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Someone To Marvel At! Rosanna Yau Is A Creative Genius!

For those who might not have heard of it yet, there is a social network challenging Facebook for supremacy on the Internet.  It’s not Google+, either!  The social network is called Diaspora and it is an open-source alternative to Facebook that was founded on the belief that users ought to control their information and social network experience.  Diaspora is a good idea that has been plagued by problems, not the least of which are a lack of name recognition (outside the hacker community) and the suicide last November of one of the company’s four co-founders, Ilya Zhitomirskiy.  Despite the setbacks, Diaspora is poised to break out into popular culture.  If it does, it will no doubt be in part because of Rosanna Yau.

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Don’t Believe Everything You Read

Every new computer comes with at least a free trial of one of the many popular security scan programs. People recognize that security scan programs are important and tend to not take the time to fully read something that appears to be one of them, but which is in fact a scam, because they are afraid of getting a computer virus. By not reading everything that pops up on the screen, many people unknowingly infect their computers with malware and viruses. Many scams pretend to be legitimate security programs by telling you that you are unprotected or have a virus already, in order to gain access to your computer.

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Hacked Retailer Loses Client Information

Zappos, an Amazon retailer that sells shoes, announced recently that hackers breached their website and stole confidential client information. The stolen information included email addresses, the last four digits of credit card numbers, phone numbers, encrypted passwords and physical addresses. Using this information, the hackers might be able to determine a client’s other passwords. For many people, their email password is also the password they use for many other websites. This dangerous practice can compromise your Internet security.

Internet security is a vital issue in this age of online-everything. When we have online banking, important private emails, online shopping, and other important private information kept online, it is essential to know that your information is safe.

It is very important to make sure that your online banking passwords, email passwords, and passwords for other websites that contain sensitive information are not passwords you use for less important websites. If remembering passwords is an issue, do not hesitate to make use of the forgotten password feature of most websites or set up a master password. Your Internet security may depend on the difficulty and variety of passwords that you use. As the lesson of Zappos should teach you, low Internet security could mean hackers get your information or even plant malware and viruses on your computer.

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Smarter Malware is on the Rise

After a two-year investigation known as Operation Ghost, a group of Eastern European cyber thieves was caught by the FBI, according to an article by ABC News. The story is yet another reminder of some of the problems with global Internet security and the need to get professional virus removal. The group used a complex scheme that even infiltrated the computers of U.S. government agencies, which shows how susceptible Internet security can be even at the governmental level.

The group made $14 million in “illegitimate income” before the FBI put an end to the scheme, according to ABC News. The group infected over four million computers with malware that played an essential role in their advertising scheme. The seven hackers known as the Rove group compromised the Internet security of users and targeted sites like iTunes, Netflix and even the IRS, reports ABC News.

The malware that they used to infect the compromised computers sheds light on a serious Internet security and virus removal problem. According to the article, the malware prevented users from installing virus removal programs that could potentially defuse it. This is an example of an emerging challenge to virus removal programs, as it marks an increases level of stealth and sophistication on the part of malware. Not only are hackers writing malware to breach Internet security, but they are also programming it to strongly resist virus removal efforts. In other words, malware is becoming more conscious of the fact that it is malware, making basic virus removal much more difficult for the average user.

The hackers allegedly partnered with a variety of Internet advertisers to enact a scheme based on targeting users’ Internet security to generate profits, reports ABC News. Advertisers paid the hackers to generate traffic to certain advertisements and websites. They did this by using the malware that they designed to redirect casual Internet users to advertisement websites. By doing so, the hackers increased click results and generated profit from their partner advertisers.

This story also shows that threats to Internet security go beyond the programming level and into the field of international organized crime. Hackers frequently operate internationally, breaching users’ Internet security in one continent while operating in another.

The fact that a group of seven hackers made approximately $14 million dollars by spreading malware is a scary reminder that the incentives to target Internet security is real and, for many, great. That is all the more reason to make every effort to protect our Internet security.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Is your computer really secure?

Most people have some form of virus removal software on their computer.  Despite that fact, a significant proportion of those users will have to deal with an Internet security issue at some point in their computing career.  This is because the threat environment online is dynamic; it evolves constantly, trying to outfox the Internet security providers and get to your data.  How can you be sure that your virus removal software is providing the most comprehensive protection?  Here are some questions you should ask in shopping for virus removal software:

1)  Is the virus removal software you’re considering from an established, reputable provider?  It’s important that you be able to trust your virus removal software.  Most brands will have reviews posted online, which can help you decide if that particular program will fit your needs.  Conversely, choosing a virus removal program without investigation carries many risks, not least among them the risk of having your Internet security compromised by a bogus “diagnostic scan.”

