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March 6th, 2014 by
Online shopping is already far more convenient than having to shop at brick and mortar stores, but now a cool person in technology wants to make the process even easier. Cameron Chell founded his company Slyce to make online shopping instantly gratifying for users. Chell wants people to make online purchases by simply taking a picture with their mobile device. Chell’s product uses image recognition to determine the item someone is taking a picture of and immediately find it for sale online. Of course, users with broken smartphone cameras will need smartphone PC repair before taking advantage of Chell’s technology. Read more »
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November 4th, 2013 by
It is common for people to have an experience where they remember an item of clothing by its color or pattern, but cannot remember the brand or the store where they purchased it. ASAP54 is a cool product that solves this conundrum by letting you search through fashion websites and online clothing stores by simply uploading a picture. If an ASAP54 user wants to find a piece of clothing they see someone wearing, they can just snap a picture, upload it to the app and ASAP54 does all the work. The app recognizes the image and scours the Internet trying to find visual matches for the item you photographed. The app provides users with all the matches that it can find, and then lets the user filter further by looking for specific brands, types of clothing, and colors within their results. Users who have difficulty operating the search filters can always call iPhone support for help navigating the app. Read more »