fi can cover 100 times as great an area, using relatively little power.  Read more »

Jessica Alter, Matchmaker Extraordinaire!

Not unlike the trendy online dating services, FounderDating helps entrepreneurs find their match online.  You may have a specific idea you would like to work on, but don’t have the right partner. FounderDating helps connect you to a network of uber talented individuals with complementary skill sets.  Finding someone with a different background and skill set allows you to fit with the right cofounder. FounderDating is in the business of making these kinds of matches. Read more »

Make Your Home Theater Ring With The Wharfedale Achromatic Ultimo Home Theater System!

As technology continues to improve, your home may be customized in ways that lead to greater comfort and convenience.  In the case of home entertainment, that means that video and audio systems have become impressive enough to both justify their expense and thrill you enough that you might rather stay in as opposed to go out to the movies.  New home theater systems offer an experience much like a movie theater, but with the comfort of your own home.  The Wharfedale Achromatic Ultimo Home Theater System can enhance your high definition television to give you truly amazing sound quality to match the visual impact of your home theater. Read more »

Monitor Your Servers With Speed And Efficiency With The Tripp Lite Minicom SmartRack 116!

As businesses grow and more people discover that the Internet is not as daunting a tool as they might initially suspect, you might be inclined to build or maintain your own servers for your business.  While the initial set-up of your own server farm may be out of your league if you are not especially computer savvy, monitoring and maintaining your servers has become easier in recent years.  One element that may make it easier to maintain your servers in-house, without the need to hire a specialist, is server-monitoring technology.  Tripp Lite makes several pieces of server-related technology and the Minicom SmartRack 116 16-Port KVM may make monitoring your servers very easy. Read more »

Selling To Businesses, Dee Anna McPherson Serves Yammer Well

Networking within a big business is becoming a pretty huge business in its own right.  The companies that are aiding big businesses with their internal communications have found a niche that they are very effectively filling.  The business networking companies continue to grow, despite the rapidly changing corporate and economic landscapes worldwide.  One of the most dynamic networking companies is Yammer.  Yammer continues to grow, in part, because of Dee Anna McPherson. Read more »

Using Psychology To Staff Netflix, Tawni Cranz Is Very Cool!

In the tech sector, major fields can change with alarming speed.  A few years ago, for example, the idea of streaming movies and music from the Cloud was a far-fetched notion and even the leaders of big businesses in the tech sector were unsure how to capitalize on such an idea.  Now, there are several companies and services that offer streaming video and it is a huge business.  Given the rapidly-changing nature of technology, human resources personnel for media technology companies, like Netflix and Hulu, have their work cut out for them.  When they make a hire, they have to evaluate how the candidate will work for the company as it is now and how it might radically change in the future.  In the case of Netflix, managing the personnel is made much easier thanks to Tawni Cranz. Read more »

Managing Global Operations For CBS Interactive, Tom Jones Is Very Cool!

The tech sector is, in many ways, the final frontier for driven individuals who have innate talent and simply need an outlet for it.  On the production end, having a great idea and learning to program it can make you the next Mark Zuckerberg or Martin Kleppmann.  On the business side of the tech sector, many companies reward experience and success over formal education.  Tom Jones is an executive who is proof that experience, charisma, and consistent success may be more of a commodity in the tech sector than a formal degree. Read more »

Now Live, Vizify Allows You To Create A Single Social Profile!

The notion that each person wears many different masks in the course of their lifetime and in different groups, is a very old idea.  How you interact with other people and what you choose to show one group of person in your life changes based on very old social mandates and ideas.  With the rise of the Internet and the subsequent explosion of social networking sites, you put quite a bit of information about yourself online every year.  Unfortunately, all of that information may create a much jumbled view of who you are and may be mixed in with information about other people who happen to share the same name as you.  Now there is a new site that has the sole goal of helping you create a single, focused, online profile that collects all of your disparate elements in one place.  That site is Vizify and it is very cool. Read more »

Working For Every Legal Advantage, Jamie Gorelick Guides Amazon!

Following the rise of consumer and privacy activists to defeat the Stop Online Piracy Act earlier this year, the reaction to the defeat both online and in the tech sector has been interesting to watch.  Many of the leaders who organized the fight against SOPA have formed organizations, like the Internet Defense League, to create watchdog positions and communications networks to prevent future SOPA-like legislation from passing.  Many businesses decided to beef up their legal department so they could better understand the potential consequences of such legislation to their specific business. hired Jamie Gorelick to its Board of Directors. Read more »

Your Personal Safety Is Enhanced With The ZOMM Wireless Leash Plus.

Even with the rise of the smartphone, the need for specialized personal safety devices persists.  For sure, a smartphone may be very helpful in a medical emergency or when there is a threat against your life.  However, with so many smartphones running sophisticated programs, one must often unlock their smartphone and wait for it to boot to a menu screen from which you select the applications you wish to use.  The time it takes to unlock your smartphone may be the moments – especially in a heart attack or assault situation – you need to actually be able to make an emergency call.  Fortunately, as communications devices have become more sophisticated, so too have the specialized emergency/personal safety devices.  One useful personal safety device is the ZOMM Wireless Leash Plus. Read more »

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