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May 30th, 2014 by
For decades, watching and studying game film has been a constant source of help for high school and college athletic teams. Taping performances to learn from mistakes and discover where certain strategies work and don’t work is something that varsity coaches in dozens of sports do for their players. However, athletes do not always have an easy time learning from the tape presented to them. Not every player knows exactly what to look for or what the most important elements of their performances to inspect are when studying tape. This lack of understanding can frustrate coaches and prevent time studying film from being productive for athletes. Cool person in technology Vasu Kulkarni founded his company Krossover to prevent this from happening to high school, college and even professional sports teams. Read more »
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October 23rd, 2013 by
For star athletes in High School, recruitment for college sports can be an intimidating and overwhelming process. Students often aren’t sure how to get their names or profiles recognized by different athletics departments and coaches. Finding and contacting coaches can also be exhausting for athletes that have to scour the web for contact information. BeRecruited is a social network and cool product that tries to make the recruitment process simpler for both student athletes and the programs that recruit them. The site offers students and coaches the ability to create online profiles and connect through the site. This keeps all recruiting information centralized and in one place for both students and coaches, which could potentially save everyone involved both time and stress. Coaches or students who lack extensive experience with social networks will want to contact online tech support to get the proper assistance. Read more »