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JBL Speakers Enhance Your iPod’s Sound With The OnTime Micro!

Given how very many companies now make docking stations for Apple mobile computing devices, it is fascinating to see how they try to differentiate their products from one another.  There is some irony in the fact that some of the most prominent brands to not capitalize on the most impressive aspect of their docking station.  Take, for example, the JBL OnTime Micro.  JBL’s main advertising campaign for the docking station focuses on the fact that is has an alarm clock built into it!  The JBL OnTime Micro is so much more than a glorified alarm clock, though. Read more »

Hear Your Music Like The Artists Intended With The iOnly Bass Docking System!

Virtually every musical artist will tell you that when they created their music, they did not format it in such a way that the ideal presentation would come from a pair of ear buds.  Most musicians create music that resonates in the open air or rattles the wall from the depth of sound it produces.  An entire generation is being raised on digital music players where the priority is portability, not sound quality.  But that generation is not lost yet; many manufactures are producing docking systems that allow you to play music from your portable music devices over a more sophisticated speaker system than the native ones.  For fans of Apple portable music and computing devices, there is the iOnly Bass Docking System. Read more »

Wake Up To Your iPod’s Music With The Luna Voyager II!

It is easy to suspect that the more popular digital music becomes, the more people will load up their MP3 players and discover that they have created pretty massive collections of music.  As people come to the realization that they have spent a lot of money on digital music, one suspects they will want to continue going through their musical library more and more.  When you do that, you are equally likely to enjoy all that you have accumulated and eliminate mediocre tracks from your collection before refilling your MP3 player.  Given that there are only so many hours in the day to enjoy these massive music libraries, accessories that allow you to play music you know and love where traditionally you have had a radio are becoming more and more popular.  For those who have Apple iPods, the XtremeMac Luna Voyager II Alarm Clock Radio is becoming an increasingly popular device for exactly that reason! Read more »

Apple’s Smooth PR Saves the Day

Last week, Apple issued a statement describing a minor problem that can occur with some first-generation iPod nanos. One All Things D writer notes that whereas other companies might initiate a recall, the iPod manufacturer initiates a “Replacement Program.” As is often the case when it comes to Apple PR, the company is handling the issue smoothly, and to its credit, quite effectively.

According to Apple’s website, the company has determined that the battery in some 1st generation iPod nanos can, in rare cases, overheat and pose a safety risk. From the company’s statement, it doesn’t seem as though the recall—sorry, replacement program—is the direct result of regular battery problems, but rather a mere precautionary step. “While the possibility of an incident is rare, the likelihood increases as the battery ages,” says Apple’s statement.
Apple’s website advises users to stop using the iPod nano and send it in for a replacement, free of charge. Users whose iPods are potentially faulty will receive a replacement iPod within six weeks, though they are still responsible for their own music transfer. At-risk models are determined by serial number.

In many ways, Apple is going above and beyond to tackle this problem. Sure, it’s spending some money on replacements, shipping and a little bit of damage control, but the company sure knows how to do all these things well. Apple has always been fairly transparent about problems with its products, always offering replacements or upgrades to fix them. But it’s not just the reparative steps that Apple takes in response to tech support problems that make its PR so effective; many would argue that it’s the company’s attitude towards customers.

The company has succeeded in establishing a following so dedicated that it’s hard to imagine how badly Apple would have to screw up in order to lose some of its fans. Apple customers trust one source of authority when it comes to judging Apple products, and that source is their tried and tested interactions with Apple’s products, all of which continue to prove to be solid, powerful, incredibly user friendly, and elegant.

From Apple’s perspective, having such a loyal following is naturally a great thing. It means that users are more likely to tolerate company mistakes, which in turn means that mistakes are more likely to cost less. From the customers’ perspective, belonging to a familial kind of organization (familial on a very large grand scale) means that they can expect better treatment and better products. In the end, Apple’s tactful PR and customer care attract loyal users, and loyal users push the company to keep its high standards. Everyone wins.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Apple Media Event – New Touch and Apple TV

Apple has announced a media event for September 1, at which the company is expected to announce a new iPod Touch and a refresh of Apple TV, which launched three years ago but never truly caught on.

While most expect Apple CEO Steve Jobs to downplay the Apple TV angle and instead focus on video playback on the iPod, iPad, and iPhone, there is reason to think that Apple TV could be a more long term play for the company.

Jobs has said that until such time as end users could stream television, movies, and other video content from their computer to their TV, with little or no need for tech support or elaborate hook-ups, he didn’t expect Apple TV to be mainstream hit.  That, apparently, still holds true.

What’s interesting to note is that most pre-event reports have indicated that Apple TV is expected to run the same iOS as the iPad and would have access to the iTunes App Store.

Such access could allow Apple TV to be used for games and apps, turning into Apple’s entry into the home gaming market as well.  With television rentals set to be available from Disney, ABC, FOX, FX, and others, Apple could be positioning itself nicely for the long term as an all-in-one home entertainment delivery system.

For now, Apple is expected to put its emphasis on the iPod Touch and watching video content on the other i-devices, ideas general users could grasp without needing tech support.  But, as with everything Apple, a newly refreshed – and more useful – Apple TV is sure to attract attention and could appeal to a more mainstream audience.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


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