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RESCUECOM Talks to Lee Silverstone about Gymtrack’s Approach to Fitness Tracking

 photo SilverstoneFitness devices and mobile apps have exploded onto the consumer technology scene over the last several years.  Many different companies are providing different spins on the concept of tracking fitness metrics.  However, almost all of these companies place the burden on the individual to manage his or her data.  People usually have to log their fitness data manually, taking out their mobile device and inputting information about their last activity in between exercises.  Even fitness apps that make use of a smartphone’s accelerometers to track motion force users to have their mobile device with them at all times while exercising, which isn’t always ideal.  However, RESCUECOM recently spoke to cool person in technology Lee Silverstone, the Co-CEO of Gymtrack, a technology company that takes a different approach to tracking fitness data.  Gymtrack wants to make fitness tracking part of the infrastructure of the gym itself.  With Silverstone’s system, the gym tracks each individual’s fitness data so people don’t have to worry about logging information or carrying their phone when exercising. Read more »

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