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Bundle Dragon Lets You Sell Bundled Content with a Pick-Your-Own-Price Model

Bundled content with a pay-what-you-want pricing model has become a major Internet trend in the last few years.  While the team at HumbleBundle made bundling content and selling it to consumers for whatever price they want a popular, many other sites and companies have followed suit in recent years.  However, there are many content creators out there who would like to sell similar bundles as special promotions or fundraising events but do not have the resources to create a website and billing system for the purpose.  That’s where cool product Bundle Dragon comes in to help anyone sell their content under a pay-what-you-want model through their online bundle marketplace.  Bundle Dragon makes it easy for those who want to sell pick-your-own-price bundles by giving them easy tools to post their content and sell them online.  Now, those who want to increase their content’s visibility with a special promotion or raise money for a cause by selling bundled content have an easy solution for getting their sale up and running.  Content creators who want to use Bundle Dragon but need help setting up their storefront should contact tech support for assistance.  Read more »

Smallknot Lets You Crowdfund Your Favorite Local Businesses

Crowdfunding via websites like Indiegogo and Kickstarter has become an Internet phenomenon.  These platforms have given life to many creative projects and new products that may have otherwise never seen the light of day.  However, new businesses and organizations are not the only ones who can benefit from the crowdfunding concept.  The team at Smallknot has created a crowdfunding platform aimed specifically at supporting established local businesses.  Smallknot takes the crowdfunding model and applies it to already successful businesses that want to expand by letting people “invest” in their favorite local mom-and-pop businesses.  Smallknot is a cool product on the Internet that lets you support your favorite established businesses in ways beyond just being customer. If you have trouble providing an online payment to support a business through Smallknot, get computer support to find the root of the technical difficulty. Read more »

Vidmaker Lets You Edit and Share Videos in the Cloud

Video editing is a tasking process for many computers.  For a reasonably smooth experience editing videos, you must have a somewhat powerful PC. Furthermore, if you want to do serious editing, professional software can cost hundreds of dollars.  Vidmaker attempts to solve these problems by giving you a video editing option performed in the cloud.  This cool product provides web tools that you can access from any Internet-connected device, allowing you to upload your videos and edit them right in your browser.  When finished editing a project, users can post videos on social networks, e-mail them, or save them on cloud storage services like Dropbox.  Vidmaker gives you powerful video editing tools that you can access through the web, so you can edit your videos even on an underpowered device.  Those who have trouble accessing or using Vidmaker should contact computer support when they need help. Read more »

Avocado Makes Private Communication Fun and Easy

Social networking has made online communication easy, but privacy is a key issue with platforms like Twitter and Facebook.  While those services have their own private messaging applications, all it takes is a small mistake like clicking on the wrong button to broadcast a private message to all your friends, business partners, and family accidentally. Then you find yourself calling tech support for help deleting the message as you try to limit the damage. Social networking companies like Facebook design their services for mass communication, but there is a cool product that is available for social network-style private communication between only two people.  Avocado is a service available on Android devices, iOS devices, and the web that facilitates private communication between you and one other person.   This ensures the privacy of your messages and makes sure you’ll only ever send private messages and media to the intended recipient. Read more »

Smore Lets You Create Online Fliers for Easy Promotion

Many of us have printed single-sheet fliers to promote an event or organization in the past.  The process can be a pain, as you have to waste time and effort posting fliers in as many places as possible in order for people to see them. You also waste time and money having to print hundreds, and sometimes, even thousands of these papers.  Fortunately, Smore offers a promising online alternative to this classic grassroots marketing solution.  Smore is a cool product that allows you quickly design “one-sheet” web pages and post them online.  These single page websites act as an alternative to an event or promotional flier.  Smore’s concept revolves around simplicity, as they have their own website builder to help people create visually engaging pages for whatever they’re promoting.  Smore takes advantage of the web as a medium as well, as it gives users options beyond static images and text.  You can add videos, tweets, and numerous other web-specific pieces of content into your flier directly as well.  In theory, using Smore in combination with an established online presence could make an event, sale, or product promotion much easier.  If you want to use Smore but struggle to get it to function, online tech support is something to look into for help.  Read more »

GoBank Makes Your Local Bank Fit in Your Pocket

Mobile solutions for banking purposes have grown incredibly popular.  Nearly every major banking institution has a mobile app these days for users to manage their finances on the go.  The founders of GoBank have noticed these trends as well and have launched a bank with a new model focused entirely on mobile.  GoBank has no physical branches, but has instead designed a system to allow its customers to handle their banking entirely via mobile apps.  GoBank is hoping to save users time and money by preventing the need for them ever to drive to physical banks to make transactions.  In theory, if everything you need to bank is in a mobile app, you never have to leave home or work to manage your finances at all.  This cool product wants to take the partial mobile solutions offered by other banks and advance them towards a completely new model for banking. Users who need help using the GoBank app should seek mobile tech support when in trouble.  Read more »

Likemind Makes It Easier to Meet New Friends

When you move to a new town or city, one of the most difficult things to handle is the lack of social connections and support that comes with all-new surroundings.  However, there’s now an iPhone app and online service that attempts to solve this problem called Likemind.  Likemind acts as a giant bulletin board where users can post “fliers” inviting others to speak with them if they share a specific interest.  Fliers can be up to four pages long and users can creatively fill them with text and images in whatever layout they want.  Each flier has a specific amount of “tabs” that another user can take in order to contact the poster.  There are a limited number of tabs for each flier so if one flier is particularly popular, that user will not get flooded with extreme amounts of spam or contact requests.  This cool product also allows users to filter who sees their fliers.  You can limit your audience by age or gender in order to target a specific demographic if you wish.  If you have trouble using the app on iOS, iPhone tech support is something you should consider. Read more »

Tablo Wants to Streamline EBook Self-Publishing

While the rise of the eBook market has made self-publishing a viable concept for new writers, the process of getting your eBook onto online retail stores can still be complicated and difficult.  However, a new company called Tablo is looking to change this aspect of the self-publishing process.  Tablo is a cloud-based company that offers authors tools to not only help format their novels and short stories, but also easily publish them to online retail stores with a click.  This attempt to disrupt the eBook industry could potentially save many writers hours of time and stress if it delivers on its promise of an easier solution.  Authors want to spend more time honing their craft and less time navigating the complicated route to getting their work online.  Tablo is a cool product that’s in a position to capitalize on this market. Read more »

ParkMe Helps You Plan Parking Ahead of Time with Your Phone


Many of us have faced the struggle of trying to find a parking space in a crowded city.  Few things are more frustrating than reaching your destination but having to drive around for way too long to find a parking spot when you want to be out of your car already.  Fortunately, there is a cool product out there that can help make parking a less frustrating experience.  The ParkMe app is available for both iOS devices like the iPhone and the iPad as well as mobile Android devices.  It is an app that tracks parking availability in real time in major cities all across the country.  The app tracks both public parking spaces as well as private parking garages, giving you access to information on as many choices for parking as possible.  The app allows you to check availability in different parts of the city and allows you to choose your best options for parking accordingly.  If the version of Android on your mobile device gives you issues, you should talk to Android tech support for help. Read more »

The MediSafe Project Offers Help with Medication Compliance

Sometimes, you need a little help from your family and friends. The MediSafe Project calls itself the first cloud-synced mobile app that helps monitor if people take their medications when they should. The app lets users know when it is time for each medication.

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Patented - Patent Numbers: 6,898,435, 8,832,424 and 9,477,488
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