2)  What happens when the software detects a threat?  It is important to make a distinction between virus detection software and virus removal software.  Virus detection software will find a threat and then notify the user, leaving them to deal with the threat by themselves.  Virus removal software will detect the threat, isolate it, and then remove it from the computer, usually with little or no input from the user.

3)  How often does the software update its threat registry?  As mentioned above, the ways in which hackers test your Internet security are constantly changing.  It is important, therefore, to make sure that your virus removal software updates its threat registry regularly and often.  These updates will allow your virus removal software to detect and cope with the newest Internet security threats as they appear.

4)  Exactly what features does your virus removal software offer?  Before committing to a particular program, take a look at what it can offer you.  While it is true that some Internet security companies offer only bare-bones virus removal packages, others include things like personal firewalls for added security, or spam filters for your email accounts.  Just as with any other purchase, the goal when shopping for Internet security programs is to get the most value for your dollar.

5)  Does the software company stand by their product?  Let’s be clear: no matter how comprehensive your virus removal software is, no matter how careful you are with your permissions, there is still a chance that you will eventually have to deal with a breach of your Internet security.  Another important question when shopping for virus removal software is: what happens then?  Does the Internet security company have support personnel standing by, or is it up to the user to fix the problem?

These are just some of the important questions you should ask yourself when shopping for Internet security software.  Answering these questions before you buy will ensure that you get the best possible protection for your computer.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Watch out for the Phishing Bait

Sometimes, ensuring strong Internet security depends on more than just a secure home or office network service or even a strong anti-virus program. Sometimes, strong Internet security depends on human vigilance, not just firewalls and virus software. This is because phishing, which is one of the most common threats to casual users’ Internet security, can occur even in the most secure network service. Though some Internet security programs or email features can prevent phishing, for example, it still poses a stealthy threat, since it relies on human naiveté.

Phishing is the attempt to breach Internet security and steal your passwords, usernames, and other information by tricking you into giving them up in some form or another. According to Wikipedia, the term “phishing” relates to the idea of falling for bait, the way fish do. So hackers and cybercriminals trying to compromise your privacy via your network service are metaphorically fishing along the river of network services for your information.

Phony or fraudulent emails that try to lure users into giving out their passwords are a common phishing technique. Phishing emails can look like they’re from a bank, a business, or even a government agency. Some emails present users with a phony story and ask them to respond with information that can be used to target their private online accounts.

Phishing emails are getting increasingly sophisticated, which makes them an even bigger threat to Internet security. Because some emails still reach our inboxes, it is important to look for the warning signs. These include poorly written emails with obvious typos or nonsensical information. Also, vague emails that don’t include any specific information about their recipient are usually scams. For example, an email from a financial institution that start with “Dear Customer” instead or your name is clearly trying to breach your Internet security.

Cybercriminals also try to trick users to log into a webpage that looks like an authentic page that actually records the submitted data and exploits it. Even when using a trusted network service, you could be susceptible to this form of phishing. If your Facebook or email login page looks subtly different, be cautious before you enter your username and password as it might be an Internet security scam.

Stay on the lookout for small details that predict phishing scams and threats to your network service like typos, vagueness, unprofessional appearance and tone, sloppy design, and nonsensical requests. But remember that threats to your Internet security aren’t always obvious—many are sophisticated. Change your password often as a regular means of protecting your network service and Internet security. Most importantly, remember that phishing doesn’t force you to give out your information; it tricks you, so don’t fall for the bait.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Is your Password Guessable?

Using the same password for most or all online activities may be convenient, but it is a dangerous Internet security practice that we should all avoid. Sure, recycling passwords makes remembering them easier, but it also makes it easier for cybercriminals to steal that information. Even when you’re using a trusted network service like your home network, having weak or recurring passwords is an unnecessary threat to your Internet security.

Along with monitoring how you use public network services and keeping your anti-virus updated, consider using a different and difficult password for each of your accounts. Varying your passwords is an easy way to increase the level of your Internet security. When cybercriminals learn one of your passwords, they may try to use it to gain access to your other accounts. Using significantly different passwords can drastically limit the damage to your overall Internet security.

To check the strength of a password (or even just for fun), consider searching for a list of the worst passwords and making sure yours isn’t on it! One online list includes the 500 worst passwords of all time, and among these are: 123456, password, eric, gandalf, rainbow, barney, and butter!

Even when passwords are not as ridiculous as these (barney?), Microsoft’s Safety and Security Center suggests changing them periodically. When coming up with passwords, keep in mind that you may have to enter them while using public network services where Internet security is not very high. The Security Skeptic also offers some easy ways to create better passwords to improve your Internet security.

