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Privacy or Progress: Where Should We Draw the Line?

Yet again, big names in the technology world are getting heat for wandering into the still grey area of online privacy. As most of our communication rapidly shifts into the cyber medium, and as we continue abandoning communication methods that can’t keep up with the powerful, interconnected nature of smartphones, tablets, and computers, we might as well get used to constantly hearing about privacy and Internet security issues.

In a milestone step in the debate over data collection and transparency, Facebook recently reached an agreement with the Federal Trade Commission about how Facebook now has to clearly ask users to opt-in to its new programs, as opposed to changing privacy settings without anyone knowing. The move doesn’t affect the social network giant’s past actions, but it does threaten to fine the company $16,000 a day for future violations. Well, that’s a relief, at least partly. It’s good to know that someone in the government is looking out for us. Similarly, the Irish Data Protection Commissioner’s office is currently subjecting the company’s international headquarters in Ireland to an audit based on user concerns over the amount of information that the company stores on users. Once, again, good on you, Irish authorities.

Android developer Trevor Eckhart recently exposed an equally serious threat to user privacy. The threat comes in the form of a built-in app called CarrierIQ that runs on most Android, BlackBerry and Nokia devices. The app records immense amounts of data on smartphone users such as keystrokes and locations without asking permission first. The supposed aim of the app is to provide carriers and developers with data to better manufacture their products, according to The Atlantic Wire.

After an intense back-and-forth between Eckhart and the app’s developer in which the latter denied Eckhart’s claim and ordered him to cease-and-desist from discussing the app in the blogosphere, Eckhart finally showed in detail how the company was violating users’ privacy. So now we are faced with a new problem; not only are companies spying on people under the guise of product development, but they’re also denying it. This adds a whole new level of eeriness to the increasingly powerful technological big brother.

In many ways, the invasion of our Internet and technological privacy is necessary for the continued development of technology based on user trends and the likes. Atlantic Wire’s article presents a very interesting dilemma that we now face. The question, then, becomes, where do we draw the line? Do we stop now and slow down technological advancement, or should we let Facebook, Google, apps likes Carrier IQ, among many others to read us like open books, all in the name of progress? You see, there’s no easy answer.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

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David Milman, CEO


Facebook has Spam, too

Facebook users log into the social network over one billion times a day. Hackers and imposters trying to access other users’ accounts make up 600,000 of those log-ins according to The Telegraph. With over 800 million users, it’s not surprising that the website gets so many daily hacking attempts. Hackers try to take over other users’ accounts to post images, send out spam or phishing links, spread malware through Facebook content, and access users’ private information.

Just recently, Facebook suffered from an extensive flood of porn and violent images that appeared across the website. CNN reports that Facebook had a security team work to identify the source of the spam and remove it.

As Facebook becomes increasingly aware of the Internet security issues it faces, the website is taking significant steps to inform users about such threats, as well as add new defense mechanisms to its already sturdy arsenal.

Facebook has issued a detailed infographic full of interesting little facts about the numerous steps involved in protecting users’ security. The first step towards accessing an account is, naturally, logging in. The graphic points out that users can enable an HTTPS connection for all Facebook related activity by adjusting their account settings. In case of a forgotten password, the website asks a user to identify tagged friends, a task which a hacker would not be able to do. Other initial security checkpoints include keeping track of a user’s location and log-in device to detect anomalies or sudden changes.

The social network giant is also introducing some brand new features to strengthen password security and resolve threats that emerge when users are locked out of their accounts. The “Trusted Friends” feature allows you to confirm your identity with the help of trusted friends. If you can’t log in, several pre-selected friends receive a code that they pass on to you. You then use the code to create a new password.

Still, despite the occasional spam that slips through Facebook ’s many security precautions, last week’s being the most graphic example of this, the website claims that less than half a percent of users experience spam, a remarkably low number compared to email spam, for example.

