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Tech Support Blog

Tynker Teaches Programming Fundamentals to Kids

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Most parents would agree that they would like to have as many opportunities as possible to teach their children the skills necessary to thrive as an adult. Learning the foundation for important abilities during the child’s younger years is vital to this process. This is the thought behind educational T.V. shows or many toys and games designed to help kids learn. With the increasing prevalence of technology in all aspects of life, having a solid understanding of computer skills has become one of the main things necessary to function well in society. The team behind Tynker understands this fact and gears their product specifically towards helping children learn such skills. Read more »

CodeNow Programs a Bright Future for Kids

The computer programming field looks about as exciting to most people as mowing their lawn with a pair of scissors. We imagine a field dominated by spastic geeks, hovering in lightless rooms over screens full of green Matrix code zooming past their eyes while they somehow magically decipher it. CodeNow is a nonprofit that decided to make computer programming accessible to inner city high-schoolers by making it fun!  Read more »

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