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There’s a New Tablet in Town

The computer tablet market is about to be shaken-up. Amazon’s Kindle Fire is almost here, and the tablet is already causing a stir. Analysts and bloggers agree that the advent of the Kindle Fire will usher in an era of real tablet competition. Several of the Kindle Fire’s features suggest that it is going to give apple’s iPad a run for its money. On the other hand, despite its great price of $199 (which International Business Times believes is a net loss for Amazon), the tablet has a few tech support and Internet security issues that are worth considering.

First of all, the Kindle Fire has several intriguing qualities like stereo speakers and 169 pixels per inch resolution, but these relatively high-tech features may require extra tech support down the road.

The Kindle’s Silk web browser is another interesting feature of the tablet, but according to ZDNet, the software has serious Internet security problems. The browser will make surfing the Internet super fast, but at a cost to Internet security and user privacy. To increase the browsing speed, the Silk browser depends on the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) to act as a Web proxy. As web browsing becomes delocalized with data passing through a third party (the Amazon cloud), Internet security threats are bound to increase. Users who use this feature may witness an increase in their need for tech support.

The good news is that users can enhance the tablet’s Internet security by turning off the Silk’s cloud-enhanced mode. Using the Silk in offline mode prevents data from passing through Amazon’s cloud, improving Internet security but also slowing down the browsing experience.

The Kindle’s traditional function as an e-book reader has been significantly revamped with this new model. Users will be able to use this tablet to watch rich color movies and television shows, listen to music, read magazines, browse the web, play games, and of course, read books. There are a few advantages to using the Kindle Fire to do all this rather than, say, an iPad. For example, Amazon’s tablet is almost a third of the price of an iPad2. Also, the Kindle Fire offers paid access to millions of books, millions of songs, and over 100,000 television shows and films.

According to PCWorld, Android-based apps and their related tech support for Amazon’s Kindle are limited. Since the Kindle Fire runs on a system similar to Google’s Android, future changes to the OS may create significant tech support issues for the Kindle Fire.

If Amazon’s tech support for the Kindle is anything like its customer care, then you can plan on finding quality tech support to help deal with the Internet security and other problems that require tech support. Still, the longer you wait before buying the product, the more you can count on tried and tested tech support and maybe even better Internet security.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Spare the Trip, Spoil the Computer

Simple computer problems that appear harmless can actually end up becoming serious issues that require costly or professional computer repairs. A louder than usual fan, an overheated base, random screen glitches, and strange internal noises are all easy to ignore at first, but these may be signs that your machine is on its way to requiring expert computer repair. Small changes in the way a computer acts can be the result of hardware failure or a software problem.

Viruses are one of the most common software-related problems that require computer support. In the past, computer repair service providers needed to be physically located in front of a computer to perform necessary computer repairs. Today, though, a good deal of personalized computer support occurs remotely! That means for people who can’t part with their machines for too long, computer repair experts can provide computer support by tapping into your computer from almost any location. By connecting to a computer via the Internet, computer repair experts can provide safe and secure computer support for a device as if it were in front of them.

Choosing remote computer support is a convenient option for several reasons. First, since you don’t have to physically take your machine to a computer repair shop, remote computer repair can take care of problems like virus removal and provide other kinds of computer support much faster. Remote computer support can also start fixing the problem as soon as you discover it, possibly minimizing the resulting harm. Instead of allowing a virus time to progressively wipeout your hard drive, for instance, remote computer support can nip it in the bud.

Remote computer repair is not only a solution to virus related problems. Hardware related problems can sometimes also be fixed with the remote assistance of a computer repair expert. Fan related problems are especially easy to handle over the phone or the Internet.

Alternatively, some computer support problems require the personal attention of a specialist. Laptop hardware computer repairs are often more difficult and are best handled directly by a professional. Even then, though, you can find computer support providers that come to your home or office to fix the problem in a short amount of time.

In the end, pay attention to small warning signs that can indicate more serious problems. Catching viruses or hardware problems early on, and getting the right kind of computer support can help prolong your machine’s lifespan. It’s also an easy way to reduce computer repair costs. If you’re delaying that trip to get your computer repaired because of a busy schedule, wait no longer; remote computer support is your best option.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Analytics and BIG Marketing

So just what is “analytics” in the world of computing today?  According to the impeccable Wikipedia, “analytics is the process of obtaining an optimal or realistic decision based on existing data.  Business managers may choose to make decisions based on past experiences or rules of thumb, or there might be other qualitative aspects to decision making; but unless there are data involved in the process, it would not be considered analytics.”  Therefore, business people are using computer support to gather vital information.

