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Tech Support Blog

Jobaline Matches Hourly Workers and Companies via Tech

The majority of workers in the U.S. receive hourly pay working as servers, baristas, salespeople, janitors, and many other such jobs. Unfortunately, even with websites and services like Craigslist, Facebook, and traditional job boards, businesses can have difficulty finding reliable hourly workers, and that very problem is one that a startup called Jobaline aims to fix. It does so by taking over where these other methods end. There is also a difficulty that can exist with language barriers, especially considering the number of Spanish-speaking people employed hourly in the U.S., and that is one of the major focuses of Jobaline’s service as well. Read more »

Workpop Revitalizes the Employment Market

Individuals searching for jobs and companies looking to hire have their share of difficulties in the process. It can be stressful, time-consuming, and tedious, though necessary.  While the Internet has provided opportunities for tools such as job boards and postings, online application and resume submission services, and more, there is much technology can still offer.  This is where a startup called Workpop comes in. It is much more than just a resume or application that can help make the process of finding a job much easier and faster while allowing employment providers access to much more detailed and applicable information about a candidate. Read more »

The Outlook Foundation Recycles Old Technology to Help Those in Need

It’s easy to forget about what happens to old and unused computers.  Technology updates so quickly that people often don’t have time to figure out what to do with their old machines and will leave them in storage, collecting dust for years.  Needless to say, this is not the best use for older technology that often works perfectly fine or could work fine with just a little computer repair.  The Outlook Foundation is a nonprofit that wants to take those old computers and technology and use them for a better purpose.  The charity takes older technology and repurposes it in order to donate it to children in need who can benefit from having access to a computer and the Internet.  The foundation also aids veterans who return from overseas without a job by giving them computers that can help them find a place in civilian life once again.  By giving technology who those who can benefit the most from it, the Outlook Foundation has found a much more effective and altruistic use for the computers that people have replaced with newer tech. Read more »

Making Sense of a Science Fiction Economy – Andrew McAfee

If you’re like most people, you are keeping an eye on the national and global economy while increasingly enjoying science fiction-like technological advances.  These advances are creating “more wealth with less work.”  But where are the new jobs going to come from? Read more »

Saving The United States One Business At A Time: Lynn Tilton!

The business world continues to be mostly male-dominated.  Even as social conventions have changed, the business world has adapted less quickly than others, even in emerging markets.  Many new giants in the marketplace like Twitter, for example, have no women on their Boards of Directors.  The long odds of running a multibillion dollar company never intimidated Lynn Tilton, though!

Lynn Tilton is a pioneering businesswoman who is the CEO of Patriarch Partners.  Patriarch Partners is an umbrella company that invests in and takes over failing businesses in the United States.  Tilton searches for companies that have good ideas and good products, but are failing in the marketplace.  With Patriarch Partners, she invests heavily – usually becoming a dominant shareholder in the company – in the failing company and restructures it to make it profitable.  Companies that Patriarch Partners has rescued from the oblivion of bankruptcy include Arizona Iced Tea, Performance Design Products, Rand McNally (yes, the famous map company!) and MD Helicopters.

While usually an outsider coming in to “restructure” a company is cause for grave concern, Lynn Tilton does not operate like the stereotypical corporate investor.  Instead, Tilton has two very simple philosophies.  The first guiding principle she uses to run Patriarch Partners is that social responsibility is not antithetic to having a profitable company.  Working hand in hand with that idea comes her absolute belief in the importance of preserving jobs, especially manufacturing jobs, in the United States.  With saving American jobs and making U.S. companies profitable as her guiding principles, Tilton and Patriarch Partners have spent ten years saving 150 companies and an estimate quarter of a million U.S. jobs!

Lynn Tilton’s story is, in many ways, a classic “rags to riches” story.  While many doors were opened to her as a teenager when she became a nationally ranked tennis player, she pursued her education at Yale where she graduated with a B.A. in American Studies.  While attending Columbia Business School, she worked for Goldman Sachs and received a practical education in corporate finance.  When her marriage fell apart leaving her as a single mother, Lynn Tilton did not lose sight of her professional goals.  Instead, she completed her education, worked one hundred hours a week and provided for her daughter.  In that time, she became an expert on distressed debt and developed the philosophies that would allow her to create Patriarch Partners in 2000.

Many traditional powerhouses in the business world have begrudged Lynn Tilton for her untraditional, yet successful, approach to protecting and restoring American manufacturing.  But as those old guard businessmen layoff, outsource, or fire workers, and cash in huge bonuses while their companies illustrate less long-term viability, Tilton is helping to save the United States from economic collapse.  With Patriarch Partners and Lynn Tilton as the new models for successful enterprises in the U.S., workers here will thunderously cheer, “Out with the old; in with the new!”


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How Steve Jobs Can Help Save Microsoft

The return of Bill Gates to save Microsoft would surprise no one. What is surprising is the model Gates could follow to return his company to glory.

That would be the Jobs model – the Steve Jobs model.

When Gates left Microsoft, the company had a successful track record and seemed poised to remain atop the technology marketplace.

Things haven’t exactly turned out that way.  A return by Gates has become, in the minds of many, necessary and inevitable.  But can one man really make that much of an impact? Read more »

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