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March 2nd, 2018 by
E-readers haven been a boon to active literature and periodical lovers since the early 2000s, though the first commercial attempt at the concept came in the late 90s via LCD. Reading is simply something that millions of people love to do and it is not likely even with all of the other things available to distract us that we will ever stop reading novels, plays, and magazines as a form of escapism or personal learning, among other pursuits. As e-readers go, any device that can display text on a screen can technically serve as one, but there is a reason specialized e-reader devices prevail. Unlike other devices that offer an app for downloading books or other reading material, an e-readers full resources exist for that sole purpose. An e-reader optimizes its portability, visibility, and battery life for nothing else, and Amazon’s Kindle Oasis does this better than most. Read more »
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May 28th, 2014 by
Fitness apps and devices have become a major category of tech product in the consumer world in recent years. Everything from iPhone apps that provide special workouts to wristbands that measure your daily fitness statistics have flooded the market. However, most of these devices specifically aim to help users with weight loss and cardio-based exercise. Statistics regarding calories and conditioning are easier to track numerically, so this focus is not really a surprise for most. However, cool person in technology and Skulpt CEO Jose Bohorquez is releasing a product that will help men and women not just interested in losing weight, but also gaining muscle. Measuring muscle quality and body fat percentage is key for those who are trying to add muscle to an athletic frame rather than just keep excess weight off their bodies. That’s why Skulpt Aim, Bohorquez’s product, provides users with statistics about their muscle quality specifically rather than focus on calories burned. Read more »
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May 3rd, 2014 by
Augmented reality has many applications in the real world. People can use it with wearable technology such as Google Glass to create head-up displays for when they perform physical work in an outdoor environment. However, augmented reality isn’t only limited to wearable tech devices. Cool product Augment puts the power of augmented reality in the hands of anyone with a smartphone or tablet. Augment allows people to impose 3D models or prototypes that they create onto the physical world. Users can view how their models would appear as real-world objects and get a better idea of how they would look before investing money to create a physical item. Read more »
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January 27th, 2014 by
Every electronic device sold to consumers has options for customers to pursue when the product has a genuine defect. These options often include a warranty or some access to customer services such as IT support. However, many companies hide the information needed for customers to take advantage of these options within large, dense information packets or in booklets that end up thrown away once someone opens the product’s packaging. Many people have tried to access warranty services only to find out that they need a piece of the product’s packaging or that they can’t find the proper support number. Read more »