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August 23rd, 2012 by
As businesses grow and more people discover that the Internet is not as daunting a tool as they might initially suspect, you might be inclined to build or maintain your own servers for your business. While the initial set-up of your own server farm may be out of your league if you are not especially computer savvy, monitoring and maintaining your servers has become easier in recent years. One element that may make it easier to maintain your servers in-house, without the need to hire a specialist, is server-monitoring technology. Tripp Lite makes several pieces of server-related technology and the Minicom SmartRack 116 16-Port KVM may make monitoring your servers very easy. Read more »
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August 20th, 2012 by
Networking within a big business is becoming a pretty huge business in its own right. The companies that are aiding big businesses with their internal communications have found a niche that they are very effectively filling. The business networking companies continue to grow, despite the rapidly changing corporate and economic landscapes worldwide. One of the most dynamic networking companies is Yammer. Yammer continues to grow, in part, because of Dee Anna McPherson. Read more »
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August 11th, 2012 by
In the tech sector, major fields can change with alarming speed. A few years ago, for example, the idea of streaming movies and music from the Cloud was a far-fetched notion and even the leaders of big businesses in the tech sector were unsure how to capitalize on such an idea. Now, there are several companies and services that offer streaming video and it is a huge business. Given the rapidly-changing nature of technology, human resources personnel for media technology companies, like Netflix and Hulu, have their work cut out for them. When they make a hire, they have to evaluate how the candidate will work for the company as it is now and how it might radically change in the future. In the case of Netflix, managing the personnel is made much easier thanks to Tawni Cranz. Read more »
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August 8th, 2012 by
The notion that each person wears many different masks in the course of their lifetime and in different groups, is a very old idea. How you interact with other people and what you choose to show one group of person in your life changes based on very old social mandates and ideas. With the rise of the Internet and the subsequent explosion of social networking sites, you put quite a bit of information about yourself online every year. Unfortunately, all of that information may create a much jumbled view of who you are and may be mixed in with information about other people who happen to share the same name as you. Now there is a new site that has the sole goal of helping you create a single, focused, online profile that collects all of your disparate elements in one place. That site is Vizify and it is very cool. Read more »
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August 6th, 2012 by
Connecting advertisers and potential customers through all of the digital devices the average person has today is a daunting task. In fact, very few companies have effectively managed to exploit every possible device and network as a viable revenue stream. Even sites traditionally known for their success using ad revenue on the Internet, like Facebook, have had some issues with monetizing on a mobile platform. PubMatic is a company that, in 2006, saw how the Internet was branching into a multiplatform media no longer simply utilized on home computers and developed software that allows advertisers to spread their message effectively across every type of computing device. Mukul Kumar is the software engineer who makes the PubMatic vision work! Read more »
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August 3rd, 2012 by
The concept of a social network is actually a very simple one: you log into a network, provide information about yourself and develop a channel to share interests and information with other people in your life. As well, you may use a social network to expand your circle of friends by starting conversations with likeminded people who share some of the same interests as you. One of the coolest products on the Internet, is expanding the perception of what a social network can be by offering options that make for a very real photo network! The service is the Ceiva PicturePlan Photo Delivery Service and it is innovative, fresh, and very cool. Read more »
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August 2nd, 2012 by
With the rise of digital photography, people have a vastly easier ability to take pictures and store them than ever before. Taking photographs is no longer a costly or time-consuming process and with today’s digital storage methods, you can create a virtually limitless repository of images from your life and experiences. What has not kept pace with the ability to take digital photographs is a normalization of technology used to display digital photographs. In many offices and even at home, people have prints of pictures or they will furtively look through the images stored on their smartphone when they need to feel connected, but while digital picture frames have existed for years, the market has not grown nearly as fast as the technology by which you take digital photographs has improved. Aiptek aims to change that and with their P8i26 Portable 3D Display, they make it easy to display and enjoy digital photographs! Read more »
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July 29th, 2012 by
Virtually anyone with a real talent not directly related to their field of employment who has friends will be told “you should do that professionally!” While friends mean well by such compliments, they seldom realize that starting a business is a huge task, often involves a skill set entirely different from the skill or product that their friends love, and they are asking their friend to take something they love doing and become dependent upon it for income. Very few people have the wherewithal to go through with such an endeavor. However, Julie Degnan not only made a business out of her hobby, she had all the business skills to make it a success! Read more »
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July 27th, 2012 by
Style and fashion can be a tough sell using the Internet. The Internet is great for presenting images of cutting-edge styles and connecting users to sales points, but many style shoppers have discovered that products hardly seem as glamorous as the digitally touched-up images they saw online make them look. Fashion shoppers frequently find that colors are not as precisely rendered on their computer monitors, resulting in negative shopping experiences that can leave them out of the current trend. But one woman has found a very effective way to synergize online shopping, social networks and the in-person shopping experience. That business visionary is Jessica Herrin! Read more »
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July 26th, 2012 by
This year will see some exciting new sites and developments on the Internet and in the world of mobile computing. As Microsoft prepares to return to the tablet computer market, Apple leaks rumors of its iPhone 5 and the giants of technology sue one another repeatedly over alleged patent violations, many exciting new start-ups are readying for public launch. One of the applications that is generating a great deal of buzz already is Vizify, a service that will cull your social networking information to allow you to create an uber-profile that puts the best of you at the forefront of the Internet. Vizify is nearing completion and taking it the last steps to launch is what Eli Tucker is entirely focused on these days! Read more »