If you’re really interested in the details of Facebook security, check out the infographic. For now, there’s no full-proof method for ensuring Facebook security, unfortunately. Be vigilant in your online interactions, post and respond carefully, be selective in what links you click on, and change all your passwords every few weeks if possible.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Finally, Free Music, for Real

People are listening to more music than ever before, and free Internet radio is all the rage these days. Millions of people rely on Internet radio like Pandora and Jango to provide their daily dosage of tunes. Internet radio continues to garner more popularity as it offers listeners free music, as well as the chance to more-or-less customize their music preferences. It’s a great way to discover new favorites while remaining in your musical comfort zone. But what happens when you don’t want to just tune into what’s playing and want to listen to a specific song? In case you are wondering, no, the answer is not to illegally download the music, a practice that poses an immense threat to your Internet security, among other inherent reasons not to. Well, one option is to buy songs and use Google Music or iTunes to organize your library, but what if you don’t own that much music and you don’t want to pay every time you want to listen to Adele in the background? The answer is Spotify, an Internet music streaming service that lets users pick the exact tracks they want to listen to!

The first question that comes to mind is price. The good news is that Spotify offers a free version. Naturally, subscribers to the free plan experience occasional radio ads and other limitations like a lower sound quality and no offline mode. According to Wikipedia, after an initial grace period, the free version supports only 10 hours of music streaming per month, which is not that much for many people. Still, most Spotify users, around 7.5 million, currently use the free version, and given the service’s popularity, these numbers are certainly going to increase!

Upgrading to an unlimited account has the advantage of better music quality, fewer ads, and ability to listen in an offline mode. Spotify also boasts smartphone apps iOS and Android. So, similar to Google Music’s online storage feature, Spotify can act as a cloud music library. Regardless of which version you use, Spotify offers more than 15 million songs, having reached agreements with the big four music labels.

The service is quickly expanding to many European countries, and despite only having been active in the United States for a few months, it’s gaining immense popularity. Spotify recently announced in a blog post that is has reached 2.5 million paying users. Another recent major development has been the collaboration of Spotify and Facebook. To register for the service, you must use a Facebook  account—there’s no way around it. Once you sign up, you can share playlists and songs with friends, see what tracks others are listening to and follow your friends’ recommendations.

There are plenty of ways to listen to music. Spotify is just one of them, sure, but it’s also drastically different. Finally, we have a service that actually lets us listen to the music we want, share it, and instantly stream it for free.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Let’s Talk Facebook Etiquette

When it comes to giving wedding gifts, dressing for interviews, drinking tea, writing thank-you letters, and an endless array of other social situations where proper etiquette is desirable, Emily Post’s Etiquette might just be the official American canon of Etiquette. The fact that the book’s latest edition includes several new chapters on online activity, social networking, and digital communication etiquette is a sign that etiquette is very much a dynamic standard. More importantly, though, it’s a sign that digital communication—Facebook , for example—has become such a significant and serious part of our lives that it demands inclusion in the canonical discussion of etiquette.

According to Fox News, the latest edition of the book confirms some common sense expectations about handling email correspondence, for example. “Etiquette” says that you should respond to personal emails within two days and to business correspondence within 24 hours. While it’s good to keep that knowledge in the back of our minds, in reality, most of us already respond to emails very quickly. Still, larger business and big companies who take forever to respond might want to skim through Post’s new book for an etiquette tip or two.

When it comes to Facebook, Emily’s advice might seem counterintuitive to many, but in the end, it comes as a relief. According to the book, Facebook users aren’t obligated to respond to every friend request. What a relief. We’ve all gotten undesirable friend requests from family members, coworkers, or, simply, annoying people that we don’t want to let into our cyber social space! Recent changes to Facebook now allow users to delete unwanted requests, instead of just ignoring them or leaving them in, what was colloquially known as, Facebook quarantine.

In fact, the etiquette guidelines not only permit rejecting friend requests, but they also permit unfriending (AKA, defriending). In other words, having contacted an old lost friend or family member once, there’s no rule that says that person must forever have access to your Facebook  profile and social activity. Indeed, regularly unfriending low-contact friends and acquaintances is an easy way to protect your online Internet security—the less people have access to your account, the less you risk your information falling in the wrong hands.

