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Smile for the Memoto Camera – Every 30 Seconds

Smile for the Memoto Camera – Every 30 Seconds

Even if you do not have a photographic memory, you can soon buy one. Memoto is a small lifelogging digital camera. It takes a photo every 30 seconds for a continuous look at your life, even noting the GPS location. Read more »

The Polycom HDX 4000 Series Helps You Take Your Meetings Anywhere!

The ability to video conference is a very modern one that was once the stuff of science fiction and spy shows. But now, the achieved technological level affords individuals and businesses the ability to actually teleconference from anywhere in the world. While there are many companies that manufacture and develop remote conferencing technology, Polycom continues to make some of the most innovative. One of their premiere devices is the Polycom HDX 4000 Series. Read more »

Monitor The Police Who Are Monitoring You With The Whistler XTR-435 Radar Detector!

There are few sensations quite like seeing a police officer or state trooper following you when you know your speed has been generously in excess of the posted limits.  Few people do not know that stomach-sinking sensation that comes when they flip on their lights and you know you are going to be pulled over.  Talking or flirting your way out of tickets does not always work, so the best way to avoid being pulled over for speeding is to simply follow the posted speed limits.  Barring that, the next best thing is to use technology to increase the likelihood that you will be going the speed limit when police scan you.  For that, you need a device like the Whistler XTR-435 Radar Detector! Read more »

Inreach for Smartphones Now Assists You Wherever You Go!

 The world truly is interconnected by telecommunications technology now.  Even so, there are gaps in the worldwide network and the people who explore those gaps are often the individuals who would benefit most from having reliable technology.  Where smartphones may fail or one might find themselves out of network – on the open sea, in the wilderness, hiking and/or climbing – there are technologies that may allow you to communicate with the rest of the world and the mainstream communications networks.  One of the premiere companies providing such communication channels is DeLorme.  DeLorme has an impressive satellite network that allows its devices, like the Inreach For Smartphones, to operate wherever you are on Earth. Read more »

Make Your Home Theater Ring With The Wharfedale Achromatic Ultimo Home Theater System!

As technology continues to improve, your home may be customized in ways that lead to greater comfort and convenience.  In the case of home entertainment, that means that video and audio systems have become impressive enough to both justify their expense and thrill you enough that you might rather stay in as opposed to go out to the movies.  New home theater systems offer an experience much like a movie theater, but with the comfort of your own home.  The Wharfedale Achromatic Ultimo Home Theater System can enhance your high definition television to give you truly amazing sound quality to match the visual impact of your home theater. Read more »

Monitor Your Servers With Speed And Efficiency With The Tripp Lite Minicom SmartRack 116!

As businesses grow and more people discover that the Internet is not as daunting a tool as they might initially suspect, you might be inclined to build or maintain your own servers for your business.  While the initial set-up of your own server farm may be out of your league if you are not especially computer savvy, monitoring and maintaining your servers has become easier in recent years.  One element that may make it easier to maintain your servers in-house, without the need to hire a specialist, is server-monitoring technology.  Tripp Lite makes several pieces of server-related technology and the Minicom SmartRack 116 16-Port KVM may make monitoring your servers very easy. Read more »

Hear Your Music, Not The World Around You, With Sennheiser PXC 450 NoiseGard Active Noise-Canceling Headphones

In recent years, there have been some amazing advances in headphone technology that justify the price tags on some of the most impressive sets of headphones.  With price tags in the hundreds of dollars, many of the best headphones are now engineered for comfort, sound clarity and their ability to interface with multiple electronic devices.  One of the most impressive and versatile premium headphone sets is the Sennheiser PXC 450 NoiseGard Active Noise-Canceling Headphones. Read more »

Enhance Your Dive With The Suunto Cobra3!

Recent advances in technology make spending time underwater safer and more enjoyable.  From digital cameras designed to photograph underwater to more impressive technologies that locate undersea life, those who want to get the most out of the sea are at a great place to do that right now.  In addition to products designed to increase the amount of fun you have while swimming, snorkeling, or diving, companies like Suunto have rolled out wonderful product lines that enhance your subaquatic safety.  One of the most intriguing devices from Suunto is the Cobra3. Read more »

Hear Your Music Like The Artists Intended With The iOnly Bass Docking System!

Virtually every musical artist will tell you that when they created their music, they did not format it in such a way that the ideal presentation would come from a pair of ear buds.  Most musicians create music that resonates in the open air or rattles the wall from the depth of sound it produces.  An entire generation is being raised on digital music players where the priority is portability, not sound quality.  But that generation is not lost yet; many manufactures are producing docking systems that allow you to play music from your portable music devices over a more sophisticated speaker system than the native ones.  For fans of Apple portable music and computing devices, there is the iOnly Bass Docking System. Read more »

Your Massive Amount Of Data Fits Easily In The U32 Shadow 1 TB External Hard Drive!

The rise of fast and portable data storage devices happened in such a widespread manner that, like social networking, it seemed almost instantaneously people across every demographic and occupation had a USB flash drive or portable hard drive.  The portable data storage devices have become so ubiquitous that thrillers and science fiction films commonly utilize them as a plot device or an opportunity to build tension: Pepper Potts downloading Tony Stark’s database to a portable hard drive while their mutual adversary engages her in Iron Man comes instantly to mind as an example.  That type of scene never would have worked for a general audience had the technological framework it relied upon not been so well-received before the film screened.  Similarly, such speed and discretion would not be possible today without the right technology.  The U32 Shadow 1 TB External USB 3.0 Portable Hard Drive is the fast-transferring, smallest, portable hard drive with enough storage space for all your needs! Read more »

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Patented - Patent Numbers: 6,898,435, 8,832,424 and 9,477,488
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