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April 20th, 2012 by
There are some combinations of services that you would not expect to work together, but when they do, they work surprisingly well. One example would be airlines’ recent use of social networks to connect passengers. On international flights with a few companies, passengers can now upload their social network profile to the airline website and see other passengers’ profiles.
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April 18th, 2012 by
Whether you use a desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone, you probably use iTunes. iTunes is available on PCs, Macs, and iOS (though not Android) and millions of people use iTunes to download, sort, and play music on their devices every day. The iTunes store also provides access to videos and apps as well. It has not, however, had an overhaul since 2009. Read more »
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April 18th, 2012 by
There are many computer enthusiasts who enjoy the process of building their own computers. It can be a real challenge to assemble your personal computer from the bottom up. For those computer lovers who enjoy the process of assembling their own computers, the next step after making their own personal computer is assembling their own server from scratch. For that, you have to start with a powerful, flexible motherboard. For that, the TYAN S7050 Motherboard is an exceptional option! Read more »
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April 17th, 2012 by
Since the fall of Napster, many legitimate digital music companies have sprouted up. One of the most successful so far has been Spotify. Spotify has a partnership with Facebook which allowed the company to easily promote its service and provide Facebook users with hours of free digital music each month. The partnership between Spotify and Facebook was a great strategic move for Spotify; the digital music company attributes three million new subscribers to the Facebook connection. Spotify is looking to build upon that by growth by spreading a similar Spotify widget throughout the Internet. Read more »
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April 16th, 2012 by
There are few Internet sites where the sole, unabashed purpose of the site is to make money. For sure, virtually every business on the Internet is there to try to make money, but most try to offer customers a product or service or otherwise disguise the fact that they are making money off your visiting their site. Many websites take an approach similar to Facebook, where they focus on the experience of the site, as opposed to how the company will make money off it. At the other end of the spectrum is Joseph Einhorn. Read more »
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April 16th, 2012 by
Have you ever heard of an amazing new app that you really wanted to use, only to find out that it is not available on your device? The current limitations of app stores can be frustrating for both consumers and developers. Mozilla, the company who brought you the Firefox web browser, wants to change the restrictive nature of app stores by putting them all online. Read more »
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April 14th, 2012 by
With the death of Steve Jobs and movies that focus on how Mark Zuckerberg and his friends created Facebook, many in the media are focused on looking out for the next tech sector wunderkind. With so many of the current crop of rising stars in the tech sector focused solely on their Internet startups or technological breakthroughs, it is easy to forget that historically, the real geniuses of the tech sector have been well-rounded individuals with a lot of interests. The fact that these creative geniuses who are interested in many things focus on the technology industry to leave their mark does not negate the fact that the inventors, CEOs and envelope-pushers of the tech sector all had more going for them than simply their career. That is why Martin Kleppmann is the Internet entrepreneur to watch! Read more »
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April 13th, 2012 by
Living in a city and owning a car can feel both frustrating and pointless sometimes. Most of the day your car sits in a parking space with no one using it. You have to have a car to get to work, get out of the city for vacation, or go across town to meet a friend, but while you are at work or staying home for the day, your car remains idle, doing nothing. What if your car could be making you money when you are not using it? What if the car could pay for its own monthly payments? Would you be willing to let strangers rent your car for a few hours when you do not need it? If you answered “yes,” a car sharing service, like the ones offered by the Getaround, RelayRides and JustShareIt apps, might be for you. Read more »
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April 12th, 2012 by
In the tech sector, there are many important companies whose influence is not felt as widely in the United States as it is in other parts of the world. One company that is still gaining footing in the United States is Archos. Archos has a significant market share in the consumer electronics market in Europe, especially France. Archos produces its own line of portable audio and video players, tablet computers and netbooks. The man who pioneers the various technologies for Archos is Yves Gregoire and he is an impressive engineer! Read more »
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April 12th, 2012 by
Anyone who has visited a historical site or virtually any tourist destination has seen graffiti. At many destinations, unsightly graffiti covers most available surface. Often, graffiti is just names and dates from former visitors, but it can be much more than that. Some people even write or carve poems or song lyrics into whatever space they find available. Usually there are several visible layers of the graffiti and more underneath. It can be very tempting to add your own mark to that wall, bench, or tree, but what if there was a better, legal, way to leave a piece of yourself behind? Read more »