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Everett Steele Has Been Crowdsourcing Delivery with Kanga

Shipping costs can be problematic for many individuals and small businesses. Transporting very large items can even be cost prohibitive in some cases.  However, cool person in technology Everett Steele has founded Kanga in order to make delivering items less costly.  To accomplish this task, Steele has started using a model that has seen great success in other areas of the tech industry—crowdsourcing.  Companies like AirBnB and Uber have shown that having customers provide services to each other can actually be a viable business model if a company facilitates the exchange properly.  Kanga uses crowdsourcing by allowing people to request delivery services from anyone who has access to the proper transportation.  Once users find others able and willing to transport what they need moved, they can book the drivers to make deliveries through Kanga. Drivers on Kanga can charge less than large shipping companies, making the process far easier on people’s wallets.  Steele’s company takes a small cut of each payment for making each delivery possible.  Anyone who has technical difficulty while trying to schedule deliveries through Kanga should contact a computer support service for immediate assistance. Read more »

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