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February 19th, 2018 by
Kodak is not only one of the oldest continuously operating businesses in America and the world, but it was one of the first to sell cameras, film, and other accessories commercially. While it has had struggles adapting to changing technology in the more recent past, it has since found ways to keep up in the growing tech market. One of its most creative, innovative, and most advanced products thus far is its PD-450 dock and wifi photo printer. Technology in photography had grown well past the point of taking and holding physical pictures, not to mention the vast improvements in quality, and mobile technology has taken it further than that. With the PD-450, Kodak has found a way to merge both into something even better. Read more »
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February 16th, 2018 by
Fitbit is perhaps the premier name in the fitness tracker category, and the company’s newest offering is not just more of the same. It has always been a very popular brand, as well as probably the largest of its kind, and it had a hit with the Charge HR. That model came out in 2015, however, so a new release from Fitbit has been a good while coming in a quickly evolving tech market, and the answer was the Fitbit Charge 2. Read more »
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February 12th, 2018 by
Runners have a lot of apps to track various aspects of their runs, with a plethora of options from which to choose whether a phone app connected to a wearable on your wrist or one for a smartwatch. Now Under Armour, one of the premier names in sports and fitness wear, has released technology that is not only wearable but completely unnoticeable. What this means is that runners no longer need to wear a fitness watch or activity band to track your workouts. Instead, the technology is in their running shoes: the SpeedForm Gemini RE. Read more »
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February 9th, 2018 by
With all of the options available and new developments coming out every year, choosing a smartphone can be quite a challenge. There are almost innumerable factors to consider, and making the wrong choice can leave you stuck with a phone you hate sometimes for years before you can afford to make such a choice again. There is one widely agreed upon choice as one of the best phones ever available on the market: Google’s new Pixel 2. It is one of the newest generation of smartphones and, by the estimation of tech experts on such sites as, CNET, and Computer World, one of the best phones ever created. The question that we must ask, then is this: what exactly set is apart from other phones, and do those differences justify its place as one of the most talked-about new mobile devices? Read more »
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February 5th, 2018 by
There are many different ways people can make use of tech to listen to music in their cars. Newer models have built-in Bluetooth, the auxiliary cable can be a reliable choice, and people can still use CD players in some older models. There are some who still drive cars old enough to play cassette tapes. Whatever the case, there are clear drawbacks to each of these methods and situations in which they would not be usable. People driving older cars may need to retrofits their stereos with Bluetooth, and that would include a cost some would not find it worthwhile to pay. Many people would like to upgrade their audio experience while driving but do not want to pay for higher end Bluetooth audio adapters and find ones in their price range to either break down easily or offer low overall audio quality. Fortunately, there is one device on the tech market that solves all of these issues: the AUKEY Bluetooth audio transmitter. Read more »
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January 29th, 2018 by
It is unwise in an age of rapidly growing technology not to utilize it to your advantage in whatever your chosen field. This is true in the field of sports whether you are an owner, manager, coach, player, scout, or whatever your role. There are many ways in which professional sports in particular have already advanced due to the use of rapidly advancing tech, and a startup called Vantage Sports looks to go beyond the steps already taken. It is a tool that uses tech to change the way that sports teams, media, and fans collect, analyze, and use data. Read more »
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January 25th, 2018 by
While there are very few apps, if any, dedicated to improving the shipping of purchased good, the process has certainly seen improvements with technological advancements. Shipster is a service and an app made to be, in its creators’ words, the fastest way to send anything anywhere. It is not a shipping company in itself, but works with major shipping companies worldwide. Firstly, it addresses the issue caused by the refusal of many businesses to ship overseas or charging higher costs to do so by providing a U.S. address and low shipping rates to overseas consumers trying to buy from U.S. stores. They also offer package consolidation, competitively priced express shipping, and more. These are just the very most basic services Shipster offers, and it is the use of its app that give customers the real advantage. Read more »
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January 22nd, 2018 by
One of the things that has naturally resulted from the increasing accessibility of information and the removal of limitations on its access is the proliferation of open educational resources, or OERs. This includes any text, media, or other digital assets that are freely accessible and openly licensed for the purposes of teaching, learning, and research. OERs are the foundation of an education startup called panOpen, which seeks to, in its founders own words, promote their widespread adoption in education. While there is plenty of information available openly on sites like Wikipedia, it can be a lot to sift through and many people end up searching blindly or without direction. The other options include textbooks, which can be costly for students are many of which receive updated information that makes older versions nearly useless. PanOpen provides a platform for the reception of information gathered by professionals and focused on specific studies at a dramatically reduced cost. Read more »

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January 18th, 2018 by
Plenty of apps, analytics software, and similar services exist with the goal of better understanding and applying sports statistics to improve teams and how they play. Now, an app called Soccermetrics soccer data and analytics exists to mathematically ponder and solve problems in statistics that can apply toward a better understanding of soccer as a whole. Its main intent is, according to its creators, to advance the state of the art in applying math, science, and data to soccer. Soccer has been the last of the major sports to witness a data revolution despite advancing technology for technical and cultural reasons, and Soccermetrics is available to aid media organizations, teams, software developers, and leagues. The main difference between this app and other analytics software and apps is the complete dedication to soccer alone as well as its technical complexity. Read more »
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January 15th, 2018 by
The majority of workers in the U.S. receive hourly pay working as servers, baristas, salespeople, janitors, and many other such jobs. Unfortunately, even with websites and services like Craigslist, Facebook, and traditional job boards, businesses can have difficulty finding reliable hourly workers, and that very problem is one that a startup called Jobaline aims to fix. It does so by taking over where these other methods end. There is also a difficulty that can exist with language barriers, especially considering the number of Spanish-speaking people employed hourly in the U.S., and that is one of the major focuses of Jobaline’s service as well. Read more »