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April 18th, 2012 by
There are many computer enthusiasts who enjoy the process of building their own computers. It can be a real challenge to assemble your personal computer from the bottom up. For those computer lovers who enjoy the process of assembling their own computers, the next step after making their own personal computer is assembling their own server from scratch. For that, you have to start with a powerful, flexible motherboard. For that, the TYAN S7050 Motherboard is an exceptional option! Read more »
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April 16th, 2012 by
Have you ever heard of an amazing new app that you really wanted to use, only to find out that it is not available on your device? The current limitations of app stores can be frustrating for both consumers and developers. Mozilla, the company who brought you the Firefox web browser, wants to change the restrictive nature of app stores by putting them all online. Read more »
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April 2nd, 2012 by
Facebook loves to make changes. Facebook is always updating, rearranging, and adding new features to the site, but sometimes the changes come a little too rapidly. People are only just starting to use their Timelines, and now Facebook has another new feature – verified accounts.
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March 25th, 2012 by
Wilmington, North Carolina is the first town in America to implement a newly approved method of wireless Internet access. The White Space network will eventually allow Internet access to be available everywhere, such as rural towns in which broadband Internet companies will not lay wire. Claudville, Virginia had a White Space network during an experimental phase of testing a few years ago, because no companies would provide the area with high-speed Internet, but the Wilmington network is the first to use the new FCC-approved devices after testing.
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March 24th, 2012 by
In a world with rapidly changing technology, it is rare when one encounters a truly good idea anymore. Indeed, many emerging technologies simply seek to improve upon already existing devices or technology. So, when FXI Technologies virtually reinvented the computer with the Cotton Candy 3” computer device, it was newsworthy. The brain behind Cotton Candy and FXI Technologies is Borgar Ljosland.
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March 24th, 2012 by
We all hate Spam. Not the processed meat in a can, the email messages that we did not want to receive. Whether they appear as advertisements for products we do not want or emails for services we have no interest in, everyone has received spam at some point. Sometimes, though, spam emails can be far more dangerous than annoying ads – they can contain phishing links that appear to come from a legitimate source.
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March 24th, 2012 by
Anyone who works with digital photographs knows that having great photographic equipment is only half of what one needs to create amazing digital images. In many ways, the quality of your digital camera is not as important as the quality of your photo manipulation software. Adobe has long been the leader in digital photograph manipulation software, with its Photoshop software becoming synonymous with photo manipulation. Once again, Adobe is raising the bar with its Lightroom 4 software.
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March 22nd, 2012 by
Every new computer comes with at least a free trial of one of the many popular security scan programs. People recognize that security scan programs are important and tend to not take the time to fully read something that appears to be one of them, but which is in fact a scam, because they are afraid of getting a computer virus. By not reading everything that pops up on the screen, many people unknowingly infect their computers with malware and viruses. Many scams pretend to be legitimate security programs by telling you that you are unprotected or have a virus already, in order to gain access to your computer.
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March 20th, 2012 by
As if the public needed another reminder to be careful what they publicly share on social networking sites, the FBI is currently working on a new project that will monitor Twitter, Facebook, and other popular sites for keywords related to terrorism and other criminal activity. The FBI is asking companies to create a means of sifting through all the tweets, posts, and pictures in order to identify present and future threats.
The main purpose of the software, once developed and put into place, will be to allow the FBI to identify terrorists and criminals by highlighting social networking posts that include certain keywords. Some of these keywords will include “small pox”, “leak”, “gangs”, and “2600” (the name of a popular hacking magazine).
In order to sort through the data, the FBI wants to have the flagged posts appear on a map. Ideally, the data would be color-coded according to threat level to make it easier to identify possible incidents of criminal activity.
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March 19th, 2012 by
Google Plus has finally opened its virtual doors to the teenagers. Anyone ages 13 and up can now create a Google+ account, although for teenagers, Google has added more safety precautions. It was not that Google did not want teenagers to be able to use the site previously – there was no “mature content” – but simply that Google wanted to get things ironed out and ready before letting in the teens.
Since teenagers and young adults are the more avid social networking users, and the most avid Internet users, it makes sense for Google to allow teenagers to join its social networking site. According to Bradley Horowitz, the Vice President of Google, “We want to help teens build meaningful connections online. We also want to provide features that foster safety alongside self-expression.”
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