Computer users have made the World Wide Web into an outlet for humor since the formation of the Internet. Because humor is so subjective, sites that simply distribute mainstream humor, like syndicated comic strips or humorous anecdotes, tend not to draw the attention needed to become a true Internet phenomenon. As the Internet meme phenomenon grows, one site stands out as a funny, edgy humorous site. That site is Memebase.
Memebase is a free to use, free to view website that offers anyone with a sense of humor the chance to express it using Internet memes. For those unfamiliar with the phenomenon, Internet memes are an offshoot of lolcats that use pictures of more than just cats. Internet memes use pictures that have been culled from pop culture and you use to make single-panel jokes or multi-panel strips. Memebase has collections of Internet memes that combine classic pop culture images with drawn images that have become as well-recognized in the Internet meme community. Those drawings are often crude and focus on basic facial expressions that meme designers may reuse with different statements for almost infinite comic potential.
Memebase has a very easy-to-use interface. The home page is a list of the current featured memes and the site has the organization of a standard blog. Instead of blog articles, scrolling down transports you through various current memes.
One of the real distinctions of Memebase over many, similar sites, is the on-site meme builder. Clicking on the Meme Builder tab on the front page of Memebase, you get the ability to create memes almost instantly. Memebase includes over sixty premade photograph memes, most of which are unique to the site. Some, like a stock image of Bill O’Reilly or Fry from Futurama are a little more universally-recognizable. By clicking on the “Caption Now” button, you may make a brand new, humorous meme in seconds. After that, another button allows you to share your meme with the Memebase community.
The humor on Memebase is almost-constantly rotating, so there is always material that is new and funny. Because humor differs so much from person to person and culture to culture, it helps to know that the Internet meme phenomenon is not for everyone. The humor on the site can be very edgy, though the visual component of the site is always safe for work. For example, on the front page of Memebase, there was a simple meme of an anagram followed by a photograph of a face with a shocked expression. While some might find the visual representation of how “Mother In Law” is an anagram for “Woman Hitler” hilarious, others might appear just as shocked as the reaction picture attached to the first panel. That is the nature of humor, though, and Memebase accepts humor of all kinds.
For adults looking for a laugh or looking to put a humorous idea into print using already-created images, Memebase is an invaluable resource. At the forefront of the Internet meme phenomenon, Memebase remains cool.
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