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June 21st, 2012 by
Not long ago, we presented a list of common computer components that wear out as part of the natural use of one’s computer. While power supplies, monitors, charging ports, and CPU fans are frequent causes of headaches for computer owners, they are not the only computer parts that are likely to fail over time as you use your computer. Other computer components that frequently fail include: Read more »
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May 13th, 2012 by
For those who still use personal computers and who enjoy full-screen high-definition televisions, it is hard not to see your monitor as a significant expense. The money you spend on a monitor or high-definition television is not a small amount and, odds are, you want to protect that investment. Unlike mobile computing devices like smartphones and tablet computers, no one has yet innovated a screen protector for full-sized screens that has captured the interest of consumers. As a result, you have to clean your high definition monitor and that is where ScreenDr comes in! Read more »
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June 18th, 2010 by
RESCUECOM offers some basic tips for improving computer performance and protecting against the need for computer repair.
Computer performance is a significant concern. Did you know there are many basic tasks you can perform to ensure a high level of computer performance and protect against the need for computer repair? Read more »