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OpenSecrets Keeps Government Accountable And The U.S. Free!

Free speech and free access to information is absolutely vital in a capitalist democracy.  Any government that allows individuals, organizations and businesses to contribute financially to the political process owes its citizens a transparent process for auditing those contributions.  In the United States, there is no easier system for tracking money in politics than OpenSecrets. is a website run by the nonpartisan Center For Responsive Politics.  On OpenSecrets, you may investigate the fundraising of every political candidate registered with the Federal Election Commission.  Because the Center For Responsive Politics is not affiliated with the FEC or any political party, it provides unbiased tools that track the flow of money in politics.  Understanding how money flows to a candidate may provide voters with a realistic view of how that candidate will actually act when elected.  Because politicians are beholden to their donors, it is very easy to spot a hypocritical candidate.  OpenSecrets makes that very easy to do.  Because the website features a whole section on influence and lobbying, voters have easy tools to investigate the candidates on their ballot, whether the media does or not.  OpenSecrets shows which Political Action Committees donate money to each candidate, giving voters a more precise picture of the political landscape. features a very easy to use interface and a powerful search engine.  Users may find quarterly representations of a candidate’s financial standing through prominent tabs.  Clicking on the Politicians & Elections tab easily transports you to a guide for any Federally-recognized election for the current election cycle.  Clicking on a candidate or politician’s name, provides you with the current financial status of their campaign!  The interface is so easy to use; you can be at a political rally and check the candidate’s finances on your smartphone!

Arguably the best tool that provides is a powerful donor lookup tool.  OpenSecrets has archived all the FEC’s donor filing documents and provides you with complete, free, access to them!  By clicking on the Donor Lookup tab, you can find out if any private citizen has donated to any political campaign dating back to 1990 when the disclosure laws went into effect.  The Donor Lookup tool on can give you a better idea of who you are voting for, what issues are important to your friends and just who puts their money where their mouth is when it comes to politics!  Moreover, the results come in fast; the typical search on OpenSecrets takes less than a second to execute.

OpenSecrets is a powerful political tool, especially in a time when the Courts frequently fail to protect access to information that should be public.  OpenSecrets is an online storage depot of information that belongs to the public and we are lucky to have such a sophisticated system watching the flow of money in politics.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


What Is New With The Apple iPhone 4S To Make It Worth Buying?

The iPhone 4S has been the subject of a lot of writing in the blogosphere lately, especially pertaining to the phone’s failing batteries.  Because of all the press the iPhone 4S receives about the defects, sometimes it is hard to overlook all that this smartphone can do.  While there are already rumors abounding that the iPhone 5 is in various stages of development or production, the iPhone 4S has a lot to recommend it.  In fact, there are so many improvements in the iPhone 4S over the iPhone 3 that it is easy to see why the iPhone 4S is one of the hottest gifts for the 2011 Christmas season.  Because so little has changed with the physical appearance of the iPhone 4S, it may not be evident to casual observers just how much has changed with this upgrade to the iPhone.

The back of the iPhone 4S features a camera and here Apple went for professional quality.  Rather than develop a separate Apple digital camera, the iPhone 4S includes an f/2.4 designed to make Apple competitive in the digital camera market.  The 8-megapixel resolution certainly is an improvement over most smartphone cameras!  In addition to the basic camera function, the Apple iPhone 4S includes a video recording ability.  The Apple iPhone 4S features video stabilization and produces 1080p HD movies.  Apple intends for the movie function, like the camera function, to appeal to professionals.  As a result, the iPhone 4S shoots movies at 30 frames per second and is loaded with tools to capture colors with vivid reality.

Inside the iPhone 4S are 2 A5 processors.  Because the iPhone 4S is designed for its computing – from running apps to playing Cloud-based movies seamlessly to accessing other online storage programs – the powerful processing speed of the two A5 chips is a big leap forward for iPhone users.  The two A5 chips service the Retina display screen.  Apple is touting the new Retina display for having a pixel density so tight that the naked eye cannot distinguish individual pixels.

Finally, the Apple iPhone 4S features Siri.  Siri is a digital personal assistant who talks to the user and responds to voice-activated commands.  In addition to talking on your iPhone 4S, you can now talk to your iPhone 4S.  It is almost surprising that with Siri, Apple’s advertising campaign was not “You are never alone with your iPhone 4S!”

Undoubtedly, the Apple iPhone 4S is a neat smartphone and it will remain one of the best smartphones on the market . . . at least until the iPhone 5 comes out.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Pitfalls of Online Politics

If you missed the latest GOP debate when it aired live on television, don’t worry because these days you can stream just about anything that appears on television, even news, to your computer, smartphone or tablet. Taking full advantage of such streaming options is often as easy as upgrading a media player and having a fast Internet network service. If you’re interested in following politics, keep in mind these tips to avoid the pitfalls of being an online political fanatic.

News websites tend to break down lengthy news events, such as an hour-long political debate, into a series of three or four minute clips. When watching these clips via your smartphone, you might hear a candidate say something dumb or offensive that is often taken out of context. So remember, context is king.

