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March 18th, 2015 by
The ability to speak voice commands to operate mobile devices and apps has transformed how people interact with their phones and is a useful way to get things done. Now, a company called Saygent is launching mSay, a mobile feedback solution that developers can insert into any app to collect feedback from users. For businesses, getting valuable and timely feedback from customers can be a difficult challenge, one that mobile technology offers a way to make much easier and more attractive to consumers. If a retailer can get faster feedback on what is and is not working, they can respond faster so they can prevent bigger problems by reacting quickly. Surveys have their uses, but studies show that the number of people who use them, even with incentive to do so, is incredibly low. mSay asks one question, letting its technology figure out what is important to a customer while giving merchants a way to solicit almost instant voice feedback. Read more »
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March 16th, 2014 by
New websites evolve through many changes early on in their life cycles. However, sometimes developers and designers make these changes based only off of gut feelings or from incomplete data. Idea Informer is a cool product that wants to help website owners make purposeful changes every time they edit or change their sites. This cool product accomplishes this by giving website visitors a direct line of communication to the owner on the site, allowing users to give specific feedback. Through Idea Informer, website owners receive a constant flow of comments from users about their projects’ design and functionality. Designers and developers can then consider the accumulated feedback when altering and updating the site. Website owners definitely do not want users to have to call for computer support just to navigate their sites. Idea Informer lets developers and designers find issues and fix them quickly so websites are as cleanly designed and easy to use as possible. Read more »