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Workable Helps Companies Find the Best Applicants

There are a many companies producing websites and software that help people when searching for a new job.  The uncertainty of the current job market has made these products popular as people look for any edge they can get when seeking a new position.  However, many people never think about the other side of the equation.  With so many people seeking new positions, companies can have a harder time sifting through applicants to find the best person for a new job.  Cool product Workable wants to help businesses select the right people for every open position they have.  Read more »

Spritz Wants to Change How People Read

Speed-reading is a highly sought after skill.  Thousands of people have purchased books and taken online courses in the hopes of finding ways to consume text more quickly.  While some do improve their abilities, just as many never significantly increase their reading speed.  Speed-reading methods work differently for each individual and are dependent on hours of practice, meaning that there are never any guarantees with these methods.  However, a new technology startup has researched a new way to help people read faster.  This cool product, named Spritz, uses technology and science to speed up the way people consume text automatically.  Spritz “streams” written content one word at a time at a predetermined pace, which avoids the time consuming nature of moving one’s eyes over different lines of text.  It sounds simple, but the process has proven to be successful for many people.  Even better, it requires no extra training or special methods that require extensive practice.  Anyone interested in using Spritz who has difficulty installing new applications on their computer should call computer tech support for help. Read more »

Rydis MR6550 Robot Vacuum Does Your Dirty Work for You!

In 1962 the Jetson’s cartoon prophesied the year 2062, where a robot maid named Rosie would swoop around on her caster wheels, bossing the Jetson family around and vacuuming every mess their slapstick antics created. Moneual’s Rydis MR6550 is like Rosie, only it’s the size of a cheesecake, and it’s quiet enough that you can sleep while it vacuums your house. Also, when you tell it to clean, it doesn’t talk back!  Read more »

Mobcaster Lets the Audience Decide What Shows it Airs

People’s definition of television is changing rapidly.  New realities of the web and streaming video have revolutionized how people consume video as entertainment.  Users seek more and more content from online sources such as Netflix and Hulu Plus rather than from their cable providers.  Many people have even cut the cord from cable companies completely, getting all their video content through the Internet.  This shift towards online streaming as a new standard for video entertainment opens to door to a slew of new possibilities and innovative business models for video content production.  Cool product Mobcaster is pushing one such new model.  This startup combines the concept of watching television online with the populist ideals behind crowdsourcing.  In crowdsourcing, the audience funds the projects they want to see completed.  Likewise, Mobcaster only airs the exclusive content that their viewers fund.  Audience members who experience buffering issues and hiccups on Mobcaster videos can fix their problems with help from a network support service. Read more »

Slice Manages People’s Online Shopping

Frequent online shoppers know that keeping up with their orders and can be an exercise in frustration, especially when ordering items from multiple sites.  With each order they place, customers receive new receipts in their inbox.  Someone making numerous online purchases a day can often find themselves lost in online confirmations and receipts and unable to keep track of when they bought what items.  This problem becomes exasperated if a shopper already has a flooded inbox due to their work or social life.  Cool product Slice offers people a solution that will prevent them from having to search through their email every time they need to find the details of a specific online order. Read more »

CodeNow Programs a Bright Future for Kids

The computer programming field looks about as exciting to most people as mowing their lawn with a pair of scissors. We imagine a field dominated by spastic geeks, hovering in lightless rooms over screens full of green Matrix code zooming past their eyes while they somehow magically decipher it. CodeNow is a nonprofit that decided to make computer programming accessible to inner city high-schoolers by making it fun!  Read more »

EasilyDo Automates the Management of People’s Lives

Many people assumed that smartphones would make life easier to manage.  However, in many cases, all mobile technology did was replace physical address books, appointment books, and travel itineraries with virtual versions of the same things.  People still have to manually manage their contacts, calendar, and travel plans.  They just manage them by tapping on their phone instead of writing in a notebook or typing on a desktop.  Cool product EasilyDo aims to deliver users a way to manage their lives that actually does change how people do things.  Read more »

CollegeSolved Helps High School Students Gain Acceptance to Their Dream Colleges

Searching for and applying to colleges is one of the most stressful experiences in a teenager’s life.  Finding the school that gives a student the best chance for his or her success is a difficult and intimidating process.  Despite this fact, many students find themselves applying to schools on their own, without outside help or resources.  Cool product CollegeSolved exists to give these students the resources they need to find good schools that are right for them.  The site aims to empower students to gain acceptance to their school of choice.  CollegeSolved provides students with a complete database of universities to search through while on the site.  Users can filter search results based on their personal SAT scores or high school GPA.  They can also filter results by a school’s tuition price and location.  Each university profile contains complete statistics relating to the school as well as recommendations for similar colleges.  Students who have trouble with the search function on the CollegeSolved website should seek online computer support. Read more »

Early Detection within 5 Miles of Home!

Imagine walking into your neighborhood pharmacy and having your body’s calcium, cholesterol, and sodium levels tested by a lab technician on the spot. Then imagine receiving a total medical bill of $9.85, covered by your insurance, with tests results in a matter of hours. Sounds like science fiction, but it’s already happening at select Walgreen’s stores. The Theranos Wellness Center is an innovative new CLIA-certified lab, partnered with Walgreen’s, and offering nearly 200 lab tests with no hospitals, no waiting rooms, and no needles! Read more »

Allayo Helps Families Keep Up with Their Healthcare Needs

Family life is constantly busy, especially with multiple children.  Work, school, extracurricular activities, and family functions all fill up people’s schedules very quickly.  The frenetic nature of family life can often lead to important things ending up neglected.  Probably the most important thing that people gloss over or forget about is healthcare needs.  Both adults and children often miss yearly physical exams, and kids sometimes even miss vaccinations and important tests.  There is a cool product out that can help avoid these oversights and make sure that keeping up with family healthcare is never an issue.  That cool product is Allayo, an iPhone application that acts as a “virtual assistant” to help people plan out their healthcare ahead of time and fit it into their schedules.  The product’s goal is to prevent parents from forgetting to keep track of important aspects of their family’s healthcare.  If any person has difficulty downloading the app on their Apple product, Apple tech support can always help provide a solution. Read more »

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