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Kim Funk Is Counseling Roku At The Intersection Of Media And Technology.

As Cloud-based streaming services become more prevalent and popular, the major producers of movies, music, and television programming have become more anxious about the new services.  After early Internet sites like Napster gave away their content, major studios got wise (and litigious) and have been more vigorously fighting piracy.  The new strategy that both streaming services and the major studios have begun taking is creating alliances and agreements as Internet companies develop their platform.  That requires the streaming start-ups, or established sites that are looking to diversify into media distribution, to have great lawyers.  For Roku, the manufacturer of streaming media players, the legal team is headed by Kim Funk. Read more »

Leaving The Law For Latin America: Carly Bellis Co-Founded Impaktu!

Talent finds a way of finding its niche; people who are extraordinary seldom remain in positions that could be filled by virtually anyone with similar training.  As a result, it is largely unsurprising when a talented person leaves a good-paying, even prestigious, position to strike out on their own with a vision that is unique.  That is exactly what Carly Bellis did when she co-founded Impaktu. Read more »

Guiding The Tech Sector Through The Law’s Complexities, Jean F. Rankin Is Very Cool!

The tech sector, with its IPOs, patent disputes, and extensive research and development operations, can be a real legal minefield.  Most major companies in the tech sector find themselves, at one point or another, needing expert legal advice.  The companies that frequently avail themselves of their full legal options for managing conflicts, or who find themselves on the defensive from legal challenges raised by competitors, often retain an executive-level lawyer, the General Counsel.  For LSI, the top lawyer for the company is Jean F. Rankin. Read more »

Keeping LinkedIn On The Right Side Of The Law, Erika Rottenberg Is An Effective General Counsel!

In the complex legal framework that defines both major corporations and the Internet, it helps to have a good lawyer on your side.  In fact, virtually every major company in the tech sector has an executive Vice President for General Counsel.  Now, specialized law departments write up and enforce contracts and deal with all legal issues that confront the company.  For the professional social network LinkedIn, the General Counsel is Erika Rottenberg! Read more »

Counseling On Its Growth, L. Michelle Wilson Is Very Cool!

Those who use’s Amazon Prime service for streaming videos have had a good few months recently.  The library of available videos has only been growing in recent months.  While Steven Kessel, the company’s Senior Vice President of Worldwide Digital Media, deserves a lot of credit for the arrangements that provide users with more and more digital video files, there is an unsung hero of Amazon who deserves equal praise.  No matter what arrangements Kessel makes, no relationship between and production studios or distribution companies is complete until is passes muster with L. Michelle Wilson! Read more »

As The Alternative Energy Industry Grows, Teresa Irvin Copenhaver Fights For It!

With every emerging industry, the process of discovery and development often moves faster than the law.  Changing public policy and laws to accommodate the growth of industry can be a painstaking process.  In recent years, for example, the alternative energy industry has grown considerably.  However, environmental laws and other regulations have slowed the search for viable new energy sources or methods of refining or utilizing currently available energy sources.  Working with the alternative energy industry to make positive changes in the world is Teresa Irvin Copenhaver! Read more »

Keep Yourself From Lawsuits With Public Domain Sherpa!

The Internet has become a free-speech battleground.  On the one side of the argument are people who believe that Freedom Of Speech is an absolute and information should be freely disseminated.  On the other side of the argument are those who see copyright protections as essential to protecting intellectual property rights.  While the Internet has enflamed this old argument, it also provides many remedies to the conflicting philosophies.  One of the remedies is to make clear exactly what is available for free use without any copyright protections.  For people who wish to avail themselves of works that are in the public domain, there is Public Domain Sherpa.

Public Domain Sherpa is a guide to all things that you may find on the Internet for public use.  “Public domain” is a term in copyright law that refers to a work – be it a song, story, film, book, photograph or other work that usually could be copyright protected – for which there is no copyright owner.  That means that items that are “in the public domain” may be used by artists, publishers or in any other medium freely.  There is no one you would have to pay royalties to in order to use an object in the public domain.  Because works on the Internet may not be properly annotated with the copyright information, and ignorance is no excuse in the eyes of the law, you might need a guide online to what is in the public domain.  That is where Public Domain Sherpa comes in!

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It Might Not Be A Free Service, But JustAnswer Legal Can Be Useful!

Let’s face it, lawyers are expensive and you don’t have the resources of a major corporation to take on companies or people who may have wronged you.  The Internet, as a wealth of information, has all of the tools you might need to determine what the law says and even what major rulings mean.  However, anyone who has ever tried to sue a corporation knows: there is a big difference between what the law says and an actionable case.  But because fishing to find out if you have a case might well cost you hundreds of dollars in lawyer fees, it helps to be able to go to a lawyer with a case that you know is actionable.  For that, there is JustAnswer Legal.

JustAnswer Legal is a website where lawyers are standing by prepared to answer any legal question you pose to them.  If you have a legal theory, there are literally dozens of lawyers – specializing in different branches of law from criminal to real estate law – standing by at any moment prepared to answer any question you might ask.

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When You Are Facing The U.S. Government, It Helps To Have A Lawyer Like Mary E. Snapp!

A few years back, Microsoft had some legal troubles.  The U.S. government decided to aggressively pursue the Microsoft Corporation for antitrust violations.  This resulted in a restructuring of much of the way Microsoft does business and as Microsoft progresses past that dark chapter in its corporate history, it is once more growing steadily.  The results of the government probes and prosecution would have been much worse, had it not been for Mary E. Snapp.

Mary E. Snapp is the Corporate Vice President and Deputy General Counsel in the Law and Corporate Affairs branch of Microsoft.  She specializes in providing legal advice for the Products and Services Division of Microsoft.  As Corporate Vice President and Deputy General Counsel of the vital Products and Services division, Snapp oversees 150 lawyers working to protect Microsoft’s legal claims for some of the most widely-used Microsoft products.

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As Intellectual Property Issues Explode, Nicole Seligman Is Looking Out For Sony!

The fight over Internet security and intellectual property reached some new highs in December with the Stop Online Piracy Act and the Protect IP Act garnering quite a bit of press and controversy.  The debate is a classic Freedom of Speech position taken by those who want the Internet to remain independent of laws and restrictions versus protecting the business interests of large companies.  One of the big multinational companies supporting SOPA in the U.S. is Sony.  Sony’s chief lawyer is Nicole Seligman.

Nicole Seligman’s official titles are Executive Vice President and General Counsel of both the Sony Corporation and the Sony Corporation of America.  She is also the Corporate Executive Officer for the Sony Corporation and something of a celebrity in the field of corporate law.  Seligman has been vigorously fighting to protect Sony copyrights and patents for films, music, video games and video game platforms since Sony Corporation of America CEO Howard Stringer personally hired her in 2001.

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