For many of us, this might seem a little odd. After all, one of the biggest reasons we accept annoying friend requests is our fear of being judged or a sense of guilt. We shouldn’t feel guilty at all, though. Requests require approval for a reason—they’re not mandatory. Also, never feel guilty or embarrassed about untagging yourself from a photo or link that you don’t like. The same applies to posting photos. If the photos aren’t of your event, then don’t post them unless you have permission.

For a more detailed analysis of etiquette, in general, and online etiquette—or netiquette as some call it—check out the latest Post edition, all 736 pages of it.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Time for Some Facebook House-cleaning

Whether your Facebook account is a few months old or whether it will be celebrating its seventh birthday soon, chances are that you have accumulated quite a bit of data the website’s servers. Unless you regularly weed your pictures, tags, wall posts, comments, and “likes” to remove old—and often embarrassing—data, then all this data is lingering in Facebook cyber space.

Maybe you just don’t like the feeling of having so much Internet activity documented and scattered on dozens, maybe hundreds, of pages, photos and links, or maybe you’re worried about a stalker, regardless, there are plenty of reasons to want to purge your public online activities off Facebook . The problem is, it’s virtually impossible to do it all manually. There’s no way you can remember every post you’ve made or every photo you’ve liked. Even if you did, going through and removing them all would take endless hours. It might also cause you more distress than you need as you see old and embarrassing photos and posts. Fortunately, if you’re looking to clean up your Facebook account before an important job interview, for example, a new Android app called “Exfoliate” can do the job for you. The app can delete old Facebook  posts, comments and “likes,” putting your mind at ease.

Currently, the app only works via an Android phone. Once you install it, you connect it to your Facebook  profile and select what exactly you want deleted. For example, you can specify that all your Facebook  wall posts older than two years be deleted, or you can have the app delete all comments older than 3 months. The latest “Exfoliate” also supports photo deletion.

The apps creators warn that it does use up a lot of the phone’s battery and can clog up the user’s network service. Still, it’s faster to run the app on a Wi-Fi connection. Most people will want to run it over night, as it does take quite a while to go through a few years of old posts.

One thing that the app doesn’t do is remove others’ photo tags of you. That unfortunately, you’ll have to do manually. Recent Facebook  upgrades, though, are making it easier to remove unwanted tags. You can now even ask friends to take down pictures that you appear in if they’re not particularly flattering.

Sadly, another limitation of the app is that despite removing data from public visibility, all your Facebook  activity, your posts, your pictures, your comments, are stored by Facebook ’s servers. The issue has gotten recent media attention as more people start to freak out—rightly so—about how much Facebook  really knows about them.

“Exfoliate” is highly rated on the Android Market app store, and for the amount of work it does, $2.99 is an incredible price. For the opportunity to clean your Facebook activity off yours and your friends’ walls with such ease, it might even be worth buying an Android phone just for the app!


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


How Connected Are We?

The great contribution of social networking platforms like Facebook and Twitter is connectivity, social connectivity, that is. Although Internet users everywhere used a variety of network services to connect, social networking sites would have us believe that we simply were not fulfilling our social potential. Many of its 800 million view Facebook  as a fundamental social networking tool. According to HighTalk, a third of all people with access to a network service are on Facebook. In many ways, teens and young users are growing up believing that Facebook is the ultimate social network service, but is Facebook actually helping us become more socially connected?

When it comes to connecting with old, lost friends and relatives, social network services are a simple and fast resource. In a matter of minutes, you can look through a friend’s friend list, locate a common friend, search his or her friend list, and voila, high school sweetheart found. In fact, for many people, websites that offer social network services are a great way to combine business and pleasure.

Clearly, Facebook  and other social networking sites offer us some form of connectivity—they allow us to be in each others’ lives much more prominently (often excessively). The real issue, though, is the kind of connectivity that Facebook enables, not its strength. In other words, do social network services actually enhance our social interactions and connections or do they merely create a delusional, alternate world in which we all roam with complete disregard for our privacy and Internet security, taking pride in the fact that we have 500 + friends?