To test a password’s Internet security level use an online service, and keep these tips in mind:

  • Avoid common words
  • Don’t use personal information such as a telephone number, address or birthday
  • Use at least eight characters, the more the merrier
  • Combine upper and lowercase characters
  • Include numbers and symbols (%4#3*1)
  • Start with a sentence and change it around (Somewhere over the rainbow/ SomeWhereOverDaR@inbow22)

If you’re worried about forgetting a password, write it down! Storing your passwords on paper isn’t necessarily a threat to your Internet security. Cybercriminals will try to target your information through your online network, not your desk. Still, keep your password in a safe place.

Prevent cybercriminals from infiltrating your Internet security, personal accounts, and network services by changing your passwords often and making them difficult. If a password is too difficult for you to remember, then it’ll certainly be difficult for a hacker or virus to figure out.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Watch out for Free Wi-Fi

Watch out for Free Wi-Fi

Many people find it hard to go even a few hours without an Internet connection. Shops, restaurants and a variety of other venues are adapting to this need by providing free Wi-Fi. Whether you’re at your favorite coffee shop, shopping at the grocery store, or waiting in an airport lounge, you’ll probably find that you have access to a free Wi-Fi network. If you decide to use it though, you should be aware of the dangers of using a network service without proper Internet security.

It may be tempting to quickly connect to a public network service and log into a social networking site such as facebook or check your bank account, but unless you can trust the network service provider’s Internet security, you should only do casual surfing. If you find yourself using a questionable network, avoid logging into websites and services that require you to type a username and password. Faulty Internet security leaves room for cyber thieves or hackers to infiltrate your network service and steal your private information without your knowledge.

Good Internet security practices can spare you potentially disastrous outcomes like identity theft. So when choosing a public network, always make sure you select a secure connection. If you’re at a Starbucks, for example, ask an employee to verify the name of the network service before connecting. Avoid using unsecured network services because they are easily prone to Internet security breaches.

Keeping your anti-virus software up to date and your computer’s firewall turned on are just two of the basic principles of achieving Internet security and using public networks safely. Besides, having anti-virus software does not guarantee your device’s safety; it’s merely a basic component of Internet security.

Another common Internet security problem occurs when cyber thieves record keystrokes, giving them access to your usernames and passwords. Changing your passwords periodically can help counter this kind of threat, especially if you use a public network regularly.

Even with these precautions, the strength of your Internet security can be hard to gauge, and networks that appear safe can still place your device at risk.  If you do suspect that a virus or malware has breached your Internet security, get professional help immediately.  Some viruses can seriously damage your device if they’re not caught quickly. In fact, because the average user cannot detect malware, it is essential to have a computer or network services specialist look at your system from time to time.

Always try to balance the advantages of using public network services and the potential threats to your Internet security that accompany them. What appears to be a free Wi-Fi service could end up costing you a lot in virus removal costs and privacy breaches.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Smartphone Users: Beware the Fraud

Fraud is not new to humanity.  Impostors and counterfeiters are as old as the idea of property.  The only new developments occur in the scams we see and the venues where they are attempted.  The birth of the World Wide Web created a digital world loaded with sensitive information where clever con artists could ply their trade.  Today, Internet security is paramount to protecting financial information from theft by nefarious individuals.  Everyone needs to consider seeking computer support to ensure effective Internet security.

Internet security as a way to identify and prevent fraud, started simply.  Over time, increased Internet security and the computer support it requires have become more and more a priority for people doing business on the Internet.  As Internet security becomes more sophisticated, so do the methods used to steal information.  Internet security, cybercrime, and the constant computer support needed to help in this conflict represent a daily battleground.  Personal users, out of concern and genuine fear, need the help of expert computer support, and they need continuous education in effective ways to maintain their own Internet security.  As an example, banks and private companies have begun offering identity protection to consumers worried about the safety of their transactions.

The most current and troubling threat to Internet security is the growing number of mobile web users.  Smartphones and tablets alter the digital landscape once again, and wireless options and expanded coverage are right alongside them.  Knowledgeable computer support is all the more important as threats to the Internet security of mobile users multiply due to the lack of anti-virus software on many devices.

Improving Internet security against mobile fraud continues as a top priority for commercial entities and the computer support personnel they employ.  Simple prevention is still the best solution to reduce the possibility of a cybercrime affecting you, and effective, reliable computer support is the key to peace of mind.  Take the time to install protective software on that smartphone.  Do your shopping while on the go, but wait until you get home to make that purchase.  The Internet security of your home machine is probably far superior to your mobile device.  A little education and proactive computer support can help prevent the huge hassles caused by a breach in your internet security.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Clickjacking Strikes Again

Facebook users may have been victimized by yet another scam.

Internet security firm Sophos has release information on another ‘clickjacking’ scam that hackers recently used to defraud Facebook users out of $5 a week.

While that may not sound like a very big scam, multiply $5 by even a fraction of Facebook’s 500 million users, and the totals add up quickly. Read more »

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