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Managing Global Operations For CBS Interactive, Tom Jones Is Very Cool!

The tech sector is, in many ways, the final frontier for driven individuals who have innate talent and simply need an outlet for it.  On the production end, having a great idea and learning to program it can make you the next Mark Zuckerberg or Martin Kleppmann.  On the business side of the tech sector, many companies reward experience and success over formal education.  Tom Jones is an executive who is proof that experience, charisma, and consistent success may be more of a commodity in the tech sector than a formal degree. Read more »

Share Your Smartphone Content Bigger With The BenQ Joybee GP2!

The smartphone is becomes a more vital piece of technology with each upgrade that manufacturers make.  What was once a basic communication device has transformed into a personal assistant, post office, shopping mall, video camera/camera, art studio and entertainment center!  The power of smartphones is impressive, but for all of their great qualities, each smartphone is limited by the size of its screen.  Smartphone screens are compact and no matter how good the resolution is on your smartphone screen, there are some things – like special effects-driven movies – that lose incredible amounts of detail simply by virtue of the screen size.  While you cannot make your smartphone screen bigger, you can make the images you see there bigger and for those who truly rely upon their smartphones for entertainment and storing business information, the BenQ Joybee GP2 may solve many issues with your small smartphone screen. Read more »

Make Your Own Secure Security Network With The Uniden Guardian Wireless Video Surveillance System!

As more and more people get cooler and more expensive home electronics devices, it is hard not to feel insecure leaving home.  While the obvious solution would be to get a security system, the media portrays home security systems as drastically ineffective.  In fact, most people would be hard pressed not to be able to recall a time when they watched a movie or television program and a security system was compromised by cutting the wires from the cameras to the monitors.  One of the obvious, real-world, solutions to that problem is to assemble a security system that does not have wires that can be cut.  For that, you might want the Uniden Guardian Wireless Video Surveillance System. Read more »

Another Google Engineer Who Has Succeeded After Leaving The Company: Sean Knapp!

Google has become known throughout the tech sector as one of the biggest companies from which engineers with good ideas may launch a business of their own.  Perhaps that perception developed because as Google defined itself in the early days of its company, its leadership did not want to be distracted by side projects.  Google did not start out as a company that was trying to be everything to everyone.  As such, the creative engineers that Google hired to build its revolutionary search engine often had ideas that they could only act upon when no longer with Google.  Sean Knapp was one of those engineers with a vision that did not quite fit Google’s plans. Read more »

The Princeton Tech 17″ Active Matrix LCD Flat Panel Display Is A Cool Monitor!

Computer monitors are an essential part of any personal computer system.  However, not everyone’s needs are the same when it comes to computer monitors.  While some need high-definition monitors (yes, multiple for many gamers or film editors who need to be able to see different renditions of a project side by side!), others can get all they need from an affordable monitor provided from a smaller brand of peripheral manufacturer.  For those computer users, the Princeton Tech 17” Active Matrix LCD Flat Panel Display is more than enough! Read more »

Other Computer Components That Wear Out . . . And How To Recognize Their Failure!

Not long ago, we presented a list of common computer components that wear out as part of the natural use of one’s computer.  While power supplies, monitors, charging ports, and CPU fans are frequent causes of headaches for computer owners, they are not the only computer parts that are likely to fail over time as you use your computer.  Other computer components that frequently fail include: Read more »

What You Should Expect To Wear Out When Buying A Computer!

No one wants to have to call a computer support service or take their private personal computer to a computer repair shop.  At some point, though, we all have to get a computer repair because computers are designed to break down and eventually fail.  Rather than railing against the planned obsolescence of the computer industry, it helps to know what is most likely to fail so you know what to expect from a computer repair.  A trained computer support technician may diagnose most of these conditions simply by hearing the symptoms of your computer problem.  Some computer components that frequently fail or break are: Read more »

The Radeon HD 6570 Is One Of The Most Versatile Graphics Cards!

With more and more computer applications designed to take advantage of impressive graphics capabilities that all the latest computers possess, it is more important than ever to invest in good equipment.  “Good equipment,” in this context refers to having a top of the line high-definition monitor.  It is also essential to have a powerful video card to get the most out of both your computer and your monitor.  That is where the Radeon HD 6570 comes in! Read more »

An Incredible Video Card Now And For The Foreseeable Future: The PowerColor PCS+ Vortex II!

With all of the advances in high-definition computer monitors, sometimes consumers forget that without the right video card, they will not get the most out of their new monitor.  While an average video card may be enough for consumers who are using their computer for streaming movie files – which are not usually the highest quality resolution because it is impractical to stream such massive files – serious videophiles and gamers need a more sophisticated video card.  For those computer users, there is the PowerColor PCS+ Vortex II video card. Read more »

The Ag Neovo TX-W42 Might Be The Ultimate Security Monitor!

Sometimes, a company’s slogan is enough to make it worth looking into it product line, just to see if it actually lives up to its own claims.  Ag Neovo’s tagline is “The Display Choice Of Professionals” and while that might seem like a pretty bold claim, the company seems to be on pretty firm footing with their TX-W42.  For professionals in the security industry who have dynamic monitoring needs, the TX-W42 is an ideal choice and is all the monitor one is likely to truly need! Read more »

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