Most savvy members of the business end of Internet use, marketing, and Internet security are already busily using analytics to keep their competitive edges, just one of the many reasons that intellectual property and Internet security are such hot issues.  Here is an interesting twist though.  What if a behemoth of online marketing began allowing lesser competitors to use its giant market to market their goods?  What if this behemoth even provided lots of computer support and increased Internet security for them?  How could this be good for the behemoth’s bottom line?  Analytics is the answer.

If a giant online marketer can collaborate with a lot of lesser marketers, the giant marketer can then watch these marketers much more closely without violating any Internet security protocol.  This watching is possible since sales and demographic data of the smaller marketer will be a part of the giant’s business now.  This collaboration will essentially remove any issues of Internet security and spying.  The giant is cutting out the middleman – the computer support analytics guy who used to have to chase all over cyberspace getting this same information, sometimes even violating Internet security.

At the same time, the giant is improving its upfront profile by providing access to and computer support for all of these products and services without the consumer ever having to leave the giant’s site.  In addition, at least in the short run the smaller vendors are getting a potential boost in sales based on their greater visibility, not to mention a greater sense of Internet security for their customers and for themselves.  Unfortunately, it is difficult to see this as a mutually beneficial relationship for the long run.  In the business of Internet marketing and competition, the object seems to be to always to come out on top.

That is not to say that these larger operators are merely victimizing their smaller competitors.  For right now, it seems as if both are benefitting in good ways, sharing computer support and Internet security.

Just for the sake of argument though, before a smaller competitor signs a contract with one of the “big guys,” it would be good for them to consider exactly what sort of access to information they are giving the bigger entity in exchange for their greater visibility.  How much computer support and Internet security are they gaining or losing for the sake of some perhaps temporary increased sales?


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Smartphone Users: Beware the Fraud

Fraud is not new to humanity.  Impostors and counterfeiters are as old as the idea of property.  The only new developments occur in the scams we see and the venues where they are attempted.  The birth of the World Wide Web created a digital world loaded with sensitive information where clever con artists could ply their trade.  Today, Internet security is paramount to protecting financial information from theft by nefarious individuals.  Everyone needs to consider seeking computer support to ensure effective Internet security.

Internet security as a way to identify and prevent fraud, started simply.  Over time, increased Internet security and the computer support it requires have become more and more a priority for people doing business on the Internet.  As Internet security becomes more sophisticated, so do the methods used to steal information.  Internet security, cybercrime, and the constant computer support needed to help in this conflict represent a daily battleground.  Personal users, out of concern and genuine fear, need the help of expert computer support, and they need continuous education in effective ways to maintain their own Internet security.  As an example, banks and private companies have begun offering identity protection to consumers worried about the safety of their transactions.

The most current and troubling threat to Internet security is the growing number of mobile web users.  Smartphones and tablets alter the digital landscape once again, and wireless options and expanded coverage are right alongside them.  Knowledgeable computer support is all the more important as threats to the Internet security of mobile users multiply due to the lack of anti-virus software on many devices.

Improving Internet security against mobile fraud continues as a top priority for commercial entities and the computer support personnel they employ.  Simple prevention is still the best solution to reduce the possibility of a cybercrime affecting you, and effective, reliable computer support is the key to peace of mind.  Take the time to install protective software on that smartphone.  Do your shopping while on the go, but wait until you get home to make that purchase.  The Internet security of your home machine is probably far superior to your mobile device.  A little education and proactive computer support can help prevent the huge hassles caused by a breach in your internet security.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Technology Addiction

The amount of technology used in our daily lives continues expanding at record rates.  One alarming recent study found that 38% of college students polled could not make it ten minutes without checking an electronic device.  Tablets, smartphones, and a wide range of gadgets allow people to stay connected to their digital lives even while on the move.  Many workers utilize the mobile abilities of their computer as part of the job.  The need for reliable computer repair to keep all these processes functioning well is shown daily.  Additionally, excellent computer support is needed to fully take advantage of all of the new applications on the market.

