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Students Get More With Actively Learn

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Education is one of the most important aspects of who we are, but being able to get students truly engaged in reading is often difficult. Because there are different learning style and levels of comprehension, many students tend to fall behind. The purpose of Actively Learn it to create a more interactive method for students to learn that incorporates their individual pace while allowing for those who would not typically comprehend a text as quickly as others to keep up. Actively Learn is an online learning program that enables instructors to tailor reading and writing so students are able to build knowledge, recall what they have learned, and develop long-term skills. Read more »

John Bartlett Has Been Bringing Cool Software To The Market For Years!

The software field has become an important marketing tool for other, seemingly unrelated, fields and businesses.  As a company finds profitability in one venue or medium, they often look to expand and, when it comes to software, that usually means synergizing a brand name with a new-to-market piece of software.  So, while there are many different software programs that allow you to play with home design, only HGTV Ultimate Home Design has the endorsement of a major cable network that specializes in such things as home repair and interior design.  The “HGTV” moniker adds a level of celebrity and consumer enthusiasm to the software and to get the name attached to the program, the software company Nova Design had to make a business arrangement (license)  with the company that owns HGTV.  Such licensing agreements are becoming increasingly important in the software market and that makes people like John Bartlett more important than ever! Read more »

Will Tablets And Smartphones Make The Next Generation More Greedy?

Despite what all of the major computer and smartphone manufacturers might want you to believe about their products, there is one of the bestselling computer products in the world that they do not manufacture.  The computer device that is facing almost no competition from any of the major manufacturers is the LeapPad.  The LeapPad is an educational tool that LeapFrog designed to look like a tablet computer, but is programmed exclusively with educational software for children from ages 3 – 9.  This is a noble idea, but it is hard for educators not to be wary of it. Read more »

Better Than Angry Birds, Hexic Still Thrills!

Well before the rise of Angry Birds, there was a puzzle game that filled the niche left by Tetris finally waning in popularity.  But while Angry Birds might have captured the public’s attention because of its fun (and merchandisable) animation, many serious gamers who love puzzle games remain enchanted by the game that preceded Angry Birds.  That game is Hexic and it remains as cool as it ever was. Read more »

Puzzle Me This! Alexey Pajitnov May Be The Coolest Game Designer Ever!

Have you ever wondered just what kind of person it takes to design a puzzle game?  Who comes up with things like Rubik’s Cubes and Tetris and Angry Birds?  It takes an incredible, special mind to create a puzzle game that becomes a phenomenon.  Alexey Pajitnov is that exact type of imaginative thinker who can make a brilliant puzzle using only his imagination. Read more »

Teaching Typing To Adults: Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing Platinum!

The ability to read and type are two essential skills one must have in order to use computers and the Internet.  While there are many adult literacy programs both on the Internet and in many communities, there are fewer volunteer services that teach adults to type.  As a result, many adults have to learn on their own.  Some of the most popular software in the marketplace is typing software, but a lot of typing software is tailored to teaching young children and teenagers to type.  For adults who want to learn to type on their computer, one of the most enduring and popular programs in the marketplace is Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing Platinum. Read more »

Joyce Fleck, Directing The Navarre Corporation Toward The Educational Software Market!

Sometimes, it is unclear what a business did before a certain point in its corporate history, even by researching the company.  Sometimes, a company exists for a time before it hires an individual who turns out to have a great impact on the company; that is the type of hire that puts a company on the map! Joyce Fleck had exactly that level of impact on the Navarre Corporation. Read more »

Want To Learn German? Fluenz German 1+2+3 Is The Best Tool For Adults!

Learning to speak a foreign language can be especially difficult for adults.  After all, adults have years, decades, of word associations to overcome when learning a foreign language.  With many other languages having different word orders and verb tenses that are not used in English, adult learners are not only tasked with learning a new language, but with thinking an entirely new way.  Fortunately, not every language is as difficult as learning Chinese and there are some great programs for those who want to rise to the challenge of learning a foreign language.  For learning German, there is arguably no better resource than Fluenz German 1+2+3. Read more »

Learning Russian Through Software Is As Easy As It Can Be With Russian Complete Edition!

Good language software may be very hard to find.  Even so, if you are visiting China there are many options for software that teaches you Chinese.  To learn Japanese, there is Jibbigo.  If you are planning a trip to the Orient, why not continue your trip through Asia and visit Russia?  Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia has opened up to tourists from the United States and the country has much to offer travelers there.  However, unlike traveling to Europe, visitors to Russia need to have at least a rudimentary knowledge of the Russian language.  For that, there is Russian Complete Edition software! Read more »

For When You Need A Serious Digital Reference, 2012 Britannica Ultimate Reference DVD!

Wikipedia is, it might not surprise you to learn, not considered a valid reference by the vast majority of those in academia.  Because just anyone can write or edit the articles on Wikipedia, they are often inaccurate or imprecise.  Fortunately, there are other resources that educators consider authoritative, even digital resources that are like Wikipedia.  One of the most comprehensive, authoritative sources students may use as a reference tool is the 2012 Britannica Ultimate Reference DVD!

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