Keep in mind that news websites love sound bites because they work very well with our increasingly short attention spans. In this busy world, we’re always in a hurry to get the latest news while at the same time trying to balance doing a variety of other online tasks. So whenever you hear a strange or shocking “sound bite” try to look for background information. Newsprint is especially good at providing this because it doesn’t have to follow the same limiting structure as news video footage.

Use a variety of online resources to get a well-rounded idea of candidates’ viewpoints, ideologies, activities, and records. Try to read news commentary about a political event such as a debate from one site and get the raw footage of the actual debate from another.

Finally, there are hundreds of thousands of apps for iOS and Android for every imaginable purpose, and politics is no exception. Based on your specific interest, you can find apps to follow your favorite—or least-liked—candidates or poll read numbers political documents, link to news outlets, track international political spheres, and much more. Many apps are free and can add a little bit of fun to what can often be a stressful area.

The abundance of media through which we can interact with the political sphere and remain involved and informed is a two-pronged sword. It’s easy to read small bits and pieces of news or listen to decontextualized sound bites. Instead of letting technology limit what we hear to three minutes or less, we should take full advantage of resources to stay in touch with the bigger picture.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Sewell SW-9393 VGA To HDMI Converter

Portability does not need to be a trade-off with quality with the Sewell SW-9393 VGA To HDMI Converter.  Today, consumers use their telephones to take pictures and are encouraged to download digital downloads of movies, digital textbooks and audio performances to their laptop computers.  While this may appeal to tweens and those whose only computer device is a portable phone, serious movie lovers and large groups of people need something more.  For that, they need a converter.

Virtually every computer and laptop computer on the market today features a VGA port.  The video port allows users to export images and sound to devices that project those media.  The current standard, since mid-2009, is High Definition.  High Definition televisions and projectors, however, do not accept VGA or less refined video signals.  For that, users need the Sewell SW-9393 VGA To HDMI Converter.

The Sewell SW-9393 VGA To HDMI Converter is a gadget that converts the VGA signal from a laptop computer or desktop computer port to a High Definition signal.  By connecting a standard VGA cable from the computer to the Sewell SW-9393 VGA To HDMI Converter and an HDMI cable from the Sewell SW-9393 VGA To HDMI Converter to the HD device, users may watch movies, share pictures or present computer-based presentations on much larger devices.

The Sewell SW-9393 VGA To HDMI Converter transforms a laptop computer into an educational tool when it is connected to an HD projector.  A home PC may similarly stream movies from the Internet to an HDTV or through a digital projector when connected to the Sewell SW-9393 VGA To HDMI Converter.  As a business tool, one needs only their laptop and the Sewell SW-9393 VGA To HDMI Converter to connect to common devices and share information with large groups.

In addition to the relatively low expense – the Sewell SW-9393 VGA To HDMI Converter is available online for $56 – $80 – the Sewell SW-9393 VGA To HDMI Converter is exceptionally easy to use.  It requires no software to transform the signals from a video card to the HD device.  Moreover, by using physical connections instead of wireless means, one maintains data and network security.  The Sewell SW-9393 VGA To HDMI Converter allows users to share information, presentations and art with a lower risk of being hacked or requiring virus removal.

For a comparatively low investment, the Sewell SW-9393 VGA To HDMI Converter allows portable devices to become effective presentation tools.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


How Connected Are We?

The great contribution of social networking platforms like Facebook and Twitter is connectivity, social connectivity, that is. Although Internet users everywhere used a variety of network services to connect, social networking sites would have us believe that we simply were not fulfilling our social potential. Many of its 800 million view Facebook  as a fundamental social networking tool. According to HighTalk, a third of all people with access to a network service are on Facebook. In many ways, teens and young users are growing up believing that Facebook is the ultimate social network service, but is Facebook actually helping us become more socially connected?

When it comes to connecting with old, lost friends and relatives, social network services are a simple and fast resource. In a matter of minutes, you can look through a friend’s friend list, locate a common friend, search his or her friend list, and voila, high school sweetheart found. In fact, for many people, websites that offer social network services are a great way to combine business and pleasure.

Clearly, Facebook  and other social networking sites offer us some form of connectivity—they allow us to be in each others’ lives much more prominently (often excessively). The real issue, though, is the kind of connectivity that Facebook enables, not its strength. In other words, do social network services actually enhance our social interactions and connections or do they merely create a delusional, alternate world in which we all roam with complete disregard for our privacy and Internet security, taking pride in the fact that we have 500 + friends?

Even in real life social settings, almost everyone is constantly checking Facebook via smartphones and other devices. If the purpose of social network services is to enhance our social connections, why do we still log-in when we are in perfectly healthy social settings?

Still, if you are convinced of the unparalleled rewards of social network services, consider the threats that these network services pose to users’ Internet security. Using social network services comes at a cost to Internet security. A previous blog discusses how vulnerable users’ Internet security can become when social network services are granted permission to share users’ data. Some people might try to defend social network services like Facebook  by claiming that users have the option to limit apps, hence protect their Internet security. However, the choice to block all third party apps is similar to the choice not to use a cell phone! Sure, no one is forcing you to allow Facebook apps access to your information, but without such apps, Facebook becomes boring and limited.