College students are strong users of developing technology.  Today’s digital world almost completely envelops campuses.  Three quarters of those surveyed said they could not even study without their technology.  Obtaining effective computer support or computer repair to maintain devices is vital for today’s student.  Computer support and computer repair providers help students effectively integrate their devices with the school’s network.  The almost constant use of computer devices by today’s college student increases the demand and necessity for immediately available computer repair and computer support.  The computer repair industry seems to expand at a proportionate rate to the computer sales industry.

The market for tablets and ereaders is a growing area of interest also for students.  Digital textbooks could help save students a large amount of money over the course of a degree.  Having one device replace all the textbooks you used to lug around is great, but what if something goes wrong?  Faced with the possibility of being without your textbook, you need access to immediately available computer repair services.  Knowing where fast computer support and computer repair technicians are available 24/7/365 could save your grades.

A different study measured what people would be willing to give up rather than their mobile device.  The addiction of many to their web enabled gadgets is apparent in the results.  Over half the respondents would rather give up alcohol, caffeine or exercise than their device.  One out of five would rather go shoeless than lose their mobile phone.  The list of what some would do without rather than their mobile phone demonstrates the vital need to keep mobile connections strong.  The high priority of mobile connectivity for many will help computer support and computer repair companies maintain their business in a changing landscape.

More and more of the world connects digitally every day.  Computer support and computer repair are key in keeping the streams of virtual data flowing.  Many people rely on their mobile devices for work, play and communication.  All signs agree this is not a fad.  The need for effective computer repair to keep everything working properly remains constant as devices play a larger role in people’s work and social lives.  Make sure reliable computer repair is available for your devices, or you could find yourself cut off from the digital world.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Even Google Gets Hacked Sometimes

Hackers continue grabbing headlines with high profile attacks against the Internet security of governments and major corporations.  Hacktivists (hacker activists) attempting to make statements attacked various targets this year, again showing the importance of good virus removal and protection in a digital world.  Targets have ranged from PayPal and Visa to FBI associate Infragard, not always with obvious reasons.  Recent hacker arrests in the United States and Europe are attempts to combat the problem.   Google announced on Wednesday, July 20, they were the latest victim as hackers compromised their Internet security.

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Digital Textbooks Lighten the Load

Many students dread dealing with textbooks, traditionally one of the major expenses of a college education.  Long lines at the book store, and high prices quickly adding up when a class may require five or six titles have been unfortunate experiences for many.  Luckily, digital textbooks are now a viable option.  With the right computer support, acquiring digital textbooks for all your classes is much easier, and cheaper, than buying traditional books these days.

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Internet Devices Now Exceed Living Beings

The world has come to a startling realization.  A Cisco employee blogged that there are now more devices connected to the Internet than people on the planet to use them.  Technology’s role in our lives continues to grow, necessitating knowledge on topics from computer support to Internet security.  Humanity reached a strange milestone as our devices exceeded our population for the first time.  Internet security and computer support are larger issues than ever in our machine driven world.

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RESCUECOM Releases Q1 2011 Computer Reliability Report

The results are in for RESCUECOM’s first Computer Reliability Report of 2011, Lenovo claims the top spot!

SYRACUSE, N.Y., Jun. 6, 2011 — RESCUECOM’s Computer Reliability Report reveals the top five manufacturers with the best overall computer reliability.

“There have been some interesting changes over the last 3 months. We are in a time of rapid technical change and consumers more than ever need to have up-to-date unbiased guidance.” stated David Milman CEO of RESCUECOM.

The Computer Reliability Report gives an unbiased summary of the most reliable personal computer manufacturers. The top five brands with the best overall reliability in Q1 2011 are:

  1. IBM/Lenovo (254)
  2. Asus (242)
  3. Toshiba (164)
  4. Apple (149)
  5. HP/Compaq (122)

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Don’t Suffer from the Crash: Store Data Online

Don’t Suffer from the Crash: Store Data Online

Crashing computers and multiple devices create difficulties in getting documents on demand. Entire papers can be lost, or the wanted photograph is on another device.  Online data storage offers a solution to the issue. Customers can arrange for a digital file cabinet for data files and avoid lengthy processes to recover or carry wanted items.

More customers use storage websites as more people grow more mobile. The number of available websites to store information also increases with the demand. Some options include:, Dropbox, and MobileMe. Remember for expert and personal computer support, RESCUECOM offers a Remote Backup solution to protect all files against human or system errors through the device’s Internet connection. RESCUECOM’s trained technicians install the Remote Backup and will help retrieve lost information24 hours a day.

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