Even in real life social settings, almost everyone is constantly checking Facebook via smartphones and other devices. If the purpose of social network services is to enhance our social connections, why do we still log-in when we are in perfectly healthy social settings?

Still, if you are convinced of the unparalleled rewards of social network services, consider the threats that these network services pose to users’ Internet security. Using social network services comes at a cost to Internet security. A previous blog discusses how vulnerable users’ Internet security can become when social network services are granted permission to share users’ data. Some people might try to defend social network services like Facebook  by claiming that users have the option to limit apps, hence protect their Internet security. However, the choice to block all third party apps is similar to the choice not to use a cell phone! Sure, no one is forcing you to allow Facebook apps access to your information, but without such apps, Facebook becomes boring and limited.

On the surface, sure, Facebook is making us more connected, but in reality, it is isolating us, increasing our addiction to life on the web, and constantly threatening our Internet security. Perhaps it’s not that great after all…


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Too Young to be on Facebook?

A study appearing this week in First Monday highlights a serious threat to users’ Internet security—underage users, that is. Millions of kids under the age of 13 are on Facebook, according to the study. One of the most significant findings is that parents willingly help their children join Facebook, despite the dangers this practice poses to children’s privacy and Internet security.

According to a CNN article on the study, 95 percent of parents of 10-year olds know that their children are on Facebook. In fact, they helped their children create the account. Though this is not necessarily a surprising finding, it should certainly be an upsetting one. Parents are essentially desensitizing their children to the need to have strong Internet security while online. By helping kids join at such an early age, parents are telling their kids that it’s ok to share pictures and other personal information, that being vigilant about Internet security isn’t necessary.

Perhaps one cause of this growing disregard for Internet security is the fact that people take Internet security for granted. Users assume that there is no imminent threat to their children’s—or their—Internet security because they’re using a secure home network service or because they have firewalls and other kinds of protection set up that. However, the main Internet security threat is not one that comes from network services. The most imminent Internet security threat facing younger users is the loss of privacy.

Last year, Consumer Reports found that 7.5 million children under 13 were Facebook members. Such a figure may not seem too significant relative to Facebook’s 800 million users, but in reality it is very alarming. There are almost as many underage kids on Facebook as there are people in the greater Boston area. Shouldn’t kids be playing outside or reading Harry Potter instead of slowly becoming naturalized to ignoring Internet security, living in a cyber world that cannot substitute for healthy, real social interactions?

The trouble is, as network services become abundant everywhere, it’s hard to prevent children from wanting to join Facebook or going online 5 hours a day. In fact, as the study shows, parents tend to allow their children to join Facebook precisely because it has become a standard communication tool across network services. The rising complexity of network services makes it hard to separate online media and stick with one form of communication only. Email, chat, Facebook, and calendars are increasingly becoming one large network service, which makes it hard to limit online activity to only email, for instance.

For parents, there’s no easy solution to the problem. Balancing the need for strong Internet security and protecting kids’ privacy with the need to be involved in an increasingly interconnected online world is just one of the many perks of parenting.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Is your computer really secure?

Most people have some form of virus removal software on their computer.  Despite that fact, a significant proportion of those users will have to deal with an Internet security issue at some point in their computing career.  This is because the threat environment online is dynamic; it evolves constantly, trying to outfox the Internet security providers and get to your data.  How can you be sure that your virus removal software is providing the most comprehensive protection?  Here are some questions you should ask in shopping for virus removal software:

1)  Is the virus removal software you’re considering from an established, reputable provider?  It’s important that you be able to trust your virus removal software.  Most brands will have reviews posted online, which can help you decide if that particular program will fit your needs.  Conversely, choosing a virus removal program without investigation carries many risks, not least among them the risk of having your Internet security compromised by a bogus “diagnostic scan.”

2)  What happens when the software detects a threat?  It is important to make a distinction between virus detection software and virus removal software.  Virus detection software will find a threat and then notify the user, leaving them to deal with the threat by themselves.  Virus removal software will detect the threat, isolate it, and then remove it from the computer, usually with little or no input from the user.