On the surface, sure, Facebook is making us more connected, but in reality, it is isolating us, increasing our addiction to life on the web, and constantly threatening our Internet security. Perhaps it’s not that great after all…


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Smarter Malware is on the Rise

After a two-year investigation known as Operation Ghost, a group of Eastern European cyber thieves was caught by the FBI, according to an article by ABC News. The story is yet another reminder of some of the problems with global Internet security and the need to get professional virus removal. The group used a complex scheme that even infiltrated the computers of U.S. government agencies, which shows how susceptible Internet security can be even at the governmental level.

The group made $14 million in “illegitimate income” before the FBI put an end to the scheme, according to ABC News. The group infected over four million computers with malware that played an essential role in their advertising scheme. The seven hackers known as the Rove group compromised the Internet security of users and targeted sites like iTunes, Netflix and even the IRS, reports ABC News.

The malware that they used to infect the compromised computers sheds light on a serious Internet security and virus removal problem. According to the article, the malware prevented users from installing virus removal programs that could potentially defuse it. This is an example of an emerging challenge to virus removal programs, as it marks an increases level of stealth and sophistication on the part of malware. Not only are hackers writing malware to breach Internet security, but they are also programming it to strongly resist virus removal efforts. In other words, malware is becoming more conscious of the fact that it is malware, making basic virus removal much more difficult for the average user.

The hackers allegedly partnered with a variety of Internet advertisers to enact a scheme based on targeting users’ Internet security to generate profits, reports ABC News. Advertisers paid the hackers to generate traffic to certain advertisements and websites. They did this by using the malware that they designed to redirect casual Internet users to advertisement websites. By doing so, the hackers increased click results and generated profit from their partner advertisers.

This story also shows that threats to Internet security go beyond the programming level and into the field of international organized crime. Hackers frequently operate internationally, breaching users’ Internet security in one continent while operating in another.

The fact that a group of seven hackers made approximately $14 million dollars by spreading malware is a scary reminder that the incentives to target Internet security is real and, for many, great. That is all the more reason to make every effort to protect our Internet security.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


SmartSwipe Your Way to Safer Online Shopping

If you’ve ever been in a small pizzeria or a local family diner that has just recently started accepting credit cards, you might have seen a little gadget that’s attached to the checkout computer—a small credit card reader. With the advances in network services, it has become very easy to attach a credit card reader to almost any computer with an Internet connection. In fact, if you’d like to swipe away your credit cards at home, then by all means, go for it. SmartSwipe is a small, very cool personal credit card reader that can be used to read credit cards at home or in the office.

SmartSwipe isn’t just a cool way of playing shop at home. Sure, you can swipe away your credit cards when shopping online to get a more commercial feel for your transactions, but there’s more to this credit card reader than fun. SmartSwipe adds an entire new dimension of security to your online financial activities that involve using credit cards. No matter how secure you think your Internet connection is, and regardless of how advanced your anti-virus software is, when you enter your credit card information, you still face some Internet security risks. SmartSwipe reduces (or maybe even eliminates) these risks by encrypting your credit card data before it reaches the information field. This way, if a hacker is trying to monitor your keystrokes or remotely observe your screen, he or she will not be able to see the information you enter.

Under normal circumstances, when you use a credit card to make an online purchase, the website you’re using scrambles (encrypts) your data to prevent hackers from seeing it in its raw form. However, if your device is infected with spyware, for example, that program will have access to the data before it is encrypted. SmartSwipe encrypts the data in its external hardware so that by the time it reaches your computer, it’s protected.

The safe credit card reader is an essential tool for people who regularly enter their credit card information online, whether it’s for online shopping or other financial transactions. As Identity theft problems increase, it’s essential for users to safeguard their private information.

The device is easy to use and connects to your computer via a USB port. Additionally, it is compatible with all major credit cards including Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, and JCB.

SmartSwipe doesn’t come with hidden fees, according to its manufacturer, and using it is completely free after you have purchased the product. The device also helps protect you from accidentally buying the same product twice as it only accepts one purchase per transaction.

To investigate how well the card reader actually works, CBS affiliate, KUTV, independently put it to the test. The show’s producers attempted to get access to a volunteer’s credit information as she completed two transactions, one with SmartSwipe and one without it. Sure enough, when she used SmartSwipe, the (friendly) hacker wasn’t able to see any of her information. On the other hand, when she didn’t use the device, all her data was visible.

Costliness aside, the SmartSwipe looks elegant, connects to your computer easily, and, most importantly, adds a priceless level of security to your online financial transactions, and really, can you put a price tag on that?


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Online Business Needs: Network Service

RESCUECOM offers suggestions on choosing the right network for your online business needs.

Today, almost every business functions at least partly online.  Choosing the right network and maintaining it can be hard, so RESCUECOM offers network service, tailored to your meet your online business needs. Read more »

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