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Tech Support Blog

Technology Addiction

The amount of technology used in our daily lives continues expanding at record rates.  One alarming recent study found that 38% of college students polled could not make it ten minutes without checking an electronic device.  Tablets, smartphones, and a wide range of gadgets allow people to stay connected to their digital lives even while on the move.  Many workers utilize the mobile abilities of their computer as part of the job.  The need for reliable computer repair to keep all these processes functioning well is shown daily.  Additionally, excellent computer support is needed to fully take advantage of all of the new applications on the market.

College students are strong users of developing technology.  Today’s digital world almost completely envelops campuses.  Three quarters of those surveyed said they could not even study without their technology.  Obtaining effective computer support or computer repair to maintain devices is vital for today’s student.  Computer support and computer repair providers help students effectively integrate their devices with the school’s network.  The almost constant use of computer devices by today’s college student increases the demand and necessity for immediately available computer repair and computer support.  The computer repair industry seems to expand at a proportionate rate to the computer sales industry.

The market for tablets and ereaders is a growing area of interest also for students.  Digital textbooks could help save students a large amount of money over the course of a degree.  Having one device replace all the textbooks you used to lug around is great, but what if something goes wrong?  Faced with the possibility of being without your textbook, you need access to immediately available computer repair services.  Knowing where fast computer support and computer repair technicians are available 24/7/365 could save your grades.

A different study measured what people would be willing to give up rather than their mobile device.  The addiction of many to their web enabled gadgets is apparent in the results.  Over half the respondents would rather give up alcohol, caffeine or exercise than their device.  One out of five would rather go shoeless than lose their mobile phone.  The list of what some would do without rather than their mobile phone demonstrates the vital need to keep mobile connections strong.  The high priority of mobile connectivity for many will help computer support and computer repair companies maintain their business in a changing landscape.

More and more of the world connects digitally every day.  Computer support and computer repair are key in keeping the streams of virtual data flowing.  Many people rely on their mobile devices for work, play and communication.  All signs agree this is not a fad.  The need for effective computer repair to keep everything working properly remains constant as devices play a larger role in people’s work and social lives.  Make sure reliable computer repair is available for your devices, or you could find yourself cut off from the digital world.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Apple Opens Up Their iCloud

Cloud services are opening up across the Internet as the idea gains support from many.  In the minds of many, cloud computing is the wave of the future.  The system of cloud services could reduce operating costs such as computer equipment purchases and computer repair for many businesses and public institutions, while allowing for data sharing from any number of places or devices.  In the rush of cloud service startups competing to gain control of the market, Apple announced the first step toward public release of their new iCloud services.

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Be Proactive When it Comes to Computer Repair and Tech Support

Many of us are still passive technology users.  Concepts such as computer repair and tech support aren’t even considerations until an actual crisis arises.

Technology used to be so complicated that only experts would use it on a regular basis.  However, easy to use devices such as smartphones, mp3 players, and tablet computers allow anyone to be a regular tech user.  You no longer need to be a computer repair specialist or work in tech support to be able to operate these sorts of devices.

However, many of us rely on our tech, but never understand it.  Because we don’t understand all the ins and outs of the devices we’re using, we often panic when trouble hits.  That panic can often make a computer repair problem instantly worse.  Read more »

Rescuecom Computer Reliability Report – 2nd QT 2010

What is reliability?

When it comes to manufacturing a reliable computer, it means more than just putting together something that works.  It’s about putting together a computer that holds up and functions well over the long haul.  It’s about providing computer service when that computer doesn’t hold up, and about ensuring that a customer gets the fixes they need to get up and running again. Read more »

How to Choose a Quality Computer Repair Service

SYRACUSE, N.Y., August 27, 2010 – Any time you seek out computer repair or computer support services, you are putting a great deal of trust in someone.  To help you choose only a quality and reputable computer repair service, Rescuecom offers these tips.  Read more »

Rescuecom Releases Top 5 Tips for Handling a Technology Crisis

SYRACUSE, N.Y., August 19, 2010 – Any computer malfunction is a nerve wracking experience.  Whether it’s a situation that requires significant computer repair, or only minimal computer support, every computer crisis can seem like a catastrophe.  Rescuecom’s computer support specialists offer theses 5 tips for handling your next technology crisis.  Read more »

The How’s and Why’s of Malware

The number one cause for concern among Internet security and computer repair experts is malware.  A little known threat just a few years ago, these malicious programs can slip past Internet security and bring on extensive computer repair costs.

But what is malware?

Malware involves several different kinds of programs:

  • Trojan Horses
  • Rootkits
  • Viruses / Worms
  • Data Thieves Read more »

Viral Content: A Hidden Threat

Those funny videos on Facebook can actually be a major cause of computer repair problems.  Accessing viral content increases your chances of needing computer repair or computer support.

Just how extensive has the “viral video” craze gotten?

This week, a website called The Chive posted a series of pictures of a young woman quitting her job via dry erase board messages emailed to her co-workers. Read more »

Tips on Making a Budget Wise Technology Purchase

With many of us tightening our belts because of the recession, every purchase needs to be made with our budgets in mind. However, making a budget purchase when it comes to technology can sometimes turn into a budget buster once the high costs of computer repair and computer support are factored in.

Purchasing a budget minded product can be a short term cost savings.  Unfortunately, those cost savings are often offset by additional costs for computer repair and computer support that these devices incur. Read more »

Even the Smallest Change Can Lead to Problems

Do you know what every update, installation, and change does to your computer?  Computer repair and computer support issues can be caused by obvious things, like physical damage.  But they can also be the result of even simple changes to your computer.

Being aware of these changes, and their potential for causing trouble, is a key step in avoiding a costly computer repair or computer support problem. Read more »

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