3)  How often does the software update its threat registry?  As mentioned above, the ways in which hackers test your Internet security are constantly changing.  It is important, therefore, to make sure that your virus removal software updates its threat registry regularly and often.  These updates will allow your virus removal software to detect and cope with the newest Internet security threats as they appear.

4)  Exactly what features does your virus removal software offer?  Before committing to a particular program, take a look at what it can offer you.  While it is true that some Internet security companies offer only bare-bones virus removal packages, others include things like personal firewalls for added security, or spam filters for your email accounts.  Just as with any other purchase, the goal when shopping for Internet security programs is to get the most value for your dollar.

5)  Does the software company stand by their product?  Let’s be clear: no matter how comprehensive your virus removal software is, no matter how careful you are with your permissions, there is still a chance that you will eventually have to deal with a breach of your Internet security.  Another important question when shopping for virus removal software is: what happens then?  Does the Internet security company have support personnel standing by, or is it up to the user to fix the problem?

These are just some of the important questions you should ask yourself when shopping for Internet security software.  Answering these questions before you buy will ensure that you get the best possible protection for your computer.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


The Supposed Gender Gap in Social Networking

In an interesting blog on September 24, 2011, Sharon Machlis discusses a recent “study,” (Harris Interactive/Rebtel survey).  The study suggests that women “dominate” men at a rate of about 3 to 2 in their use of social networking.  Ms. Machlis takes issue with some of the study’s methodology, and thus its results.  From a purely pedestrian standpoint, the study seems as if it is probably close to accurate.  After all, women are indisputably more communicative than men are in general.

That is not the point here though, because this is the sort of information and data upon which crucial management, networking and marketing decisions are based Ms. Machlis suggests that the ways in which the surveyors worded and asked the questions may have skewed the results somewhat.  Many of us use, say, Facebook, as a business tool, so even though we are on it almost daily, we are not actually doing social networking.  We are using it as just another handy computer service.

A myriad of computer services and social networking options are presented to us daily.  Most of us cannot do business effectively without these services and options.  How we choose which computer services and social networking to use has little to do with gender and much more to do with what we need.  The casual computer user who wants to keep in touch with a friend or loved one probably chooses based on what the friend or loved one is using.

The serious business person who is maintaining contacts, tracking trends, marketing, and just “watching,” certainly has to be more discriminate in his or her choice of “social networking” sites to pay attention to and to use.  As stated above, the “dominance” this study claims for women may not be taking into account the number of women who use those sites mostly for business.  If we could subtract that number from the total, the user ratio might well be much closer to equal.  Of course we’re also going to have to subtract the men who use the social networking sites primarily as business tools, but if Ms. Machlis is correct, the ratio is still going to even up considerably.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Balanced Social Networking?

What’s with all the ranting and raving in the social networking scene?  Facebook, Delicious, Pinboard, Diigo, Digg?   Why can my friends not contact me directly?  Who is deciding what is “appropriate” content?  Well, of course you have to be a digital social networker to care, and you have to be pretty involved in the social networking scene to really care.  Still, the cries are in the air from users all over the social networking world.  FOUL!  You are messing with OUR sites.  But what seems to be at stake here is not the social networking sites themselves, rather the Internet security issues surrounding them.

It does seem as if the administrators of the social networking sites have become more and more controlling, and this annoys their users who essentially have no say in the changes other than to complain after the fact.  Turns out though, that many of the changes say, Facebook, has made over time and most recently, have to do with Internet security and protecting their users from exploitation and inundation by spammers.  Social networking is a wonderful thing, and we want to feel free to express ourselves and communicate openly, but unless some basic Internet security is in place, social networking will become a huge mess of exploiters and spammers.

Internet security is always an important issue, and it is, frankly, a real problem when it comes to social networking.  Meantime, here we have these FREE, wonderful sources of keeping in touch with friends and families.  It seems as if the hassle of a few well-intentioned changes is tolerable given the alternative: little or no social networking and less Internet security.

As for the competition AMONG the social networking sites?  That seems like healthy competition.  And as for the Internet security concerns coming to light through the social networking sites, again, that’s healthy stuff.  We need to know what to protect ourselves from.

Rock on, social networking!


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


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